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Managing personal pages

Marco Pernpruner edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 7 revisions

This document provides instructions on how to handle personal pages on the S&T website.

We provide each unit member or collaborator with the possibility to have a personal page on the S&T website. This page can be referenced in publications, presentations, email signatures, and any other relevant place.

Structure of the pages

Each unit member or collaborator can have his/her personal page under the _people/ folder; the name of the page must have the following format (lowercase):

Particular nomenclative rules:

  • in case of multiple names or surnames, they must all be separated by dashes (e.g., Marco Antonio De Angelis -> marco-antonio-de-angelis);
  • in case of punctuation characters, they must be removed (e.g., Giuseppe Dall'Orso -> giuseppe-dallorso);
  • in case of accented characters, they must be normalized (e.g., Eleonora Chistè -> eleonora-chiste).

Personal pages are structured as follows:

  • Header (name, surname, role within the unit)
  • Picture
  • Biography*
  • Personal contacts
  • Personal links*
  • List of publications (automatically extracted, only FBK-related)

The sections with an asterisk (*) can be updated directly by the page's owner. The next sections aim to illustrate how to customize those sections.

Upon creation, the personal page will be displayed as a link in your personal card on the website. The link of the page follows the format (without the .md extension):

How to edit

Technical indications

For technical indications on how to edit the repository, visit this guide.

Edit your page

Your personal page must start with the following preamble, so please do not modify it:

person: *your unique ID*

Edit your biography

After the preamble (i.e., after the closing ---), you can insert your biography by using Markdown syntax.

Biographies should be strictly related to personal/working experiences.

Edit your personal links

Within the preamble (i.e., before the closing ---), you can place the following structure:

links:          # List of external links (more name-value pairs can be added)
  - name:         # Name of the external service (see below)
    value:        # Value for the specific external service (see below)

Here you can find a list of links that you can insert within your profile. Use the related name under the name field, and the *value* extracted from the URL under the value field:

Name Description Value to insert
ACM User's profile on ACM Digital Library*value*
CV User's curriculum vitae *value* (whole URL, including leading http(s)://)
dblp User's profile on DBLP*value*.html
IEEE User's profile on IEEE Xplore*value*
GitHub User's profile on GitHub*value*
GoogleScholar User's profile on Google Scholar*value*
LinkedIn User's profile on LinkedIn*value*
ORCID User's profile on ORCID*value*
ResearchGate User's profile on ResearchGate*value*
Website User's personal website *value* (whole URL, including leading http(s)://)
X User's profile on X (formerly Twitter)*value*


For any enquiry (including proposals for new services to allow as external links), please contact Marco.