@cruncheevos/core is zero-dependency JavaScript library for dealing with RetroAchievements assets
- Parse achievement condition strings, achievement and leaderboard strings produced by RAIntegration into JavaScript objects
- Output condition, achievement and leaderboard strings
- Validation at runtime
The library is provided in both ESM and UMD format, it expects your environment to support atleast ES2018, if that's a problem - include the package into your build step.
- API - mirrors jsdoc comments
- define function
> npm install @cruncheevos/core
You can also get the library from unpkg:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cruncheevos/core/dist/cruncheevos.umd.js"></script>
console.log({ cruncheevos })
import * as cruncheevos from 'https://unpkg.com/@cruncheevos/core/dist/cruncheevos.js'
console.log({ cruncheevos })
import { define as $, Condition, Achievement, Leaderboard, AchievementSet } from '@cruncheevos/core'
const conditionString = new Condition(
['ResetIf', 'Mem', '32bit', 0xCAFE, '=', 'Value', '', 1234]
).toString() // R:0xXcafe=1234
const conditionObject = new Condition('0xXcafe=1234')
Condition {
flag: '',
lvalue: { type: 'Mem', size: '32bit', value: 51966 },
cmp: '=',
rvalue: { type: 'Value', size: '', value: 1234 },
hits: 0
// define.one ($.one) - same as new Condition
const cheat1 = $.one(['', 'Mem', '8bit', 0x34444, '=', 'Value', '', 0])
const cheat2 = $.one(['', 'Mem', '8bit', 0x34445, '=', 'Value', '', 0])
const cheat3 = $.one(['', 'Mem', '8bit', 0x34446, '=', 'Value', '', 0])
const achievement = new Achievement({
id: 111000001,
title: 'My Achievement',
description: 'Do something funny',
points: 5,
type: 'win_condition',
conditions: {
core: $(
conditionObject.with({ cmp: '!=' }) // make a slightly different copy of condition
// each condition will be wrapped with PauseIf flag
alt1: [
['', 'Mem', '32bit', 0xFEED, '=', 'Value', '', 0xABCDEF]
// 111000001:"0xXcafe!=1234_P:0xH34444=0_P:0xH34445=0_P:0xH34446=0S0xXfeed=11259375":My Achievement:Do something funny:::win_condition:cruncheevos:5:::::00000
const leaderboard = new Leaderboard({
id: 111000001,
title: 'My Leaderboard',
description: 'Do something funny',
type: 'SCORE',
lowerIsBetter: false,
conditions: {
start: {
core: $(
conditionObject.with({ cmp: '!=' })
// each condition will be wrapped with PauseIf flag
cancel: '0=1',
submit: '1=1',
value: $(['Measured', 'Mem', '32bit', 0x1234])
// L111000001:"0xXcafe!=1234_P:0xH34444=0_P:0xH34445=0_P:0xH34446=0":"0=1":"1=1":"M:0xX1234":SCORE:My Leaderboard:Do something funny:0
const set = new AchievementSet({ gameId: 1234, title: 'Cool Game' })
Cool Game
111000001:"0xXcafe!=1234_P:0xH34444=0_P:0xH34445=0_P:0xH34446=0S0xXfeed=11259375":My Achievement:Do something funny:::win_condition:cruncheevos:5:::::00000
L111000001:"0xXcafe!=1234_P:0xH34444=0_P:0xH34445=0_P:0xH34446=0":"0=1":"1=1":"M:0xX1234":SCORE:My Leaderboard:Do something funny:0