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This webpage contains statistical and methodological papers about SIENA
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- Ruth M. Ripley, Tom A.B. Snijders, Zsófia Boda, Andras Vörös, and Paulina Preciado (2024). Manual for SIENA version 4.0. Oxford: University of Oxford, Department of Statistics; Nuffield College.
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2024). Siena algorithms. This paper gives a sketch of the main algorithms used in RSiena. It is meant as background material for understanding the code of RSiena.
For remaining users of Siena 3:
- Tom A.B. Snijders, Christian E.G. Steglich, Michael Schweinberger, and Mark Huisman (2010). Manual for SIENA version 3.2. University of Groningen: ICS / Department of Sociology; University of Oxford: Department of Statistics, (2010).
- (Note that Siena 3 is no longer supported, and any remaining users are being advised to switch to RSiena! This program is still mentioned here for those who wish to use its functionality for estimation of Exponential Random Graph Models).
- Snijders, T.A.B., van de Bunt, G.G., and Steglich, C.E.G. (2010). Introduction to actor-based models for network dynamics. Social Networks, 32, 44-60. This is a tutorial. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2009.02.004.
- Alberto Caimo and Nial Friel (2014). Actor-Based Models for Longitudinal Networks. Pp. 9-18 in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. New York: Springer. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6170-8_166.
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2005). Models for Longitudinal Network Data. Chapter 11 in P. Carrington, J. Scott, & S. Wasserman (Eds.), Models and methods in social network analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-247.
- Tom A.B. Snijders. (2017). Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for Network Dynamics. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4, 343-363. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-statistics-060116-054035. Here is the e-print access to this article.
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2017) (first edition 2014). Siena: Statistical Modeling of Longitudinal Network Data. Pp. 1718-1725 in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. New York: Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-7163-9_312-1.
- Tom A.B. Snijders and Christian E.G. Steglich (2024) (first edition 2011). Network Dynamics. Chapter 34 (pp. 501-512) in John McLevey, John Scott and Peter J. Carrington (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis, 2nd edition. London: Sage.
- Christian E.G. Steglich, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Michael Pearson (2010). Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence. Sociological Methodology, 40, 329-393. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9531.2010.01225.x
- Yuval Kalish (2020). Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models for the Co-Evolution of Networks and Behavior: An Introduction and Tutorial. Organizational Research Methods, 23, 511-534. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1094428118825300
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2009). Longitudinal Methods of Network Analysis . Pp. 5998-6013 in Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science (editor-in-chief Bob Meyers), part of the Social Networks section (section editor John Scott), Springer Verlag, 2009.
- René Veenstra, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Christian Steglich and Maarten H. W. Van Zalk (2013). Network-Behavior Dynamics. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23, 399-412. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jora.12070
- Kayo Fujimoto, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Thomas W. Valente (2018). Multivariate dynamics of one-mode and two-mode networks: Explaining similarity in sports participation among friends. Network Science, 6, 370-395. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/nws.2018.11
- James Hollway, Alessandro Lomi, Francesca Pallotti, and Christoph Stadtfeld (2017). Multilevel social spaces: The network dynamics of organizational fields. Network Science, 5, 187-212. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/nws.2017.8
- Johan Koskinen, Johan and Christopher Edling (2012). Modelling the evolution of a bipartite network - Peer referral in interlocking directorates. Social Networks, 34, 309-322. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2010.03.001.
- Tom A.B. Snijders, Alessandro Lomi, and Vanina Jasmine Torló (2013). A model for the multiplex dynamics of two-mode and one-mode networks, with an application to employment preference, friendship, and advice. Social Networks, 35, 265-276.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2012.05.005.
(In Figure 2, Y_{ia} and Y_{ja} should be interchanged.)
- Timon Elmer, Zsófia Boda, and Christoph Stadtfeld (2017). The co-evolution of emotional well-being with weak and strong friendship ties. Network Science, 5, 278-307. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/nws.2017.20
- Zsófia Boda, Bálint Néray, and Tom A. B. Snijders (2020). The Dynamics of Interethnic Friendships and Negative Ties in Secondary School: The Role of Peer-Perceived Ethnicity. Social Psychology Quarterly, 83, 342-362. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0190272520907594
- Alejandro Espinosa-Rada, Elisa Bellotti, Martin G. Everett, and Christoph Stadtfeld (2024). Co-evolution of a socio-cognitive scientific network: A case study of citation dynamics among astronomers. Social Networks, 78, 92-108. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2023.11.008
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2016). The Multiple Flavours of Multilevel Issues for Networks.
Chapter 2 in Emmanuel Lazega and Tom A.B. Snijders (eds.),Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences, Cham: Springer. - Tom A.B. Snijders and Chris Baerveldt (2003). A Multilevel Network Study of the Effects of Delinquent Behavior on Friendship Evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 27, 123-151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00222500390213119
- Tom A.B. Snijders, Malick Faye, and Julien Brailly (2020). Network dynamics with a nested node set: Sociability in seven villages in Senegal. Statistica Neerlandica 74, 300-323. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/stan.12208
- Johan Koskinen and Tom A.B. Snijders (2023). Multilevel longitudinal analysis of social networks. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 186, 376–400. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssa/qnac009
- Per Block, Johan Koskinen, James Hollway, Christian Steglich, and Christoph Stadtfeld (2017). Change we can believe in: Comparing longitudinal network models on consistency, interpretability and predictive power. Social Networks, 52, 180-191. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2017.08.001
- Tom Broekel, Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Martijn Burger, and Frank van Oort (2014). Modeling knowledge networks in economic geography: a discussion of four methods. The Annals of Regional Science 53, 423-452. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00168-014-0616-2
- Mark Lubell, John Scholz, Ramiro Berardo, and Garry Robins (2012). Testing Policy Theory with Statistical Models of Networks. Policy Studies Journal 40, 351-374. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-0072.2012.00457.x
- Garry Robins, Jenny M. Lewis, and Peng Wang (2012). Statistical Network Analysis for Analyzing Policy Networks. Policy Studies Journal 40, 375-401. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-0072.2012.00458.x
- Tom A.B. Snijders. (2011). Statistical Models for Social Networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37, 129-151. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev.soc.012809.102709 eprint: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.soc.012809.102709
- Veenstra, R., Bertogna, T., and Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2024). The growth of longitudinal social network analysis: A review of the key data sets and topics in research on child and adolescent development. In M. E. Feinberg & D. W. Osgood (Eds.), Teen Friendship Networks, Development, and Risky Behavior (pp. 326-352). DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197602317.003.0014
- Veenstra, R., and Dijkstra, J.K. (2011). Transformations in Peer Networks. Chapter 7 (pp. 135-154) in B. Laursen and W.A. Collins (eds.), Relationship Pathways: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood. New York: Sage.
- Veenstra, R., and Steglich, C. (2012). Actor-based model for network and behavior dynamics: A tool to examine selection and influence processes. Chapter 34 (pp. 598-618) in B. Laursen, T. D. Little, and N. A. Card (Eds.), Handbook of developmental research methods. New York: Guilford Press.
- Tom A.B. Snijders (2018) [2011], Network Dynamics . Chinese translation (2018) for Chongqing University Press of Network Dynamics, Chapter 33 (pp. 501-513) in John Scott and Peter J. Carrington (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis. London: Sage, 2011.
- Huisman, Mark, and Snijders, Tom A.B. (2003), Een stochastisch model voor netwerkevolutie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 58, 182-194.
- de Federico de la Rua, Ainhoa (2004), L'Analyse Longitudinale de Reseaux sociaux totaux avec SIENA - Methode, discussion et application. BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 84, October 2004, 5-39.
- Steglich, Christian, and Knecht, Andrea (2009), Die statistische Analyse dynamischer Netzwerkdaten. In: Christian Stegbauer and Roger Häußling (Eds.), Handbuch der Netzwerkforschung, Wiesbaden (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften).
- Savoia, Laura (2007), L'analisi della dinamica del network con SIENA. In: A. Salvini (a cura di), Analisi delle reti sociali. Teorie, metodi, applicazioni, Milano: FrancoAngeli. (The software demonstration here is outdated; it uses the old StOCNET implementation.)
- Alejandro Espinosa-Rada (2022). Modelos estocásticos orientados en el actor utilizando RSiena (I). Guión básico introductorio. REDES 33.1, 92-99. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/redes.936
- Alejandro Espinosa-Rada (2022). Modelos estocásticos orientados en el actor utilizando RSiena (II). Formato de los Datos. REDES 33.1, 100-111. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/redes.937
- Ainhoa de Federico de la Rua (2005). El analisis dinamico de redes sociales con SIENA. Metodo, Discusion y Aplicacion. Empiria, 10, 151-181. A preprint is available here.
- Isidro Maya Jariego and Ainhoa de Federico de la Rua (2006). El analisis dinamico de redes sociales con SIENA. In: Jose Luis Molina, Agueda Quiroga, Joel Marti, Isidro Maya Jariego, and Ainhoa de Federico (eds.), Talleres de autoformacion con progamas informaticos de analisis de redes sociales, Bellaterra: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.