WARNING: This is just a PoC. Use at your own risk.
This is a simple python implementation of
It uses pysodium for all Ristretto255 functions. Therefore libsodium must be pre-installed.
# Use your own private Key
vrf = ECVRF(bytes.fromhex('3431c2b03533e280b23232e280b34e2c3132c2b03238e280b23131e280b34500'))
# or create a random private Key
vrf = ECVRF.random_key()
# Get the secret Key
sk = vrf.secret_key
# Get the public Key
pk = vrf.public_key
# Get proof and hash for a message
pi, beta = vrf.hash(b'bla')
# Verify
print(vrf.verify(pk, b'bla', pi))