- Document number: P1255R5
- Date: {{{date(%Y-%m-%d)}}}
- Author: Steve Downey <sdowney2@bloomberg.net>, <sdowney@gmail.com>
- Audience: LEWG
Remove Readable as part of the specification, use the useful requirements from Readable
Behavior of capture vs refer is similar to how view::all works over the expression it is given
Match current working paper language
Removed view::maybe_has_value and view::maybe_value, instead requiring that the nullable type be dereferenceable and contextually convertible to bool.
Concept Nullable, which is Readable and contextually convertible to bool
Hold a copy when constructing a view over a nullable rvalue.
Introduced two exposition types, one safely holding a copy, the other referring to the nullable
Removed view::maybe_has_value and view::maybe_value, instead requiring that the nullable type be dereferenceable and contextually convertable to bool.
Concept Nullable, which is Readable and contextually convertable to bool
Hold a copy when constructing a view over a nullable rvalue.
Introduced two exposition types, one safely holding a copy, the other referring to the nullable
In writing range transformation it is useful to be able to lift a nullable value into a view that is either empty or contains the value held by the nullable. The adapter view::single
fills a similar purpose for non-nullable values, lifting a single value into a view, and view::empty
provides a range of no values of a given type. A view::maybe
adaptor also allows nullable values to be treated as ranges when it is otherwise undesirable to make them containers, for example std::optional
std::vector<std::optional<int>> v{
std::optional<int>{6 * 9}};
auto r = view::join(view::transform(v, view::maybe));
for (auto i : r) {
std::cout << i; // prints 42 and 54
In addition to range transformation pipelines, view::maybe
can be used in range based for loops, allowing the nullable value to not be dereferenced within the body. This is of small value in small examples in contrast to testing the nullable in an if statement, but with longer bodies the dereference is often far away from the test. Often the first line in the body of the if
is naming the dereferenced nullable, and lifting the dereference into the for loop eliminates some boilerplate code, the same way that range based for loops do.
auto&& opt = possible_value();
if (opt) {
// a few dozen lines ...
use(*opt); // is *opt OK ?
for (auto&& opt : view::maybe(possible_value())) {
// a few dozen lines ...
use(opt); // opt is OK
The view can be on a std::reference_wrapper
, allowing the underlying nullable
to be modified:
std::optional o{7};
for (auto&& i : view::maybe(std::ref(o))) {
i = 9;
std::cout << "i=" << i << " prints 9\n";
std::cout << "o=" << *o << " prints 9\n";
Of course, if the nullable is empty, there is nothing in the view to modify.
auto oe = std::optional<int>{};
for (int i : view::maybe(std::ref(oe)))
std::cout << "i=" << i << '\n'; // does not print
Converting an optional type into a view can make APIs that return optional types, such a lookup operations, easier to work with in range pipelines.
std::unordered_set<int> set{1, 3, 7, 9};
auto flt = [=](int i) -> std::optional<int> {
if (set.contains(i))
return i;
return {};
for (auto i : ranges::iota_view{1, 10} | ranges::view::transform(flt)) {
for (auto j : view::maybe(i)) {
for (auto k : ranges::iota_view(0, j))
std::cout << '\a';
std::cout << '\n';
// Produce 1 ring, 3 rings, 7 rings, and 9 rings
Add a range adaptor object view::maybe
, returning a view over a nullable object, capturing by value temporary nullables. A Nullable
object is one that is both contextually convertible to bool and for which the type produced by dereferencing is an equality preserving object. Non void pointers, std::optional
, and the proposed outcome
and expected
types all model Nullable. Function pointers do not, as functions are not objects. Iterators do not generally model Nullable, as they are not required to be contextually convertible to bool.
The basis of the design is to hybridize view::single
and view::empty
. If the underlying object claims to hold a value, as determined by checking if the object when converted to bool is true, begin
and end
of the view are equivalent to the address of the held value within the underlying object and one past the underlying object. If the underlying object does not have a value, begin
and end
return nullptr
Call LEWG’s attention to the use of `ptrdiff_t` as the return type of `size` (which is consistent with `single_view`). The author has a weak preference for a signed type here, but a strong preference for consistency with other Range types.
returns a View over a Nullable that is either empty if the nullable is empty, or provides access to the contents of the nullable object.
The name view::maybe denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). For some subexpression E, the expression view::maybe(E) is expression-equivalent to:
– maybe_view{E}, the View specified below, if the expression is well formed, where decay-copy(E) is moved into the maybe_view
– otherwise view::maybe(E) is ill-formed.
[Note: Whenever view::maybe(E) is a valid expression, it is a prvalue whose type models View. — end note ]
Types that:
– are contextually convertible to bool
– are dereferenceable
– have const references which are dereferenceable
– the iter_reference_t of the type and the iter_reference_t of the const type, will :
– satisfy is_lvalue_reference
– satisfy is_object when the reference is removed
– for const pointers to the referred to types, satisfy ConvertibleTo model the exposition only Nullable concept
– Or are a reference_wrapper around a type that satifies Nullable
Given a value i of type I, I models Nullable only if the expression *i is equality-preserving. [ Note: The expression *i is indirectly required to be valid via the exposition-only dereferenceable concept ([iterator.synopsis]). — end note ]
namespace std::ranges {
// For Exposition
template <class Ref, class ConstRef>
concept bool ReadableReferences =
is_lvalue_reference_v<Ref> &&
is_object_v<remove_reference_t<Ref>> &&
is_lvalue_reference_v<ConstRef> &&
is_object_v<remove_reference_t<ConstRef>> &&
const remove_reference_t<Ref>*>;
template <class T>
concept bool Nullable =
is_object_v<T> &&
requires(T& t, const T& ct) {
bool(ct); // Contextually bool
*t; // T& is deferenceable
*ct; // const T& is deferenceable
&& ReadableReferences<iter_reference_t<T>, // Ref
iter_reference_t<const T>>; // ConstRef
template <class T>
concept bool WrappedNullable =
&& Nullable<typename T::type>;
int j = 8;
int* pj = &j;
for (auto i : view::maybe(pj))
std::cout << i; // prints 8
template <typename Maybe>
requires ranges::CopyConstructible<Maybe> &&
(Nullable<Maybe> ||
class maybe_view
: public ranges::view_interface<maybe_view<Maybe>> {
// For Exposition
using T = /* see below */
/semiregular-box/<Maybe> value_;
constexpr maybe_view() = default;
constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe const& maybe)
constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe&& maybe)
template<class... Args>
requires Constructible<Maybe, Args...>
constexpr maybe_view(in_place_t, Args&&... args);
constexpr T* begin() noexcept;
constexpr const T* begin() const noexcept;
constexpr T* end() noexcept;
constexpr const T* end() const noexcept;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t size() const noexcept;
constexpr T* data() noexcept;
constexpr const T* data() const noexcept;
Where the type alias T is the iter_reference_t with the reference removed of either the type Maybe or the type reference_wrapper<Maybe>::type.
// For Exposition
using T = std::remove_reference_t<
ranges::iter_reference_t<typename unwrap_ref<Maybe>::type>>;
constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe const& maybe)
Effects: Initializes value_ with maybe. 🔗
constexpr explicit maybe_view(Maybe&& maybe)
Effects: Initializes value_ with src_C++[:exports code]{std::move(maybe)}. 🔗
template<class... Args>
constexpr maybe_view(in_place_t, Args&&... args);
Effects: Initializes value_ as if by src_C++[:exports code]{value_{in_place, std::forward<Args>(args)…}}. 🔗
constexpr T* begin() noexcept;
constexpr const T* begin() const noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to: src_C++[:exports code]{return data();}. 🔗
constexpr T* end() noexcept;
constexpr const T* end() const noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to: src_C++[:exports code]{return data() + size();}. 🔗
static constexpr ptrdiff_t size() noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to:
if constexpr (is_reference_wrapper_v<Maybe>) {
return bool(value_.get().get());
} else {
return bool(value_.get());
constexpr T* data() noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to:
Maybe& m = value_.get();
if constexpr (is_reference_wrapper_v<Maybe>) {
return m.get() ? std::addressof(*(m.get())) : nullptr;
} else {
return m ? std::addressof(*m) : nullptr;
constexpr const T* data() const noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to:
const Maybe& m = value_.get();
if constexpr (is_reference_wrapper_v<Maybe>) {
return m.get() ? std::addressof(*(m.get())) : nullptr;
} else {
return m ? std::addressof(*m) : nullptr;
The name view::maybe
denotes a customization point object ([customization.point.object]). For some subexpression E, the expression view::maybe(E)
is expression-equivalent to maybe_view{E}
A pure library extension, affecting no other parts of the library or language.
[P0896R3] Eric Niebler, Casey Carter, Christopher Di Bella. The One Ranges Proposal URL: https://wg21.link/p0896r3
[P0323R7] Vicente Botet, JF Bastien. std::expected URL: https://wg21.link/p0323r7