The plugin provided here should be used only for CloudStack versions older than If you are using version or newer, you should use the StorPool plugin that is part of the standard CloudStack installation; for details, see Add Primary Storage in the CloudStack documentation.## CloudStack Overview
Primary storage is associated with a cluster or zone, and it stores the virtual disks for all the VMs running on hosts in that cluster/zone.
Secondary storage stores the following:
- Templates: OS images that can be used to boot VMs and can include additional configuration information, such as installed applications
- ISO images: disc images containing data or bootable media for operating systems
- Disk volume snapshots: saved copies of VM data which can be used for data recovery or to create new templates
ROOT volumes correspond to the boot disk of a VM. They are created automatically by CloudStack during VM creation. ROOT volumes are created based on a system disk offering, corresponding to the service offering the user VM is based on. We may change the ROOT volume disk offering but only to another system created disk offering.
DATA volumes correspond to additional disks. These can be created by users and then attached/detached to VMs. DATA volumes are created based on a user-defined disk offering.
The StorPool plugin consists of two parts:
Source directory: ./apache-cloudstack-4.8.0-src/plugins/hypervisors/kvm
This is due to a bug in Otherwise may have dangling attachments. It is a one line patch: return false in place of true, as the device in question is not iSCSI, thus it is not disconnected (detached) by the iSCSI adaptor.
NB! We need to build and install our own copy of the CloudStack KVM hypervisor plugin on each Agent host.
The issue was fixed upstream on 14 December 2019
Source directory: ./apache-cloudstack-4.8.0-src/plugins/storage/volume
There is one plugin for both the CloudStack management and agents, in the hope that having all the source in one place will ease development and maintenance. The plugin itself though is separated into two mainly independent parts:
- ./src/com/... directory tree: agent related classes and commands send from management to agent
- ./src/org/... directory tree: management related classes
The plugin is intended to be self contained and non-intrusive, thus ideally deploying it would consist of only dropping the jar file into the appropriate places. This is the reason why all StorPool related communication (ex. data copying, volume resize) is done with StorPool specific commands even when there is a CloudStack command that does pretty much the same.
Note that for the present the StorPool plugin may only be used for a single primary storage cluster; support for multiple clusters is planned.
Go to the source directory and run:
mvn -Pdeveloper -DskipTests install
The resulting jar file is located in the target/ subdirectory.
Note: checkstyle errors: before compilation a code style check is performed; if this fails compilation is aborted. In short: no trailing whitespace, indent using 4 spaces, not tabs, comment-out or remove unused imports.
Note: Need to build both the KVM plugin and the StorPool plugin proper.
As alternative in the docker/ directory there are few scripts to create a building environment in a Docker container. Follow the corresponding docker/ for further details.
For each CloudStack management host:
scp ./target/cloud-plugin-storage-volume-storpool-{version}.jar {MGMT_HOST}:/usr/share/cloudstack-management/lib/
For each CloudStack agent host:
scp ./target/cloud-plugin-storage-volume-storpool-{version}.jar {AGENT_HOST}:/usr/share/cloudstack-agent/plugins/
Note: CloudStack managements/agents services must be restarted after adding the plugin to the respective directories
Note: Agents should have access to the StorPool management API, since attach and detach operations happens on the agent. This is a CloudStack design issue, can't do much about it.
Perform the StorPool installation following the StorPool Installation Guide.
Create a template to be used by CloudStack. Must set placeHead, placeAll, placeTail and replication. No need to set default volume size because it is determined by the CloudStack disks and services offering.
From the Web UI, go to Infrastructure -> Primary Storage -> Add Primary Storage
Scope: select Zone-Wide
Hypervisor: select KVM
Zone: pick appropriate zone.
Name: user specified name
Protocol: select SharedMountPoint
Path: enter /dev/storpool (required argument, actually not needed in practice).
Provider: select StorPool
Managed: leave unchecked (currently ignored)
Capacity Bytes: used for accounting purposes only. May be more or less than the actual StorPool template capacity.
Capacity IOPS: currently not used.
URL: enter SP_API_HTTP=address:port;SP_AUTH_TOKEN=token;SP_TEMPLATE=template_name
. At present one template can be used for at most one Storage Pool.
SP_API_HTTP - address of StorPool API
SP_AUTH_TOKEN - StorPool's API token
SP_TEMPLATE - name of StorPool's template
Storage Tags: This tag may be used later when defining service or disk offerings. If left blank and there are other primary storage pools, the primary pool will be chosen randomly during the volume creation.
Here is an example:
Plugin Action | CloudStack Action | management/agent | impl. details |
Create ROOT volume from ISO | create VM from ISO | management | createVolumeAsync |
Create ROOT volume from Template | create VM from Template | management + agent | copyAsync (T => T, T => V) |
Create DATA volume | create Volume | management | createVolumeAsync |
Attach ROOT/DATA volume | start VM (+attach/detach Volume) | agent | connectPhysicalDisk |
Detach ROOT/DATA volume | stop VM | agent | disconnectPhysicalDiskByPath |
Migrate VM | agent | attach + detach | |
Delete ROOT volume | destroy VM (expunge) | management | deleteAsync |
Delete DATA volume | delete Volume (detached) | management | deleteAsync |
Create ROOT/DATA volume snapshot | snapshot volume | management + agent | takeSnapshot + copyAsync (S => S) |
Create volume from snapshoot | create volume from snapshot | management + agent(?) | copyAsync (S => V) |
Create TEMPLATE from ROOT volume | create template from volume | management + agent | copyAsync (V => T) |
Create TEMPLATE from snapshot | create template from snapshot | SECONDARY STORAGE | |
Download volume | download volume | management + agent | copyAsync (V => V) |
Revert ROOT/DATA volume to snapshot | revert to snapshot | management | revertSnapshot |
(Live) resize ROOT/DATA volume | resize volume | management + agent | resize + StorpoolResizeCmd |
Delete SNAPSHOT (ROOT/DATA) | delete snapshot | management | StorpoolSnapshotStrategy |
Delete TEMPLATE | delete template | agent | deletePhysicalDisk |
migrate VM/volume | migrate VM/volume to another storage | management/management + agent | copyAsync (V => V) |
VM snapshot | group snapshot of VM's disks | management | StorpoolVMSnapshotStrategy takeVMSnapshot |
revert VM snapshot | revert group snapshot of VM's disks | management | StorpoolVMSnapshotStrategy revertVMSnapshot |
delete VM snapshot | delete group snapshot of VM's disks | management | StorpoolVMSnapshotStrategy deleteVMSnapshot |
VM vc_policy tag | vc_policy tag for all disks attached to VM | management | StorPoolCreateTagsCmd |
delete VM vc_policy tag | remove vc_policy tag for all disks attached to VM | management | StorPoolDeleteTagsCmd |
NOTE: When using multicluster for each CloudStack cluster in its settings set the value of StorPool's SP_CLUSTER_ID in "".
NOTE: Secondary storage could be bypassed with Configuration setting "" set to true.
In this case only snapshots won't be downloaded to secondary storage.
The snapshot exists only on PRIMARY (StorPool) storage. From this snapshot it will be created a template on SECONADRY and PRIMARY storages.
TODO: Maybe we should not use CloudStack functionality, and to use that one when bypass option is enabled
This is independent of StorPool as snapshots exist on secondary.
When creating the first volume based on the given template, if snapshot of the template does not exists on StorPool it will be first downloaded (cached) to PRIMARY storage. This is mapped to a StorPool snapshot so, creating consecutive volumes from the same template does not incur additional copying of data to PRIMARY storage.
This cached snapshot is garbage collected when the original template is deleted from CloudStack. This cleanup is done by a background task in CloudStack.
We just need to create the volume. The ISO installation is handled by CloudStack.
DATA volumes are created by CloudStack the first time it is attached to a VM.
We use the fact that the snapshot already exists on PRIMARY, so no data is copied. We will copy snapshots from SECONDARY to StorPool PRIMARY, when there is no corresponding StorPool snapshot.
We need to send a resize cmd to agent, where the VM the volume is attached to is running, so that the resize is visible by the VM.
The snapshot is first created on the PRIMARY storage (i.e. StorPool), then backed-up on SECONDARY storage (tested with NFS secondary) if bypass option is not enabled. The original StorPool snapshot is kept, so that creating volumes from the snapshot does not need to copy the data again to PRIMARY. When the snapshot is deleted from CloudStack so is the corresponding StorPool snapshot.
TODO: Currently snapshots are taken in RAW format. Should we use QCOW2 instead?
It's handled by StorPool
Tested with storage pools on NFS only.
StorPool supports consistent snapshots of volumes attached to a virtual machine.
Storage QoS parameter Max IOPS in the disk and service offerings sets the IOPS limit for the StorPool volume. Min IOPS is not supported and the value is ignored.
CloudStack doesn't support bandwidth limits. A bandwidth limit can be set only through a StorPool template, see below.
If the disk offering (or service offering) are defined with a StorPool template, the volume QoS parameters are always inherited from the template. On disk resize (change disk offering)/ scale VM (change service offering), old IOPS and bandwidth limits of the volume are reset to the values defined in the template. Max IOPS defined in the disk offering (service offering) are ignored in this case.
To define QoS through by StorPool template you have to add disk/service offering resource details with a key SP_TEMPLATE
and value the name of the SotoPool template. This could be executed only from the CloudStack CLI (cloudmonkey):
CLI command for the Disk offering:
add resourcedetail resourceid=405c6860-46ad-4d10-a8cc-dad3626bde5f details[0].key=SP_TEMPLATE details[0].value=ssd-limited resourcetype=DiskOffering
CLI command for the Service offering:
add resourcedetail resourceid=ea3c1852-f906-4c78-9ae0-8564bca90cd5 details[0].key=SP_TEMPLATE details[0].value=ssd-limited resourcetype=ServiceOffering