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Releases: suchsoak/Shell_Script_Linux


11 Aug 14:56
Choose a tag to compare
 ___  ___   ___  _  __ ___   ___  ___  ___  ___  _____ 
| _ \/   \ / __|| |/ // __| / __|| _ \|_ _|| _ \|_   _|
|  _/| - || (__ |   < \__ \| (__ |   / | | |  _/  | |  
|_|  |_|_| \___||_|\_\|___/ \___||_|_\|___||_|    |_|  

[1] Normal Packages
[2] With Hackcing tools (nmap, aicrack-ng...)
[3] Only Hacking tools
[4] Update

BY: suchsoak
  • Script improvement
  • Fix installed zypper packages
  • Fix Confusion Script
  • Comments on the script for better understanding
  • New file for information about the script (JSON)
  • Termux is finished
  • Separate scripts for better organization
  • Docker hacking

  • Dockerfiles Hacking Links
    Scripts Links
    Script1 and 2


    01 Jan 19:42
    Choose a tag to compare

    Now support openSUSE


    |                                        |
    |             ==o========oo=             |
    |         =o==================o          |
    |       ==========================       |
    |      ====o  =====================      |
    |         =             =o===========    |
    |                    =o===oo=o========   |
    |                   ==o===o==  =======   |
    |                  ===  === ==  =======  |
    |                  ===   = ===  ======o  |
    |             ====  ===o=o===    =====o  |
    |             ========oooo=    =o======  |
    |                ========ooo==========   |
    |                     =oo==oo=========   |
    |                           =========    |
    |       =====oo=====oo=============      |
    |       ==========================       |
    |          ====================          |
    |             ==============             |
    |                                        |

    Part of the code

      elif [ "$(lsb_release -si)" == "openSUSE" ]; then
    sudo zypper install -y make 
    sudo zypper install -y curl 
    sudo zypper install -y wget 
    sudo zypper install -y git 
    sudo zypper install -y vim 
    sudo zypper install -y net-tools 
    sudo zypper install -y openssh 
    sudo zypper install -y neofetch 
    sudo zypper install -y inxi 
    sudo zypper install -y smartmontools 
    sudo zypper install -y docker

    You can choose between Dockerfile or docker command


    FROM opensuse/tumbleweed:latest
    RUN zypper update && zypper in -y \
        make \
        curl \
        wget \

    Docker command

       zypper update && zypper in -y git && zypper in -y sudo && sudo zypper in -y lsb-release && git clone && cd Shell_Script_Linux && chmod 777 && clear && bash ./  

    You can choose between 1, 2 or 3

    [1] Normal Packages
    [2] With Hackcing tools (nmap, aicrack-ng...)
    [3] Only Hacking tools

    Shell script

    22 Nov 20:18
    Choose a tag to compare
     ___  ___   ___  _  __ ___   ___  ___  ___  ___  _____ 
    | _ \/   \ / __|| |/ // __| / __|| _ \|_ _|| _ \|_   _|
    |  _/| - || (__ |   < \__ \| (__ |   / | | |  _/  | |  
    |_|  |_|_| \___||_|\_\|___/ \___||_|_\|___||_|    |_|  
    [1] Normal Packages
    [2] With Hacking tools (nmap, aicrack-ng...)
    [3] Only Hacking tools
    [4] Update
    BY: suchsoak

    What's new

    The provided shell script is a versatile installation tool with a clear and organized structure. It begins by displaying a banner with ASCII art and relevant information, such as version and source details. The user is prompted to select an option from a menu (options 1 to 4), with input validation to ensure a valid choice.

    The script utilizes a case statement to execute specific code blocks based on the chosen option. Notably, option 1 is designed to install packages based on the user's operating system. The script checks for Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali (Debian-based), Arch Linux, Fedora, and Android. For each supported OS, it contains corresponding code to install essential packages and tools.

    The script also includes a sub-option (1.1) under option 1, focusing on the installation of Nethunter on Termux for Android devices. The script displays an ASCII art banner for Nethunter and provides the necessary steps for installation.

    [1] Normal Packages

    I fixed some parckgaes that I didn't have in their standard libraries.

    For example, sudo dnf install iw.

    And I also added more packages, like .

    sudo dnf install snapd -y
    sudo apt instal snap -y
    sudo apt install htop -y
    sudo pacman -S gcc --noconfirm

    [2] With Hacking tools

    Script 2 will download both normal packages and cyber security tools.


    It's important to note that the usage of hacking tools should comply with ethical standards and legal regulations. Unauthorized use of such tools is illegal and can lead to serious consequences. This script should only be used in ethical hacking and security testing scenarios with proper authorization.

    In this part of the script

    sudo apt update
    Hackingtools=$(cat << "tools"
     _  _  ___   ___  _  __ ___  _  _   ___ 
    | || |/   \ / __|| |/ /|_ _|| \| | / __|
    | __ || - || (__ |   <  | | | .  || (_ |
    |_||_||_|_| \___||_|\_\|___||_|\_| \___| 
    BY: suchsoak
    echo "$Hackingtools"
    sleep 3 > /dev/null
    sudo apt install nmap -y
    sudo apt install aircrack-ng -y
    sudo apt install wifite -y
    sudo apt install hydra -y
    sudo apt install tcpdump -y
    sudo apt install sqlmap -y
    sudo apt install john -y
    sudo apt install hashcat -y
    sudo apt install mcrypt -y
    sudo apt install proxychains4 -y
    sudo apt install tor -y
    sudo apt install host -y
    sudo apt install dnsrecon -y
    sudo apt install netcat -y

    Several famous tools will be downloaded, for people who are curious or study hacking. Tools and also tor browsers.

                         . ..                        
                     ... . .......~. ..               
                ..... ... ...+==+=+:~.. ..            
              .  ..  . . .  .~::++=o==+:~ . .         
             . ..  .  .   .       ..~+=o=+.  .        
           .  .   . .. .. ...~:~~..  ..~+o=+.  .      
            .   .           .+===o+:..  .:=o=~  .     
             .      .  .      ..~:=oo+. . ~=o=~       
       .   .       .    .    .    .~=o=~   .=o=.  .   
       .                    .+++~   .+oo~   ~oo:      
             .               +ooo~   .oo+   .=o=.     
                            .+ooo+    =o=    =o=      
                            .+oo=:   .=o+   .=o+      
                             ++:.   .+o=.   ~oo:      
                                   ~=o=~   .=o=.      
                              ..~:=o=:.   .=o=.       
                             :====+:.    ~=o=.        
                             ~~..     .~+o=:          

    As it is in the script, tools such as wireshark and tcpdump will also be installed, regardless of the operating system that the script supports.

    [3] Only Hacking tools

    Option 3 will install only the cyber security tools, such as nmap, sqlmap...

    echo "$wpscan"
    sleep 2 > /dev/null
    sudo pacman -S wpscan --noconfirm
    wireshark=$(cat << "shark"
    |ooooo++++::............ . oooo|
    |oooo++++:::....... . .  . oooo|
    |ooo+::+:........ .   .  ..+ooo|
    |ooo+++:....... ..  .     .+ooo|
    |oo+++::........ .         +ooo|
    |o+:+:....... .            :ooo|
    echo "$wireshark"
    sleep 2 > /dev/null
    sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S wireshark-cli --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S nmap --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S aircrack-ng --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S hydra --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S wifite --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S proxychains --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S hashcat --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S john --noconfirm
    sudo pacman -S tor --noconfirm


             ~o    :+   
     _ __ ____  __    ___                             
    | |/ //   \| |   |_ _|       
    |   < | - || |__ |   |       
        [1] Nethunter Install
        [2] No Install 

    This is a very large script and I'm struggling to have time for my tools, so for termux it's still going to take a while to have more tools. However, I'm going to improve the whole script and more content will come in.

    For now we have

        pkg install nmap -y
        pkg install aircrack-ng -y
        pkg install sqlmap -y
        pkg install tcpdump -y
        pkg install nmap-ncat -y
        pkg install tor -y
        pkg install libcap-ng -y
        pkg install lvm2 -y
        pkg install mailutils -y
        pkg install nmh -y 
        pkg install tsduck-tools -y

    [4] Update

    In this part, the script will be updated. If have any updates on github.

    git pull
    Hacking Tools Link
    Proxychains or
    Hashcat or
    Wpscan or
    Sqlmap or
    Netcat or


    13 Nov 22:26
    Choose a tag to compare
     ___  ___   ___  _  __ ___   ___  ___  ___  ___  _____ 
    | _ \/   \ / __|| |/ // __| / __|| _ \|_ _|| _ \|_   _|
    |  _/| - || (__ |   < \__ \| (__ |   / | | |  _/  | |  
    |_|  |_|_| \___||_|\_\|___/ \___||_|_\|___||_|    |_|  
    BY: suchsoak

    This is a shell script for you to have everything when formatting your linux


    This script appears to be a Bash script that automates the installation of various software packages and tools on different operating systems. Let's break down the script and understand what it does.

    Script Overview:

    The script starts by displaying a banner with ASCII art and some information about the author and version. Then it checks the operating system and proceeds with the installation of packages based on the detected OS.

    Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Kali:

    If the script detects that the operating system is Debian-based (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or Kali), it updates the package repositories and installs several packages using the apt package manager. The installed packages include make, curl, wget, git, vim, net-tools, ssh, neofetch, inxi, smartmontools,, build-essential, gcc, g++, nodejs, python3, python-pip, ruby, default-jdk, default-jre, mysql-server, postgresql, code (Visual Studio Code), and brave-browser. After the installations, it performs some system updates and configurations.

    Arch Linux:

    If the script detects that the operating system is Arch Linux, it updates the package repositories and installs several packages using the pacman package manager. The installed packages include curl, wget, git, vim, make, net-tools, wireless_tools, nano, xdg-utils, openssh, neofetch, inxi, smartmontools, docker, gcc, g++, nodejs, lua, python3, python-pip, ruby, jre-openjdk, mysql, code (Visual Studio Code), and brave-bin, brave-beta-bin, brave-nightly-bin using the yay package manager. After the installations, it performs some system updates and configurations.


    If the script detects that the operating system is Fedora, it updates the package repositories and installs several packages using the dnf package manager. The installed packages include git,neofetch, curl, wget, vim, net-tools, wireless_tools, xdg-utils, openssh, inxi, smartmontools, docker, gcc, g++, nodejs, lua, python3, python-pip, ruby, default-jdk, default-jre, mysql, code (Visual Studio Code), and brave-browser. After the installations, it performs some system updates and configurations.


    If the script detects that the operating system is Android, it installs several packages using the pkg package manager. The installed packages include make, curl, wget, git, vim, net-tools, openssh, neofetch, inxi, qemu-utils, qemu-common, qemu-system-x86_64-headless, nodejs, python3, python-pip, ruby, openjdk-17, postgresql, code (Visual Studio Code), and provides an option to install Nethunter. After the installations, it performs some system updates and configurations.


    The provided code is a set of commands written in the Termux terminal emulator for Android. It is used to install and set up a virtual machine running Alpine Linux using QEMU (Quick Emulator).

    Let's break down the commands:

    pkg install qemu-utils qemu-common qemu-system-x86_64-headless -y: This command installs the necessary QEMU packages for running a virtual machine on the Android device.

    mkdir alpine && cd alpine: This command creates a directory named "alpine" and changes the current directory to that newly created directory.

    wget This command uses the wget utility to download the Alpine Linux ISO image file from the specified URL.

    qemu-img create -f qcow2 alpine.img 4G: This command creates a virtual hard disk image named "alpine.img" with a size of 4GB in the QCOW2 format. This image will be used as the storage for the virtual machine.

    qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35 -m 1024 -smp cpus=2 -cpu qemu64 : This command starts the QEMU virtual machine with the specified configuration options. It sets the machine type to "q35", allocates 1024MB of memory (RAM) to the virtual machine, assigns 2 virtual CPUs, and uses the "qemu64" CPU model.

    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,read-only,file=$PREFIX/share/qemu/edk2-x86_64-code.fd : This command specifies the firmware file to be used by the virtual machine. It sets the firmware interface to "pflash" and provides the path to the firmware file.

    -netdev user,id=n1,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 -device virtio-net,netdev=n1 : This command configures the virtual network device for the virtual machine. It creates a user network interface with the ID "n1" and forwards the host's TCP port 2222 to the virtual machine's port 22 (SSH).

    -cdrom alpine-virt-3.12.3-x86_64.iso -nographic alpine.img: This command specifies the ISO image file to be used as the virtual machine's CD-ROM drive. It sets the display mode to "nographic", which means the virtual machine will not have a graphical interface.

    These commands collectively set up a virtual machine running Alpine Linux using QEMU in the Termux environment.

    Please note that running virtual machines on Android devices may require sufficient system resources and may not be as performant as running on dedicated hardware.

    Downloads Links
    QEMU Info

    Kali Linux - Nethunter

         _  __ ___  _     ___                   _    _                 _             
        | |/ //   \| |   |_ _|       _ _   ___ | |_ | |_   _  _  _ _  | |_  ___  _ _ 
        |   < | - || |__  | |       | ' \ / -_)|  _||   \ | || || ' \ |  _|/ -_)| '_|
        |_|\_\|_|_||____||___|      |_||_|\___| \__||_||_| \_._||_||_| \__|\___||_|  
        [1] Nethunter Install
        [2] No Install 


    This script appears to be a shell script written in Bash. It presents a menu to the user with two options: Nethunter Install and No Install. Depending on the user's choice, it performs different actions. The script also includes some additional commands related to Termux and Nethunter.

    Script Explanation

    nter=$(cat << "EOF"
        _ __ ___ _     ___                   _    _                 _             
        | |/ //   \| |   |_ _|       _ _   ___ | |_ | |_   _ _ _ _ | |_ ___ _ _ 
        |   < | - || |__ | |       | ' \ / -_)| _||   \ | || || ' \ | _|/ -_)| '_|
        |_|\_\|_|_||____||___|      |_||_|\___| \__||_||_| \_._||_||_| \__|\___||_|  
        [1] Nethunter Install
        [2] No Install 
    echo "$nethunter"
    # Declare op
    while [[ $op -ne 1 && $op -ne 2 ]]
        read -p "Select an option [1-2]: " op
    case $op in
        echo "Nethunter Install"
        sleep 1 > /dev/null
        wget -O install-nethunter-termux
        chmod +x install-nethunter-termux
        sleep 1 >/dev/null
        echo "Put a Password"
        nethunter kex passwd
        sleep 1 > /dev/null
        # Install neofetch if not installed
        if [ -z "$(command -v neofetch)" ]; then
            pkg install neofetch
        echo "No Nethunter"

    Let's break down the script step by step:

    The script starts by assigning a multi-line string to the variable nethunter. This string contains an ASCII art logo and a menu with two options: Nethunter Install and No Install.

    The echo "$nethunter" command is used to display the contents of the nethunter variable, which shows the logo and menu to the user.

    The read op command is used to read the user's input and store it in the variable op.

    The case $op in statement starts a case statement that checks the value of the op variable.

    If the value of op is 1, the script executes the following commands:

    echo "Nethunter Install": Displays the message "Nethunter Install".
    sleep 1 > /dev/null: Pauses the script for 1 second.
    termux-setup-storage: Sets up storage access for the Termux app.

    wget -O install-nethunter-termux Downloads a file named "install-nethunter-termux" from the specified URL.

    chmod +x install-nethunter-termux: Changes the permissions of the downloaded file to make it executable.

    ./install-nethunter-termux: Executes the downloaded file.

    sleep 1 >/dev/null: Pauses the script for 1 second.

    clear: Clears the terminal screen.

    echo: Displays an empty line.

    echo "Put a Password": Displays the message "Put a Password".

    echo: Displays an empty line.

    nethunter kex passwd: Executes the command "nethunter kex passwd".

    sleep 1 > /dev/null: Pauses the script for 1 second.

    clear: Clears the terminal screen.

    neofetch: Displays system information using the "neofetch" command.

    If the value of op is 2, the script executes the following commands:

    echo "No Nethunter": Displays the message "No Nethunter".

    exit: Exits the script.

    Additional Information

    The script mentions Nethunter, which is a mobile penetration testing platform based on Kali Linux. It allows users to run Kali Linux on Android devices. The script seems to automate the installation process of Nethunter on the Termux app, which provides a terminal emulator and Linux environment for Android.

    For more information on Nethunter installation, you can refer to the official documentation at:

    Downloads Links