is a tiny web server to help hobbyists and developers who are using micropython to develop their own projects.
The project is so named as a nod to Flask
The current status of this project is alpha. It is currently designed to target the nodemcu
chip, and only the
core micropython project. However, this will encompass other libraries that can use micropython
, and thereby, circuitpython
- To make pin 2 output and switch it on, send get request to
- To read from pin 2 with PULL_UP, send get request to
- To measure from a sensor,
(Returns two number separated by a comma)
- Connect to nodemcu using
ormicropython webrepl
command line tool. - After nodemcu boots up, it will run followed by
- You can send files to nodemcu as well using webrepl.
A sample query to retrieve the temperature for all onewire ds18b20 sensors connected to pin 4:
GET /measure/4?type=ds18b20 Response: { 'temperatures': [ [ { 'id': '0xc30316b1c398ff28', 'temperature': 28.6875 }, { 'id': '0xf70024984322ef28', 'temperature': 27.9375 }, { 'id': '0x65000e98431b8f28', 'temperature': 28.875 }, { 'id': '0x8000219843054328', 'temperature': 28.1875 }, { 'id': '0x2f00219843053228', 'temperature': 27.25 }] ], 'unit': 'celsius' }
- Querying/changing state of GPIO pins using an API.
- Allowing new routes using
, similar toFlask
- The
allows configuration of the WiFi accesspoint and the connection to an external wifi through a json.
- Rewrite the library so it is pip-installable.
- Write tests.
- Write sphinx docs.
- Connect to TravisCI.
- Move ownership to the vial-microserver team.