I'm Sthefanie Monica. I have strong media and communication professional with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). I am an experienced developer skilled in Python, MATLAB, C++, Javascript, Machine learning, Artificial Inteligence and Python frameworks. My activities are much beyond my stream of education. ⚡ I was involved in a lot of organizational works in college related to clubs, hackathons, projects and workshops.
- Current Senior Data Scientist at Heineken
- Anti Fraud Specialist at Santander
- Instructor of Machine Learning at Alura
- Visual computing researcher at PROADI SUS HIAE (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein)
- Intern at Alura - Focused on Machine Learning
- TDC 2021 Speaker “Does machines really see?”
- Speaker for the community Women in AI “Does machines really see?”
- Speaker of the Freshman Welcome Week Software Engineering UEPG 2022 “Where to start in Data Science?”
- Cientific Researcher at UTFPR applied in Neural Networks, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Participant in NASA Hackathon 2020, Space Apps COVID Challenge.
- Participant in NASA Hackathon 2019, Space Apps Challenge. Second place Winner at NASA Hackathon locally (Ponta Grossa, PR - Brazil).
- Participant in NASA Hackathon 2018, Space Apps Challenge.
- President at Academic Center for Electrical Engineering
- Substitute member at Counselor of the Graduation and Professional Education Council of UTFPR
- Performance in UTForce e-Racing
A woman who loves to learn and teach. Technology and travel are two great passions of my life. 😍😍
You can ask me anything, I love to chat and exchange ideas about all things, especially AI related projects . I'm looking forward to absorb knowledge🧠, gain experience 🏭, collaborate🤝 and build amazing products 🏭 for the world! 🌍
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change" - Stephen Hawking