This cookbook installs and configures Selenium (
This cookbook comes with the following recipes:
- default - Downloads and installs Selenium Standalone jar.
- hub - Installs and configures a Selenium Hub as a service.
- node - Installs and configures a Selenium Node as service on Linux and a GUI service on Mac OS X and Windows.
Resources selenium_hub and selenium_node are also available.
See selenium_grid cookbook that wraps selenium, browsers, drivers, and screenresolution cookbooks into one comprehensive cookbook.
- Java (not installed by this cookbook)
- Chef 11.16+
- CentOS, RedHat
- Mac OS X
- Ubuntu
- Windows
- windows
- nssm - Required by Windows services only (e.g. Hub and HtmlUnit running in background)
- macosx_autologin - Required by Mac OS X GUI services
Downloads and installs Selenium Standalone jar.
- The download URL of Selenium Standalone jar.node['selenium']['windows']['home']
- Home directory. Default#{ENV['SYSTEMDRIVE']}/selenium
- Path to Java executable. Default#{ENV['SYSTEMDRIVE']}\\java\\bin\\java.exe
- Home directory. Default/opt/selenium
- Path to Java executable. Default/usr/bin/java
Installs and configures a Selenium Hub as a service.
- The name of the service. Defaultselenium_hub
- Defaultnull
- Default4444
- Defaultnil
- Default-1
- Default[]
- Defaultnull
- Defaultorg.openqa.grid.internal.utils.DefaultCapabilityMatcher
- Defaulttrue
- Default5000
- Default5000
- Default30_000
- Default0
- Default5
- Default-1
Installs and configures a Selenium Node as service on Linux and a GUI service on Mac OS X and Windows.
- Firefox browser must be installed outside of this cookbook.
- Linux nodes without a physical monitor require a headless display (e.g., xvfb, x11vnc, etc...) and must be installed and configured outside this cookbook.
- Mac OS X/Windows nodes must run as a GUI service and that requires a username
and password for automatic login. Note that Windows password is stored unencrypted under windows registry
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
and Mac OS X password is stored encrypted under/etc/kcpassword
but it can be easily decrypted.
- The name of the service. Defaultselenium_node
- Defaultip
- Default5555
- Defaultnil
- Defaultorg.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy
- Default5
- Defaulttrue
- Default5000
- Selenium-grid hub hostname. Default4444
- Selenium-grid hub port. Defaultip
- Based on capabilities. Default[]
- Default[]
- Default:0
.- Mac OS X/Windows only - Set both username and password to run as a GUI service:
- Defaultnil
- Defaultnil
. Note that Windows password is stored unencrypted under windows registryHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
and Mac OS X password is stored encrypted under/etc/kcpassword
but it can be easily decrypted.domain
- Optional for Windows only. Defaultnil
node.override['selenium']['node']['username'] = 'vagrant' if platform?('windows', 'mac_os_x')
node.override['selenium']['node']['password'] = 'vagrant' if platform?('windows', 'mac_os_x')
node.override['selenium']['node']['capabilities'] = [
browserName: 'firefox',
maxInstances: 5,
seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
browserName: 'htmlunit',
maxInstances: 1,
platform: 'ANY',
seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
include_recipe 'selenium::node'
Installs and configures a Selenium Hub as a service.
This is a partial list of attributes available. See hub resource for the complete listing of attributes.
- Name attribute. The name of the
- Hostname. Defaultnull
- Port. Default4444
Installs and configures a Selenium Node as a service.
This is a partial list of attributes available. See node resource for the complete listing of attributes.
- Name attribute. The name of the
- Hostname. Defaultnull
- Port. Default5555
- Selenium-grid hub hostname. Defaultip
- Selenium-grid hub port. Default4444
- Based on capabilities. Default[]
.- Mac OS X/Windows only - Set both username and password to run as a GUI service:
- Defaultnil
- Defaultnil
. Note that Windows password is stored unencrypted under windows registryHKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
and Mac OS X password is stored encrypted under/etc/kcpassword
but it can be easily decrypted.domain
- Optional for Windows only. Defaultnil
selenium_node 'selenium_node' do
username 'vagrant' if platform?('windows', 'mac_os_x')
password 'vagrant' if platform?('windows', 'mac_os_x')
capabilities [
browserName: 'firefox',
maxInstances: 5,
seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
browserName: 'htmlunit',
maxInstances: 1,
platform: 'ANY',
seleniumProtocol: 'WebDriver'
action :install
The Selenium cookbook includes custom ChefSpec matchers you can use to test your own cookbooks.
Example Matcher Usage
expect(chef_run).to install_selenium_hub('resource_name').with(
port: '4444'
Selenium Cookbook Matchers
- install_selenium_hub(resource_name)
- install_selenium_node(resource_name)
- Ask specific questions on Stack Overflow.
- Report bugs and discuss potential features in Github issues.
Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.
MIT - see the accompanying LICENSE file for details.