The authx component is responsible of managing the credentials of the different elements of the platform that require those (e.g., users). Thus, this component will be used by either components trying to check a set of credentials, or by components creating/managing credentials.
The authx component is a requirement for having a running platform, therefore any error in the deployment may cause issue at system level.
The following components are required
- scylla-deploy
- A secret named
is required and created by the installer. The content of this secret is used to create the JWT tokens so different installations are expected to use different secrets. - A certification authoritity created by the installer is required to issue new certificates.
In order to build and compile this repository use the provided Makefile:
make all
This operation generates the binaries for this repo, download dependencies, run existing tests and generate ready-to-deploy Kubernetes files.
Tests are executed using Ginkgo. To run all the available tests:
make test
Dependencies are managed using Godep. For an automatic dependencies download use:
make dep
In order to have all dependencies up-to-date run:
dep ensure -update -v
- The interceptors are being migrated to their own repository to limit inter-repository dependencies.
- Some authx packages do not follow the handler-manager approach as implemented in other repositories. This issue will be part of a refactor on future versions.
- Some scylladb providers do not make use of the scylladb-utils. This will be refactored in future versions.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE-2.0.txt file for details.