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Deployment QuickStart

Nimisha Gupta edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 24 revisions

Quick Deployment

  1. Download the bundle from here.
  2. Install MySql.
    sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  3. Create Databases.
    mysql -u root -p < $server_bundle/ServerApps/db/mysql_database_schema.sql
  4. Install Tomcat.
    tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-7.0.65.tar.gz or, sudo apt-get install tomcat7
  5. Export JAVA_HOME in System Environment.
  6. update with the directory paths on the server machine. Run present in ServerBundle. This script will do the following.
    1. Moves iManage webapp in the $server_bundle/WebApps to tomcat/webapps.
    2. Updates Database related properties in context.xml.
      verify database url, database driver, database username and password
    3. Creates following directories on the server machine and update the corresponding locations in context.xml.
      log_storage, storage_root, movie_storage, image_cache_storage, task_log_storage, backup_storage, export_storage, zoom_storage
    4. Moves solr webapp in the $server_bundle/WebApps/ to tomcat/webapps.
    5. Creates a directory to store solr_data.
    6. Updates solr/home path in solr/WEB-INF/web.xml with the created directory
    7. Extracts cache-deploy in $server_bundle/ServiceApps. Update for Logging.
    8. Extracts worker-deploy in $server_bundle/ServiceApps. Update for Logging, Cache, Service, Solr, Database properties.
  7. Start cache.
    Runs the script in cache-deploy
    nohup ./
  8. Start tomcat.
    Run the script in tomcat/bin
  9. Start worker.
    Run the script in worker-deploy.
    nohup ./
  10. Once the deployment is scuccessful, server should be up at http://localhost:8080/iManage/standard/login.html
  11. login as "administrator" using the password present in context.xml.
  12. Use the "Administrator" interface to create users and projects as described [here](Getting Started)

Deployment Steps on AWS ECE tried on 1-June-17)

  1. Launched an Amazon Linux t2.micro free tier instance
  2. Gave permission to connect on port 8080 to the security group
  3. Downloaded OpenImadis bundle from here.
  4. Install MySql.
    sudo yum install mysql-server sudo service mysqld start
  5. Upgrade java to 1.8
    sudo yum install java-1.8.0
    sudo yum remove java-1.7.0-openjdk
  6. Create Databases.
    mysql -u root -p < $server_bundle/ServerApps/db/mysql_database_schema.sql
  7. Install Tomcat
    sudo yum install tomcat7
  8. install dos2unix
    sudo yum install dos2unix
  9. dos2unix $server_bundle/
  10. dos2unix $server_bundle/
  11. update with the directory paths on the server machine.
    1. Create a "storage" folder and point all storage paths to this folder
    2. tomcat path needs to be set to /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
    3. Add write permissions to the webapps folder.
  12. Run This script will do the following.
    1. Moves iManage webapp in the $server_bundle/WebApps to tomcat/webapps.
      1. Updates Database related properties in context.xml.
        verify database url, database driver, database username and password
      2. Creates following directories on the server machine and update the corresponding locations in context.xml.
        log_storage, storage_root, movie_storage, image_cache_storage, task_log_storage, backup_storage, export_storage, zoom_storage
    2. Moves solr webapp in the $server_bundle/WebApps/ to tomcat/webapps.
      1. Creates a directory to store solr_data.
      2. Updates solr/home path in solr/WEB-INF/web.xml with the created directory
    3. Extracts cache-deploy in $server_bundle/ServiceApps. Update for Logging.
    4. Extracts worker-deploy in $server_bundle/ServiceApps. Update for Logging, Cache, Service, Solr, Database properties.
  13. update "lib\" to "lib/" in both and
  14. Start cache.
    dos2unix icache_proprties.txt
    Run the script in cache-deploy
    nohup ./
  15. Start tomcat.
    sudo service tomcat7 start
  16. Start worker.
    dos2unix iworker_proprties.txt
    Run the script in worker-deploy.
    nohup ./
  17. Once the deployment is scuccessful, server should be up at http://localhost:8080/iManage/standard/login.html
  18. login as "administrator" using the password present in context.xml.
  19. Use the "Administrator" interface to create users and projects as described [here](Getting Started)
  20. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
    Exception in catalina.out resulted in login failure. copied tomcat-dbcp.jar to /usr/shar/tomcat7/lib and restarted tomcat to fix this. 1.STILL OPEN: solr failed to load with
    SEVERE: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or ..

    somehow solr is not able to read solr.xml and hence cannot finf solrconfig.xml. could not figure out why though even after spending a day 👎 .. will come back to this. ALL THESE ERRORS WERE DUE TO root RUNNING TOMCAT AND NOT BEING ABLE TO READ USER HOME DIRECTORIES Fixed by running a downloaded tomcat from:
    Need to come back to configure this.
  21. Created user, team, project using the administrator interface
  22. Logged on as a user with upload privileges. Downloaded the acquisition client from download link.
  23. Run the acquisition client ./ and upload images
  24. Images thumbnail loads but images did not load in Image view. This was a problem due to single CPU on the AWS instance. Upgraded to an instance with 2 Cores to solve this problem.