adot_loglevel |
Verbosity level for ADOT collector logs. This accepts (detailed|normal|basic), see for mor infos. |
string |
"normal" |
no |
adothealth_monitoring_config |
Config object for ADOT health monitoring |
object({ flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
dashboards = object({ health = string }) }) |
null |
no |
apiserver_monitoring_config |
Config object for API server monitoring |
object({ flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
dashboards = object({ basic = string advanced = string troubleshooting = string }) }) |
null |
no |
custom_metrics_config |
Configuration object to enable custom metrics collection |
map(object({ enableBasicAuth = bool path = string basicAuthUsername = string basicAuthPassword = string ports = string droppedSeriesPrefixes = string })) |
null |
no |
eks_cluster_id |
EKS Cluster Id |
string |
n/a |
yes |
enable_adotcollector_metrics |
Enables collection of ADOT collector metrics |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_alerting_rules |
Enables or disables Managed Prometheus alerting rules |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_amazon_eks_adot |
Enables the ADOT Operator on the EKS Cluster |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_apiserver_monitoring |
Enable EKS kube-apiserver monitoring, alerting and dashboards |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_cert_manager |
Allow reusing an existing installation of cert-manager |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_custom_metrics |
Allows additional metrics collection for config elements in the custom_metrics_config config object. Automatic dashboards are not included |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_dashboards |
Enables or disables curated dashboards |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_external_secrets |
Installs External Secrets to EKS Cluster |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_fluxcd |
Enables or disables FluxCD. Disabling this might affect some data in the dashboards |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_grafana_operator |
Deploys Grafana Operator to EKS Cluster |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_istio |
Enable ISTIO workloads monitoring, alerting and default dashboards |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_java |
Enable Java workloads monitoring, alerting and default dashboards |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_kube_state_metrics |
Enables or disables Kube State metrics exporter. Disabling this might affect some data in the dashboards |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_logs |
Using AWS For FluentBit to collect cluster and application logs to Amazon CloudWatch |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_nginx |
Enable NGINX workloads monitoring, alerting and default dashboards |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_node_exporter |
Enables or disables Node exporter. Disabling this might affect some data in the dashboards |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_recording_rules |
Enables or disables Managed Prometheus recording rules |
bool |
true |
no |
enable_tracing |
Enables tracing with OTLP traces receiver to X-Ray |
bool |
true |
no |
flux_config |
FluxCD configuration |
object({ create_namespace = bool k8s_namespace = string helm_chart_name = string helm_chart_version = string helm_release_name = string helm_repo_url = string helm_settings = map(string) helm_values = map(any) }) |
{ "create_namespace": true, "helm_chart_name": "flux2", "helm_chart_version": "2.12.2", "helm_release_name": "observability-fluxcd-addon", "helm_repo_url": "", "helm_settings": {}, "helm_values": {}, "k8s_namespace": "flux-system" } |
no |
flux_gitrepository_branch |
Flux GitRepository Branch |
string |
"v0.3.2" |
no |
flux_gitrepository_name |
Flux GitRepository name |
string |
"aws-observability-accelerator" |
no |
flux_gitrepository_url |
Flux GitRepository URL |
string |
"" |
no |
flux_kustomization_name |
Flux Kustomization name |
string |
"grafana-dashboards-infrastructure" |
no |
flux_kustomization_path |
Flux Kustomization Path |
string |
"./artifacts/grafana-operator-manifests/eks/infrastructure" |
no |
go_config |
Grafana Operator configuration |
object({ create_namespace = bool helm_chart = string helm_name = string k8s_namespace = string helm_release_name = string helm_chart_version = string }) |
{ "create_namespace": true, "helm_chart": "oci://", "helm_chart_version": "v5.5.2", "helm_name": "grafana-operator", "helm_release_name": "grafana-operator", "k8s_namespace": "grafana-operator" } |
no |
grafana_api_key |
Grafana API key for the Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. Required if enable_external_secrets = true |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_cluster_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Cluster Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_kubelet_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Kubelet Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_kubeproxy_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for kube-proxy Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_namespace_workloads_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Namespace Workloads Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_node_exporter_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Node Exporter Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_nodes_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Nodes Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_url |
Endpoint URL of Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. Required if enable_grafana_operator = true |
string |
"" |
no |
grafana_workloads_dashboard_url |
Dashboard URL for Workloads Grafana Dashboard JSON |
string |
"" |
no |
helm_config |
Helm Config for Prometheus |
any |
{} |
no |
irsa_iam_additional_policies |
IAM additional policies for IRSA roles |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
irsa_iam_permissions_boundary |
IAM permissions boundary for IRSA roles |
string |
null |
no |
irsa_iam_role_name |
IAM role name for IRSA roles |
string |
"" |
no |
irsa_iam_role_path |
IAM role path for IRSA roles |
string |
"/" |
no |
istio_config |
Configuration object for ISTIO monitoring |
object({ enable_alerting_rules = bool enable_recording_rules = bool enable_dashboards = bool scrape_sample_limit = number
flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
managed_prometheus_workspace_id = string prometheus_metrics_endpoint = string
dashboards = object({ cp = string mesh = string performance = string service = string }) }) |
null |
no |
java_config |
Configuration object for Java/JMX monitoring |
object({ enable_alerting_rules = bool enable_recording_rules = bool enable_dashboards = bool scrape_sample_limit = number
flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
grafana_dashboard_url = string
prometheus_metrics_endpoint = string }) |
null |
no |
ksm_config |
Kube State metrics configuration |
object({ create_namespace = bool k8s_namespace = string helm_chart_name = string helm_chart_version = string helm_release_name = string helm_repo_url = string helm_settings = map(string) helm_values = map(any)
scrape_interval = string scrape_timeout = string }) |
{ "create_namespace": true, "helm_chart_name": "kube-state-metrics", "helm_chart_version": "5.15.2", "helm_release_name": "kube-state-metrics", "helm_repo_url": "", "helm_settings": {}, "helm_values": {}, "k8s_namespace": "kube-system", "scrape_interval": "60s", "scrape_timeout": "15s" } |
no |
kubeproxy_monitoring_config |
Config object for kube-proxy monitoring |
object({ flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
dashboards = object({ default = string }) }) |
null |
no |
logs_config |
Configuration object for logs collection |
object({ cw_log_retention_days = number }) |
{ "cw_log_retention_days": 90 } |
no |
managed_prometheus_cross_account_role |
Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace's Account Role Arn |
string |
"" |
no |
managed_prometheus_workspace_endpoint |
Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace Endpoint |
string |
"" |
no |
managed_prometheus_workspace_id |
Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace ID |
string |
null |
no |
managed_prometheus_workspace_region |
Amazon Managed Prometheus Workspace's Region |
string |
null |
no |
ne_config |
Node exporter configuration |
object({ create_namespace = bool k8s_namespace = string helm_chart_name = string helm_chart_version = string helm_release_name = string helm_repo_url = string helm_settings = map(string) helm_values = map(any)
scrape_interval = string scrape_timeout = string }) |
{ "create_namespace": true, "helm_chart_name": "prometheus-node-exporter", "helm_chart_version": "4.24.0", "helm_release_name": "prometheus-node-exporter", "helm_repo_url": "", "helm_settings": {}, "helm_values": {}, "k8s_namespace": "prometheus-node-exporter", "scrape_interval": "60s", "scrape_timeout": "60s" } |
no |
nginx_config |
Configuration object for NGINX monitoring |
object({ enable_alerting_rules = bool enable_recording_rules = bool enable_dashboards = bool scrape_sample_limit = number
flux_gitrepository_name = string flux_gitrepository_url = string flux_gitrepository_branch = string flux_kustomization_name = string flux_kustomization_path = string
grafana_dashboard_url = string
prometheus_metrics_endpoint = string }) |
null |
no |
prometheus_config |
Controls default values such as scrape interval, timeouts and ports globally |
object({ global_scrape_interval = string global_scrape_timeout = string }) |
{ "global_scrape_interval": "120s", "global_scrape_timeout": "15s" } |
no |
tags |
Additional tags (e.g. map('BusinessUnit ,XYZ ) |
map(string) |
{} |
no |
target_secret_name |
Target secret in Kubernetes to store the Grafana API Key Secret |
string |
"grafana-admin-credentials" |
no |
target_secret_namespace |
Target namespace of secret in Kubernetes to store the Grafana API Key Secret |
string |
"grafana-operator" |
no |
tracing_config |
Configuration object for traces collection to AWS X-Ray |
object({ otlp_grpc_endpoint = string otlp_http_endpoint = string send_batch_size = number timeout = string }) |
{ "otlp_grpc_endpoint": "", "otlp_http_endpoint": "", "send_batch_size": 50, "timeout": "30s" } |
no |