NQS is built on top of NetKet for the classical simulation of Quantum Circuits using Restricted Boltzmann machines. It is a Python library built on C++ primitives.
The code is written in C++ and utilizes MPI to allow fast execution. A Python interface is provided through PyBind. You can either clone this repository and install the sources on your own using:
git clone https://github.com/stubbi/nqs.git
cd nqs
python setup.py install
Important: The code is currently optimized for the skylake-avx512
architecture. In order to change that, replace the compiler arguments in the CmakeLists.txt.
There is also the alternative to use the Singularity Container which has the package preinstalled and run your scripts inside them. For this, you need to have singularity installed on your machine:
singularity pull shub://stubbi/nqs
Afterwards, you can simply add nqs
as a dependency to your python project:
import nqs