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JS SDK to interact with Streamflow protocol.

This package allows you to create, createMultiple, withdraw, cancel, topup, transfer, update a token stream.

You can also getOne stream and get multiple streams.


npm i -s @streamflow/stream


yarn add @streamflow/stream


API Documentation available here: docs site →

Import SDK

Most common imports:

import { BN } from "bn.js";
import { GenericStreamClient, getBN, getNumberFromBN } from "@streamflow/stream";

Check the SDK for other types and utility functions.

Create StreamClient instance

Before creating and manipulating streams chain specific or generic StreamClient instance must be created. All streams functions are methods on this instance.


import { StreamflowSolana } from "@streamflow/stream";

const solanaClient = new StreamflowSolana.SolanaStreamClient(


import { StreamflowAptos } from "@streamflow/stream";

const aptosClient = new StreamflowAptos.AptosStreamClient(


import { StreamflowEVM } from "@streamflow/stream";

const ethereumClient = new StreamflowEVM.EvmStreamClient(
  signer // will be sender in a stream and authority for all stream related transactions


import { StreamflowEVM } from "@streamflow/stream";

const polygonClient = new StreamflowEVM.EvmStreamClient(
  signer // will be sender in a stream and authority for all stream related transactions


import { StreamflowEVM } from "@streamflow/stream";

const bnbClient = new StreamflowEVM.EvmStreamClient(
  signer // will be sender in a stream and authority for all stream related transactions


import { StreamflowSui } from "@streamflow/stream";

const suiClient = new StreamflowSui.SuiStreamClient(

Generic Stream Client

GenericStreamClient provides isomorphic interface to work with streams agnostic of chain.

import { GenericStreamClient } from "@streamflow/stream";

const client =
  new GenericStreamClient<Types.IChain.Solana>({
    chain: IChain.Solana, // Blockchain
    clusterUrl: "", // RPC cluster URL
    cluster: ICluster.Mainnet, // (optional) (default: Mainnet)
    // chain specific params e.g. commitment for Solana

All the examples below will contain generic method options descriptions and chain specific params.

NOTE: All timestamp parameters are in seconds.

Create stream

const createStreamParams: Types.ICreateStreamData = {
  recipient: "4ih00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M00", // Recipient address.
  tokenId: "DNw99999M7e24g99999999WJirKeZ5fQc6KY999999gK", // Token mint address.
  start: 1643363040, // Timestamp (in seconds) when the stream/token vesting starts.
  amount: getBN(100, 9), // depositing 100 tokens with 9 decimals mint.
  period: 1, // Time step (period) in seconds per which the unlocking occurs.
  cliff: 1643363160, // Vesting contract "cliff" timestamp in seconds.
  cliffAmount: new BN(10), // Amount unlocked at the "cliff" timestamp.
  amountPerPeriod: getBN(5, 9), // Release rate: how many tokens are unlocked per each period.
  name: "Transfer to Jane Doe.", // The stream name or subject.
  canTopup: false, // Whether additional tokens can be deposited after creation, setting to FALSE will effectively create a vesting contract.
  canUpdateRate: false, // settings to TRUE allows sender to update amountPerPeriod
  cancelableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can cancel the stream.
  cancelableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can cancel the stream.
  transferableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can transfer the stream.
  transferableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can transfer the stream.
  automaticWithdrawal: true, // Whether or not a 3rd party (e.g. cron job, "cranker") can initiate a token withdraw/transfer.
  withdrawalFrequency: 10, // Relevant when automatic withdrawal is enabled. If greater than 0 our withdrawor will take care of withdrawals. If equal to 0 our withdrawor will skip, but everyone else can initiate withdrawals.
  partner: undefined, //  (optional) Partner's wallet address (string | undefined).

const solanaParams = {
    sender: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair of Sender account
    isNative: false // [optional] [WILL CREATE A wSOL STREAM] Whether Stream or Vesting should be paid with Solana native token or not

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of sender

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { ixs, tx, metadata } = await client.create(createStreamParams, solanaParams); // second argument differ depending on a chain
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Create multiple streams at once

const recipients = [
    recipient: "4ih00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M00", // Solana recipient address.
    amount: getBN(100, 9), // depositing 100 tokens with 9 decimals mint.
    name: "January Payroll", // The stream name/subject.
    cliffAmount: getBN(10, 9), // amount released on cliff for this recipient
    amountPerPeriod: getBN(1, 9), //amount released every specified period epoch
const createMultiStreamsParams: ICreateMultipleStreamData = {
  recipients: recipients, // Solana recipient address.
  tokenId: "DNw99999M7e24g99999999WJirKeZ5fQc6KY999999gK", // SPL Token mint.
  start: 1643363040, // Timestamp (in seconds) when the stream/token vesting starts.
  period: 1, // Time step (period) in seconds per which the unlocking occurs.
  cliff: 1643363160, // Vesting contract "cliff" timestamp in seconds.
  canTopup: false, // setting to FALSE will effectively create a vesting contract.
  cancelableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can cancel the stream.
  cancelableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can cancel the stream.
  transferableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can transfer the stream.
  transferableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can transfer the stream.
  automaticWithdrawal: true, // Whether or not a 3rd party (e.g. cron job, "cranker") can initiate a token withdraw/transfer.
  withdrawalFrequency: 10, // Relevant when automatic withdrawal is enabled. If greater than 0 our withdrawor will take care of withdrawals. If equal to 0 our withdrawor will skip, but everyone else can initiate withdrawals.
  partner: undefined, //  (optional) Partner's wallet address (string | undefined).

const solanaParams = {
    sender: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair of Sender account
    isNative: // [optional] [WILL CREATE A wSOL STREAM] Wether Stream or Vesting should be paid with Solana native token or not

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of sender

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { txs } = await client.createMultiple(createMultiStreamsParams, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Please note that transaction fees for the scheduled transfers are paid upfront by the stream creator (sender).

Identifying created contracts (streams or vesting)

All Stream Clients return ICreateResult object (createMultiple returns an Array) that has the following structure

interface ICreateResult {
  ixs: (TransactionInstruction | TransactionPayload)[];
  txId: string;
  metadataId: MetadataId;

metadataId is the id of the created stream.

Withdraw from stream

const withdrawStreamParams: Types.IWithdrawData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier (address) of a stream to be withdrawn from.
  amount: getBN(100, 9), // Requested amount to withdraw. If stream is completed, the whole amount will be withdrawn.

const solanaParams = {
    invoker: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair signing the transaction

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of wallet signing the transaction
    tokenId: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin", // Aptos Coin type

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair
    tokenId: "0x2::sui::SUI"

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { ixs, tx } = await client.withdraw(withdrawStreamParams, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Topup stream

const topupStreamParams: ITopUpData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier (address) of a stream to be topped up.
  amount: getBN(100, 9), // Specified amount to topup (increases deposited amount).

const solanaParams = {
    invoker: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair signing the transaction
    isNative: true // [ONLY FOR wSOL STREAMS] [optional] Wether topup is with Native Solanas

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of wallet signing the transaction
    tokenId: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin", // Aptos Coin type

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair
    tokenId: "0x2::sui::SUI"

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { ixs, tx } = await client.topup(topupStreamParams, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Transfer stream to another recipient

const data: ITransferData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier (address) of the stream to be transferred
  newRecipient: "99h00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M99", // Identifier (address) of a stream to be transferred.

const solanaParams = {
    invoker: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair signing the transaction

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of wallet signing the transaction
    tokenId: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin", // Aptos Coin type

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair
    tokenId: "0x2::sui::SUI"

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { tx } = await client.transfer(data, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Cancel stream

const cancelStreamParams: ICancelData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream to be canceled.

const solanaParams = {
    invoker: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair signing the transaction

const aptosParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of wallet signing the transaction
    tokenId: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin", // Aptos Coin type

const suiParams = {
    senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair
    tokenId: "0x2::sui::SUI"

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { ixs, tx } = await client.cancel(cancelStreamParams, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Update a stream

const updateStreamParams: IUpdateData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream to update.
  enableAutomaticWithdrawal: true,  // [optional], allows to enable AW if it wasn't, disable is not possible
  withdrawFrequency: 60,  // [optional], allows to update withdrawal frequency, may result in additional AW fees
  amountPerPeriod: getBN(10, 9),  // [optional], allows to update release amount effective on next unlock

const solanaParams = {
  invoker: wallet, // SignerWalletAdapter or Keypair signing the transaction

const aptosParams = {
  senderWallet: wallet, // AptosWalletAdapter Wallet of wallet signing the transaction

const suiParams = {
  senderWallet: wallet, // WalletContextState | Keypair

const ethereumParams = undefined;

try {
  const { ixs, tx } = await client.update(updateStreamParams, solanaParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Get one stream by its ID

const data: IGetOneData = {
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream

try {
  const stream = await client.getOne(data);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Fetching unlocked amount

const stream = await client.getOne({

const unlocked = stream.unlocked(tsInSeconds); // BN amount unlocked at the tsInSeconds
console.log(getNumberFromBN(unlocked, 9)); 
  • Note: unlocked amount is determined based on configuration set on creation, no dynamic data is involved.

Reading withdrawn amount and remaining funds

const stream = await client.getOne({
const withdrawn = stream.withdrawnAmount; // bn amount withdrawn already
console.log(getNumberFromBN(wihtdrawn, 9));
const remaining = stream.remaining(9); // amount of remaining funds

Get multiple streams for a specific wallet address

const data: IGetAllData = {
  address: "99h00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M99",
  type: StreamType.All, // StreamType.Vesting, StreamType.Lock, StreamType.Payment
  direction: StreamDirection.All, // StreamDirection.Outgoing, StreamDirection.Incoming

try {
  const streams = client.get(data);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Search Solana Streams

Solana RPC is pretty rich in what data it can allow to filter by, so we expose a separate searchStreams method on SolanaStreamClient:

// All parameters are optional, so in theory you can just fetch all Streams
const params = {
  mint: "DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263",
  sender: "AKp8CxGbhsrsEsCFUtx7e3MWyW7SWi1uuSqv6N4BEohJ",
  recipient: "9mqcpDjCHCPmttJp2t477oJ71NdAvJeSus8BcCrrvwy5",
// nativeStreamClient is exposed on a GenericStreamClient, you can also use SolanaStreamClient directly
// Return an Array of objects {publicKey: PublicKey, account: Stream}
const streams = await client.nativeStreamClient.searchStreams(params);

Handling errors

GenericStreamClient wraps all errors when making on-chain calls with ContractError error class:

  • this class inherits original traceback
  • error may optionally contain contractErrorCode property that can be further mapped to a specific Contract error
  • for createMultiple method errors are wrapped individually for every recipient address
  • please check documentation for common enums ContractErrorCode and SolanaContractErrorCode to see short description for each error

A public map of protocol errors is available here.

Additional notes

Streamflow protocol program IDs

Devet HqDGZjaVRXJ9MGRQEw7qDc2rAr6iH1n1kAQdCZaCMfMZ
Mainnet strmRqUCoQUgGUan5YhzUZa6KqdzwX5L6FpUxfmKg5m
EVM Ethereum(Goerli on Tesnet),Polygon,BNB
Testnet 0x5Db7a43D20De64E3a3BC765334a477026FD13E7d
Mainnet 0x94d4646Bd307Bf91CB1893BC64d976BF9E60D9B2
Testnet 0xc6737de143d91b2f99a7e490d4f8348fdfa3bdd1eb8737a27d0455f8a3625688
Mainnet 0x9009d93d52576bf9ac6dc6cf10b870610bcb316342fef6eff80662fbbfce51b0
Testnet 0xf1916c119a6c917d4b36f96ffc0443930745789f3126a716e05a62223c48993a
Mainnet 0xa283fd6b45f1103176e7ae27e870c89df7c8783b15345e2b13faa81ec25c4fa6

All BN amounts are denominated in their smallest units.

E.g, if the amount is 1 SOL than this amount in lamports is 1000 \* 10^9 = 1_000_000_000.

And new BN(1_000_000_000) is used.

Use getBN and getNumberFromBN utility functions for conversions between BN and Number types.

getBN(1, 9) is equal to new BN(1_000_000_000)

getNumberFromBN(new BN(1_000_000_000), 9) will return 1