VHDL Source: olo_base_arb_rr
This entity implements a round-robin arbiter. If multiple bits are asserted in the In_Req vector, the left-most bit is forwarded to the grant vector first. Next, the second left-most bit that is set is forwarded etc. Whenever at least one bit in the Out_Grant vector is asserted, the Out_Valid handshaking signal is asserted to signal that a request was granted. The consumer of the Out_Grant vector signalizes that the granted access was executed by pulling Out_Ready high.
Note that the round-robin arbiter is implemented without an output register. Therefore combinatorial paths between input and output exist and it is recommended to add a register-stage to the output as early as possible.
Especially interesting is the part in orange. At this point the arbiter does not grant access to bit 3 because it already granted this request in the clock cycle before. However, it continues to grant access to the highest-priority (i.e. left-most) bit of the request vector that is still left of the bit set in the last Out_Grant output. If the In_Req vector asserts a higher priority this change is directly forwarded to the output. This is shown in the orange section of the waveform.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Width_g | positive | - | Number of requesters (number of bits in In_Req and Out_Grant vectors) |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Clk | in | 1 | - | Clock |
Rst | in | 1 | - | Reset input (high-active, synchronous to Clk) |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
In_Req | in | Width_g | - | Request vector. The highest (left-most) bit has highest priority. |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Out_Grant | out | Width_g | N/A | Grant output signal |
Out_Ready | out | 1 | N/A | AXI-S handshaking signal, Asserted whenever Grant != 0 |
Out_Valid | out | 1 | N/A | AXI-S handshaking signal The state of the arbiter is updated upon Out_Ready = '1' |
Note that the output is not fully AXI4-Stream compliant because the Out_Grant vector can change its value while Out_Valid is asserted (as shown in the example waveform further up). Still the naming of the signals was kept because it seems relatively natural to the arbiter behavior.
Not described in detail. Refer to the code for details.