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A unidirectional topic operator

Replace the existing bidirectional topic operator with a unidirectional operator.

Current situation

The Strimzi Topic Operator provides a Kubernetes API for viewing and modifying topics within a Kafka cluster. It deviates from the standard operator pattern by being bidirectional. That is, it will reconcile changes to a KafkaTopic resource both to and from a Kafka cluster. The bidirectionality means applications and users can continue to use Kafka-native APIs (such as the Admin client) and tooling (e.g. the scripts provided by Apache Kafka) as required. The KafkaTopic's spec will be updated by the operator to reflect those changes.

The Strimzi community often abbreviates the topic operator as TO, but to avoid ambiguity in this document we will refer to the existing bidirectional topic operator as the BTO, and the proposed unidirectional topic operator as the UTO.

The BTO makes use of ZooKeeper znode watches to know about changes to topic state within the Kafka cluster.

But Apache Kafka is removing its ZooKeeper-dependence which means that the BTO won't work with Kafka clusters that use its replacement, known as KRaft.


In order to continue to provide a kube-native API for managing Kafka topics we've considered some alternatives which would work with a KRaft-based Kafka cluster:

  • Using polling via the Kafka Admin client.
  • Using a KRaft observer

The polling approach, while simple, has significant drawbacks. It would scale poorly with the number of topics (in terms of CPU and memory), and would also suffer from increased latency between the time a change was made in Kafka and when it was reflected in Kubernetes. The increased latency would widen the window for making conflicting changes.

The observer approach could work, but comes with some serious drawbacks:

  • The Kafka project does not provide a publicly-supported API for running a KRaft observer, so we'd need to make use of internal APIs which could change between releases without warning. This represents a potential maintenance burden to the project.
  • The operator would require persistent storage (for the replicated __cluster_metadata log), which would make the operator significantly more difficult to operate. For example, if it were realized as a single pod Deployment, then the requirement for a persistent volume would tie it to a single AZ, meaning it would not be as highly available as the current operator. This could be worked around by having multiple observers with only a single elected leader actually in charge of making modifications at any one time.

Overall, it is clear that the complexity of the operator would be significantly increased by pursuing this direction.

It's also worth reviewing why people want to use an operator for topics. There are two broad use cases:

  1. Declarative deployments, for example in the form of gitops.
  2. Using KafkaTopics operationally as the API through which to manage all topics.

Based on opened issues and Slack conversations with users, it seems that 1. is the most common reason people use the BTO. However, the BTO doesn't do a great job at satisfying this use case.

  • It only supports a single namespace, which means BTO admins cannot easily follow a workspace-per-dev team model. It also means that infrastructure-level topics (e.g. __consumer_offsets and __transaction_state) comingle with per-application topics.
  • It doesn't enforce a single source of truth, allowing for changes done directly in Kafka to conflict with declarative deployments.

Moreover, the BTO doesn't do a good job with item 2. either:

  • It only surfaces a subset of topic state through the Kube API (it doesn't include partition leadership/ISR for example) This is intentional (it doesn't make sense to overload etcd to present this kind of dynamic information), but it undermines the suitability of the BTO for this use case.

For these reasons we are proposing the UTO.



  • A unidirectional topic operator which is KRaft compatible


  • Supporting replication factor change (this could be added later)

Maintaining compatibility of the KafkaTopic custom resource

We would remain schema-compatible with the existing KafkaTopic resource at the API level. This means that all the existing spec sections could be handled by the new operator and all existing fields of the status section would still be present for applications that consume the status. However the spec would no longer be updated when Kafka-side configuration changed. Instead, if Kafka-side configuration was changed out-of-band (e.g. by using the Admin client, or Kafka shell scripts) those changes would eventually (depending on the timed reconciliation interval) be reverted.

As context for the rest of this document, an example KafkaTopic currently looks like this:

kind: KafkaTopic
  generation: 123
  name: example.topic
  topicName: example_topic
  replicas: 3
  partitions: 50
  config: 123456789
  topicName: example_topic
  observedGeneration: 123
  - type: Ready
    status: True
    lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z


  • spec.topicName is optional and needs only be used for topic names which are not legal kube resource names. When this field is absent the name of the topic is Kafka is taken from the In the example above of a KafkaTopic managing the example_topic topic, the cannot be example_topic because that's not allowed as resource name in Kube, so the must be something else and spec.topicName is required.
  • status.topicName is used to detect a change to the spec.topicName, which results in the topic having a Ready condition with status = False (i.e. is an error).
  • metadata.generation == status.observedGeneration implies that the operator has reconciled the latest change to the spec. When metadata.generation > status.observedGeneration it means the resource has been changed, but the operator has not yet reacted to the change. Whether that reconciliation was successful is indicated by the Ready condition having status True.

Some new fields will be introduced in the following text.

The "single resource" principal

To avoid ambiguity we will continue to require that a single KafkaTopic is used to manage a single topic in a single Kafka cluster.

The fact that there are legal topic names (in Kafka) that are not legal resource names (in Kube) provided the motivation for supporting spec.topicName, so that a topic in Kafka could be managed by a KafkaTopic with a different As such it's not possible for the Kube apiserver to enforce the single resource principal because multiple KafkaTopic resources might refer to the same topic (i.e. the uniqueness constraint on is insufficient). It is therefore left to the operator to detect if there are multiple KafkaTopics which point to the same topic in Kafka.

To do this, the operator will keep an in-memory mapping of topic name to (metadata.namespace, (where topic name is spec.topicName, defaulting to as described above). This will allow us to detect the case where multiple resources are attempting to manage the same topic in Kafka. When this happens the unique oldest (as determined by the metadata.creationTimestamp) KafkaTopic will be considered to manage the topic, and the other KafkaTopics will be updated: their Ready status will change to False with suitable reason.

kind: KafkaTopic
  generation: 123
  namespace: some-namespace
  name: foo
  creationTimestamp: 20230301T103000Z
  topicName: __consumer_offsets
  observedGeneration: 123
  - type: Ready
    status: True
    lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z
kind: KafkaTopic
  generation: 456
  namespace: some-namespace
  name: bar
  creationTimestamp: 20230420T103000Z
  topicName: __consumer_offsets
  observedGeneration: 456
  - type: Ready
    status: False
    reason: ResourceConflict
    message: Managed by some-namespace/foo
    lastTransitionTime: 20230420T103000Z


As mentioned, we would only synchronize topic state from Kube to Kafka. Users and applications could create, delete and modify topics using the Kafka protocol (e.g. via the Admin client) which would not be reflected by a KafkaTopic in Kube.

In other words, the existence of at least some KafkaTopic resources would be decoupled from the existence of a corresponding topic in Kafka. While users could choose to create a topic in Kafka by creating a KafkaTopic, they could also create, modify and eventually delete topics directly without a KafkaTopic ever existing.

When a KafkaTopic did exist for a given topic in Kafka then any changes made via other tooling would eventually be reverted.

"Managed" and "unmanaged" topics

We will refer to a topic which exists in a Kafka cluster and has a corresponding KafkaTopic as a managed topic. A topic which exists in a Kafka cluster without a matching KafkaTopic is an unmanaged topic.

Naturally any topic created due to the creation of a KafkaTopic is managed from the outset.

Because topics can be created directly in Kafka we need a mechanism for converting an unmanaged topic to a managed topic, aka "managing" the topic. This can easily be done by creating a matching KafkaTopic: The operator will attempt the CreateTopics request using the Kafka Admin client and if it receives a TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS error will proceed with reconciliation as it would for a KafkaTopic modification. That is, the configuration of the topic in Kafka will be changed to match the KafkaTopic (or fail for the same possible reasons and with the same error conditions in the status as can happen for any update).

Example 1: KafkaTopic creation

  1. The user creates a KafkaTopic:

      generation: 1
      name: foo
      partitions: 12
      replicas: 50
  2. The operator checks its in-memory map to see whether foo is already managed by some other resource.

    1. If so, then the metadata.creationTimestamps are compared and if this resource has a more recent timestamp then it is updated with an error condition in its status.
    kind: KafkaTopic
      generation: 1
      name: foo
      topicName: foo
      observedGeneration: 1
      - type: Ready
        status: False
        reason: ResourceConflict
        message: Managed by multiple KafkaTopic resources: some-namespace/bar
        lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z

    The reconciliation ends

  3. Otherwise the operator attempts to it create the topic in Kafka.

  4. If the CreateTopics request fails due to TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS then the operator updates the topic in Kafka to reflect the spec using incrementalAlterConfigs(), and/or createPartitions()

5.The status is updated to reflect the Admin client requests. In the path case it would look like this:

  generation: 1
  name: foo
  topicName: foo
  partitions: 12
  replicas: 50
  observedGeneration: 1
  topicName: foo
  - type: Ready
    status: True
    lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z

Modification to KafkaTopics and timed reconciliation

Via a Kube watch, and also based on a timer, the operator will ensure that the state of a managed topic in a Kafka cluster reflects the spec of its KafkaTopic.

The process will first describe the topic and its configs and then make alterations, if required.

  • Modification to topic config will be via Admin.incrementalAlterConfigs() using the SET operation.
  • Creation of partitions will be supported
  • Deletion of partitions is not supported by Kafka and will result in a suitable status.condition in the KafkaTopic.
      - type: Ready
        status: False
        reason: NotSupported
        message: Decrease of spec.partitions is not supported by Kafka
        lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z
    The user will then need to decide how to proceed, but typically they might just revert the spec.partitions.
  • Changes to spec.replicas could be supported via Cruise Control, but that is not part of this proposal.
      - type: Ready
        status: False
        reason: NotSupported
        message: Changing spec.replicas is not supported by the operator
        lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z

Note that both these NotSupported reasons can arise both from changes being made to the KafkaTopic, or changes made directly in Kafka. For example, the UTO cannot tell whether the spec.partitions was decreased, or whether it was unchanged and the conflict arises because someone increased the number of partitions directly in Kafka so that it looks like the KafkaTopic is requesting a decrease. In any case, when the user takes action to fix the problem the KafkaTopic will (eventually) get reconciled and the status will revert to Ready.

Topic deletion

By default we will use a Kube finalizer for deletion. This means that deletion via the kube REST API will first mark the resource as scheduled for deletion by setting the metadata.delectionTimestamp, allowing the operator to handle the deletion and then update the KafkaTopic, removing its metadata.finalizer so that the resource is actually removed from etcd.

Without a finalizer then the following would be possible:

  1. A topic in Kafka is managed by a KafkaTopic
  2. The operator stops (for any reason)
  3. The KafkaTopic is deleted
  4. The operator starts

The semantics of a managed topic being deleted should be that the topic in Kafka gets deleted, but that fails to happen in this case. The operator cannot use the existence of a topic in Kafka to infer that the KafkaTopic has been deleted because topics in Kafka can be unmanaged.

A small extra benefit of using a finalizer is that any errors during deletion can be reported via the KafkaTopic's status.

  - type: Ready
    status: False
    reason: KafkaError
    message: Deletion failed: ${Error_Message}
    lastTransitionTime: 20230301T103000Z

While the behaviour described above will be the default it will be possible to opt out of this using the UTO's new STRIMZI_ADD_FINALIZER config parameter.

  • STRIMZI_USE_FINALIZER=true: The presence of the finalizer will be checked (and added, if missing) on every reconciliation where the metadata.deletionTimestamp isn't set, including unmanaged topics. The operator will not add or remove the finalizer on KafkaTopics which do not match its label selector.
  • STRIMZI_USE_FINALIZER=false: The operator will remove the finalizer if present.

Example 2: KafkaTopic deletion propagates to Kafka

  1. The topic is currently Kube-managed

      generation: 123
      name: foo
      # ...
      observedGeneration: 123 # == generation => it is Kube-managed
  2. The user then deletes the resource (e.g. kubectl delete kafkatopic foo). Because of the presence of a metadata.finalizer the resource remains present. Instead Kube adds the metadata.deletionTimestamp field.

      generation: 124
      name: foo
      deletionTimestamp: 20230301T000000.000
      # ...
      observedGeneration: 124 # == generation => it is not syncrhonized
  3. The operator notices the metadata.deletionTimestamp field.

    1. If there is more than one KafkaTopic which is trying to manage this topic then deletion from Kafka is not attempted; the operator will remove the finalizer and Kube will remove the resource; upon timed reconciliation the condition on the other KafkaTopic will be removed and reconciliation via that other KafkaTopic will proceed as normal.
    2. If deletion is disallowed via delete.topic.enable=false broker configuration then the operator will remove the finalizer and Kube will remove the resource. The topic in Kafka will thus become unmanaged.
    3. Otherwise, the operator attempts to delete the topic from Kafka.
      1. If deletion succeeds the operator will remove from the metadata.finalizer and Kube will remove the resource.
      2. If deletion failed with UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION (i.e. the topic didn't exist) the operator will continue to remove the finalizer. I.e. this case is not treated as an error.
      3. If deletion failed with any other error this is reported via a condition in the status.conditions and the finalizer is not removed.

Similarly to how it is possible to "manage" an existing unmanaged topic in Kafka, we will also provide a mechanism for "unmanaging" a managed topic, via a annotation. This will allow a KafkaTopic to be deleted without the topic in Kafka being deleted. This can be useful operationally, for example to change the of a KafkaTopic.

An alternative to would be "explicit deletion" via a spec.delete flag. This alternative was rejected because it's incompatible with gitops.

Example 4: KafkaTopic deletion WITHOUT propagation to Kafka

  1. Assume the topic is currently Kube-managed

      generation: 123
      name: foo
      # ...
      observedGeneration: 123 # == generation => it is Kube-managed
  2. The user changes the annotation to false so that the topic is no longer Kube-managed.

      generation: 124
      name: foo
      - false # do not synchronize to Kafka
      # ...
      observedGeneration: 123 # != generation => it is Kube-managed
  3. The user can then delete the resource. Because of the presence of a metadata.finalizer the resource is not actually deleted. Instead Kube adds the metadata.deletionTimestamp field.

      generation: 124
      name: foo
      - false # do not synchronize to Kafka
      deletionTimestamp: 20230301T000000.000
  # ...
  observedGeneration: 124 # == generation => it is not syncrhonized
  1. The operator notices the metadata.deletionTimestamp field. Since the spec.magnaged is false it does not attempt topic deletion.
    1. It removes from the metadata.finalizer.
    2. Kube proceeds to remove the resource.

Note that false also means that a KafkaTopic can exist without there being a corresponding topic in Kafka.

Operational considerations


This WILL be supported by:

  1. unmanaging the topic ( false).
  2. deleting the KafkaTopic.
  3. recreating the KafkaTopic with a new, but with spec.topicName referring to the same topic as the original KafkaTopic.

Changing spec.topicName

This will NOT be supported. It will be detected by a mismatch between spec.topicName and status.topicName. Changes thus detected will result in an error condition.

Decreasing spec.partitions

This will NOT be supported, because it's not supported by Kafka. The user will either need to revert the spec.partitions, or recreate the topic in Kafka (which they can do via the KafkaTopic or not).

Changing spec.replicas

This will NOT be supported as part of this proposal.

Deployment of application with KafkaTopics

Consider an application deployed via a manifest containing a Deployment and some KafkaTopics. If the Kafka cluster is configured with auto.create.topics.enable there is a race condition between:

  1. the operator reacting to the new KafkaTopics.
  2. the application starting and triggering autocreation of the topics.

If the operator wins: then auto-creation will not happen, and the user's intent is honoured.

If the application wins: then the topics will be created using the default configuration for the cluster. The operator will later reconcile the KafkaTopics which will result in reconfiguration if the default configuration for auto-created topics differs from the KafkaTopic.spec. That reconfiguration will either succeed, or fail (e.g. because a KafkaTopic has a lower spec.partitions than the auto-created topic).

To avoid this it is recommended that the UTO not be used with a cluster where auto.create.topics.enable is true. The UTO will emit a WARN level log on startup if autocreation is enabled.

Alternatively: App could be written to wait for topic existency, or use an init container to do the same.

Summary of modes

This proposal has described a number of different configurations of a KafkaTopic and how the operator will handle them. The following diagram and subsections summarise the operator's behaviour on transitions between these states.

States and their transitions

Although not shown to avoid making the diagram overly complicated, the states within the dashed box are pairwise bidirectionally connected.


  • The operator's label selector (STRIMZI_RESOURCE_LABELS) doesn't match the KafkaTopic's metadata.labels.
  • The operator completely ignores the resource (it might be intended for a different instance of the UTO)
  • On transition from start: The metadata.finalizer is not added.
  • On transition from any state in the dashed box, the metadata.finalizer is not changed (if it were then changing the metadata.labels to unmatch operator instance A and match operator instance B would result in a race on A removing the finalizer and B adding it).
  • On deletion any finalizer is not removed, therefore this edge case might result in a zombie KafkaTopic.


  • This is false.
  • The operator doesn't propagate changes to Kafka.
  • The presence of the finalizer will be checked-for on each reconciliation of the resource.
  • Deletion does not result in deletion of any topics in Kafka (which is why it's not connected to the Deletable 1 state).
  • On transition to Deletable 2: The operator will remove the finalizer.
  • On transition to any of the other states in the dashed box: The state of the topic in Kafka will be changed to match the spec.

Managed not conflicting

  • This is the normal case where changes are propagated to Kafka.
  • On transition to Deletable 1: The topic is deleted from Kafka, and then the finalizer is removed.
  • Transitions to Unmanaged if is changed to false.
  • Transitions to "Managed Conflicting First" if another KafkaTopic is created for the same topic in Kafka.
  • Transitions to "Managed Conflicting Rest" is a race case, rare in practice, where a second KafkaTopic is created for the same topic in Kafka with the same metadata.creationTimestamp.

Managed conflicting first

  • This is the case where there are multiple KafkaTopics for the same topic in Kafka, and this one has the unique oldest metadata.creationTimestamp.
  • It behaves the same as the "Managed not conflicting" case except with respect to deletion.
  • Since other KafkaTopics exist for the same topic deletion of this KafkaTopic does not result in deletion from Kafka.

Managed conflicting rest

  • This is the case where there are multiple KafkaTopics for the same topic in Kafka, and this one does not have the unique oldest metadata.creationTimestamp.
  • There may, or may not, be another KafkaTopic for the same topic in Kafka in state "Managed conflicting first".
  • Changes in this state, including deletions, are not propagated to Kafka.

Affected/not affected projects

  • The existing bidirectional Topic Operator would be deprecated and removed once ZooKeeper-based clusters are no longer supported.
  • A new unidirectional Topic Operator would be provided as a replacement, which users could migrate to before ZooKeeper-based clusters are no longer supported.
  • The schema of KafkaTopic would change
  • The schema of Kafka would also change (see below).
  • The CRD changes would be reflected in the api module.


Let's consider each of the public APIs of the BTO in turn and describe the compatiblity story.

Operator Configuration

Standalone case

Env var Status


  1. Although these are present in the BTO source code they have never actually been used.

It is also anticiapted that during development we may want to add support for additional environment variables to configure non-functional aspects of the UTO (e.g. performance-related options like numbers of threads used for processing, etc).

CO-managed case

The Topic Operator is usually deployed using the Kafka CR (i.e. the Cluster Operator deploys the Topic Operator). Here is how the schema for the Kafka CR will be changed by this proposal:

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
  # ...

    # Unused options will be deprecated and ignored
    # Options with same schema, but which may need to be reconfigured
    livenessProbe: # probe values may need to be changed
    readinessProbe: # probe values may need to be changed
    startupProbe: # probe values may need to be changed
    resources: # Resource requirements may differ
    jvmOptions: # JVM options may need to be changed
    logging:  # Logger names will need to be changed

    # Unchanged options

Changes to the KafkaTopic custom resource API

The CR API is structurally unchanged.

Furthermore within the same structure:

  • status.conditions may have new values for the reason.

The semantics of the KafkaTopic custom resource API will also change:

  1. Unidirectional reconciliation
  2. The absence of fields will not imply that they take their default values, only that the value is not specified in this CR.

The reason for 2 is to leave the door open to a further refinement of the UTO in the future. Consider the case where a Kafka cluster is centrally managed by an infrastructure team. The infra team want to delegate control over only a subset of the possible topic configs. Configs such as cleanup.policy and compression.type can be delegated to the application teams. But the infra team want to retain control over configs such as follower.replication.throttled.replicas, min.cleanable.dirty.ratio or unclean.leader.election.enable. So long as these subsets are disjoint there is no possibility of conflict in allowing two KafkaTopics in different namespaces to manage the different aspects of a single topic in Kafka. The disjointness could be enforced by a more sophistocated namespace policy which enumerated the configs. The same logic also applies to spec.partitions and spec.replicas. There would be the possibility of conflict around resource existence. That is, how should the operator behave if the application team delete their KafkaTopic while a KafkaTopic managing the same topic remains in the infra team's namespace? This proposal doesn't attempt to answer that, since it's not proposed to implement it currently. But in order to allow this possibility without introducing an incompatible change in the future we need to define the semantics of fields that are unspecified in the spec to mean "unspecified by this CR" rather than "takes the default value".


The BTO exports the following metrics

Metric type Metric name Status
counter strimzi.reconciliations.periodical Unchanged
counter strimzi.reconciliations Unchanged
counter strimzi.reconciliations.failed Unchanged
counter strimzi.reconciliations.successful Unchanged
gauge strimzi.resources Unchanged
timer strimzi.reconciliations.duration Unchanged
gauge strimzi.reconciliations.paused Unchanged
counter strimzi.reconciliations.locked Unchanged
gauge strimzi.resource.state Unchanged

Emitted Kube Events

Let's consider all the cases in which the BTO emits Event resources to the Kube apiserver:

  • For errors when accessing the topic store. For UTO there is no topic store, so this cannot happen.
  • For errors when creating partitions. For UTO ApiExceptions from the Admin client will be reported via Ready condition. For other errors application logging and metrics are considered sufficient.
  • For errors when changing the configuration of topics in Kafka. For UTO ApiExceptions from the Admin client will be reported via Ready condition. For other errors application logging and metrics are considered sufficient.
  • For errors when processing a ZooKeeper znode watch. UTO doesn't use znode watches, so this cannot happen.
  • On attempts to change a KafkaTopic's spec.topicName. For UTO this will be reported via the status only.
  • On detection of conflicting changes between Kube and Kafka. For UTO such conflicts cannot happen.
  • On attempts to decrease the number of partitions. For UTO this will be reported via the status only.

Thus, the UTO will emit no events. Any software which consumed BTO events will not be compatible with UTO.


Standalone case

Existing users of the standalone BTO would have to:

  1. Review how they're using the BTO and whether they require bidirectionality
    1. If bidirectional support is required by their usage then the UTO cannot be used. The user will have no way of managing topics using KafkaTopic resources once ZooKeeper support is removed by Apache Kafka and/or Strimzi.
  2. Undeploy the BTO (they can retain their existing KafkaTopics)
  3. Deploy the UTO (reconfiguring their Deployment).
  4. Some reconfiguration of pod resources and JVM options may also be required.

CO-Managed case

A new feature gate will be introduced to allow users to adopt the UTO at their own pace. The new Feature gate will be named UnidirectionalTopicOperator. The following table shows the expected graduation of the UnidirectionalTopicOperator feature gate:

Phase Strimzi versions Default state
Alpha 0.35 - 0.37 Disabled by default
Beta 0.38 - 0.39 Enabled by default
GA 0.40 and newer Enabled by default (without possibility to disable it)


Use of finalizers

Using finalizers on KafkaTopics means that the operator has to be running (to remove the finalizer) before the resources will actually be deleted. That can prevent other resources from being removed (for example the Namespace containing the KafkaTopics). In these cases it is possible to remove the finalizer manually (e.g. via kubectl edit), which will then allow the apiserver to remove any other resources.

Compatibility with other tooling

This approach is not easily compatible with other topic management tooling. This includes things like the and other Apache Kafka scripts as well as any other tooling which uses the Admin client, including Kafka applications themselves.

In the particular case of a hypothetical "Admin server" that was providing CLI or UI functionality in a Strimzi-aware way, it might be possible to use wrap Admin (decorator pattern), or write it using some abstraction over Admin which could also support operations on KafkaTopics for those interactions which would otherwise result in conflicting sources of truth.

Alternatively it might be possible to develop a Kafka-aware proxy to redirect Kafka protocol messages which changed topic state to the Kube API, along with a Topic Operator which had a priviliged connection that was not proxied in this way. This would result in Kube being the effective source of truth for topic state.

Future work

This proposal aims to set the direction and define the semantics of the UTO. It is not intended, by itself, to define the complete post-BTO picture. Future work could include:

  • Providing tooling to conveniently create KafkaTopics for existing topics in Kafka.
  • Providing tooling to conveniently remove finalizers from KafkaTopics

Rejected alternatives

A KRaft-enabled BTO

This has been investigated, at length, as described above. While it would be possible, technically to support bidirectionality, it's not clear that many users require it in practice. There is very significant complexity in supporting bidirectionality, which would manifest as a long term supportability burden for the Strimzi project. Adopting the UTO allows us to better support the common use case (gitops), and add long sought-after features (support for multiple namespaces).


This has been discounted for the reasons described in the motivation section.