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Server for wikispeech TTS

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git clone
cd wikispeech-server
sudo apt install opus-tools python3-pip
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

mkdir wikispeech_server/tmp

Normally, python3-setuptools should be installed automatically as a dependency for python3-pip, but some cases have been reported where you need to install this separately (debian-9.1):

sudo apt install python3-setuptools


python3 bin/wikispeech


For local configuration, make a copy of wikispeech_server/default.conf, name it <username>-<hostname>.conf, and edit it as needed.

The file contains settings for:

  • Server
    • server port (default: 10000)
    • log_level (default: warning)
    • logger (default: stderr, possible settings: stderr, stdout, syslog, filename)
    • flask_debug_mode: python flask setting to reload when files are edited. (default: False)
  • Voice config
    • config_files_location: Folder for config files (default: wikispeech_server/conf)
    • config_files: A list of voice config files to load
  • Audio settings
    • audio_tmpdir: output directory for soundfiles. This directory needs to exist. (default: ./wikispeech_server/tmp)
  • Services
  • Tests
    • run_startup_test: Run or don't run a lot of tests - they may fail if configuration is incorrect, or lexicon/marytts servers are not found. (default: True)
    • quit_on_error: Quit if a test fails. (default: False)

To test the config file, the script can be run with a config file as argument:

python3 bin/wikispeech <config-file>

For developers:

If you are developing for Wikispeech, and need to make changes to this repository, make sure you run a test build using before you make a pull request. Don't run more than one instance of this script at once, and make sure no wikispeech servers are already running on the default ports.


google-chrome test.html

(may not work to load the audio, depends on setup)

google-chrome "http://localhost:10000/"

(for usage information)

google-chrome "http://localhost:10000/?lang=sv&input=Ett+test"

(example api call)


started in

Apache setup:

1. (optional - for access through apache)

Link the audio file directory in <webroot>, as defined in default.conf or your local configuration file:

$ cd <webroot>; sudo ln -s <audio_tmpdir> <audio_url_prefix>


$ cd /var/www/html; sudo ln -s ~/git/wikispeech-server/wikispeech_server/tmp/ audio

Audio files generated by the TTS should now be accessible through: http://localhost/audio/ and from outside at http://<HOSTNAME>/audio

2. (optional - to avoid unwanted access)

Disallow access to non-opus files by adding a .htaccess-file <audio_tmpdir> with the following content

<FilesMatch "\.*$">
  Deny from all
<FilesMatch "\.opus$">
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

Remove directory listing by adding a index.html file in <audio_tmpdir> with something like the following content:

This is a service to serve Wikispeech audio files. There is really never any reason to see this page.

To also display this page in the root directory (instead of apache default): $ cd /var/www/html/; sudo rm index.html; sudo ln -s audio/index.html

3. (optional - for access through apache)

To access the wikispeech server through apache: Add something like this to your apache config file (for example "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf") and restart apache (for example with "sudo apache2ctl restart"). You may need to run "sudo a2enmod proxy" and "sudo a2enmod proxy_http" first.

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass         /wikispeech/
ProxyPassReverse  /wikispeech/
ProxyRequests     Off

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /ws_service/
ProxyPassReverse /ws_service/
ProxyRequests Off

4. (optional - for testing through apache)

Link this directory in apache's document root, for example:

cd /var/www/html; sudo ln -s ~/git/wikispeech-server


google-chrome http://localhost:10000/test.html
google-chrome http://localhost:10000/workflow_demo/test.html

This work was supported by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) through the grant "Wikispeech – en användargenererad talsyntes på Wikipedia" (2016–2017).