- Go to the installation section and install all required libraries.
- Upload the code to ESP32.
- Check the data flow using MQTT Explorer.
- Set up the database with proper tables and credentials (.env file).
- Run the mqtt-listener.js.
- Check the console as well as the MySQL database for the data stream.
- Visit the index.html page and ENJOY..!
The IoT Based Real-Time Data Monitoring System is a comprehensive solution designed to collect, process, and display data from sensors placed within a room. Real-time data along with daily, weekly, and monthly summarized statistical data are also available for the user to view in the dashboard.
- ESP32 microcontroller for sensor data acquisition.
- MQTT server for efficient communication between devices.
- Node.js for creating a server to handle MQTT messages.
- MySQL database to store real-time and historical data
- PHP for building APIs to interact with the database.
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript for developing the frontend interface.
- ArduinoJson.h
- WiFi.h
- PubSubClient.h
- Wire.h
MQTT Explorer is utilized in this project to visualize the data from the MQTT Server. Download
In this project, I'm using a remote server for deployment. The server runs on Cloud Linux. If you are using Linux or another operating system for your server, feel free to modify the following command.
- Node.js installation
yum install -y gcc-c++ make
curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
yum install nodejs
ln -s /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npm
cp /usr/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node
nano /etc/cagefs/conf.d/node.cfg
Add the following lines and save it:
nano /etc/cagefs/conf.d/npm.cfg
Add the following lines and save it:
cagefsctl --force-update
- MQTT installation via Node
npm install mqtt
- MySQL installation via Node
npm install mysql
- Composer ( Optional )
php composer-setup.php --install-dir=bin --filename=composer
- Express ( Optional ) : Those who want's to run the API via express
npm install express
- File System Module for HTTPS ( Optional ) : Those who want's to run the API via express
npm install fs
- MySQL database running on server
The ESP32 microcontroller is employed to collect data from sensors installed in the room. Currently, no sensor is physically connected to the ESP32. Random functions are utilized to generate data that are considered equivalent to real sensor data. Four parameters are considered for four individual rooms in this application: [room1:room4] temperature, humidity, gas, and oxygen. This data is then transmitted to an MQTT server using the MQTT protocol, ensuring reliable and lightweight communication.
int temperature1 = random(25, 50);
int humidity1 = random(75, 100);
int gas1 = random(40, 80);
int oxygen1 = random(85, 100);
int temperature2 = random(25, 50);
int humidity2 = random(75, 100);
int gas2 = random(40, 80);
int oxygen2 = random(85, 100);
The transmitted data to the MQTT server are received based on particular topics. MQTT Explorer is utilized to visualize the transmitted random data. Four individual topics are selected for individual rooms. The data for individual rooms is sent to the MQTT server after a certain time interval which is defined by 'sensorReadDelay1' and 'sensorReadDelay2'.
int sensorReadDelay1 = 1000;
int sensorReadDelay2 = 3000;
The MQTT server topics used in this project are given as follows:
const char* publishTopic1 = "/SATL/room1";
const char* publishTopic2 = "/SATL/room2";
const char* publishTopic3 = "/SATL/room3";
const char* publishTopic4 = "/SATL/room4";
Broker Server URL for this project:
const char* mqtt_server = "broker.emqx.io";
You may use different open source mqtt-brokers from this list.
You can connect to the MQTT Broker server from MQTT Explorer and visualize the data sent from ESP32 by subscribing to the particular topic that you provided earlier.
A Node.js server is established to listen to incoming messages from the MQTT server. Upon receiving data, the server parses it and stores it in a database, facilitating efficient data management and retrieval for further processing. The instantaneous data are stored in a particular table from which the data is served to the dashboard via APIs. The current random data for four individual rooms are also stored in a separate data table with an interval of 15 seconds to visualize the data in a graphical format. The average hourly data, daily data, and weekly data are stored in separate data tables for historical analysis.
You need to run the mqtt-listener.js to start the datastream.
node mqtt-listener.js
The MySQL database is utilized for data storage in this application. There are several data tables designed to store data received from the MQTT server. Two tables are designated as instantaneous data update tables where incoming data is frequently updated from the MQTT server. Minimum, maximum, and average data are stored for every hour in a separate table. Additionally, based on the time interval, the daily average data is also stored in another table for historical analysis.
The database tables are provided as follows:
PHP is used to develop APIs that interface with the database. These APIs serve as endpoints for the frontend to access and retrieve data stored in the database, enabling seamless integration between the frontend and backend components. Below are the APIs and the sample output data format.
[{"id":"1","gas":"76","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:03:47"},
{"id":"2","gas":"62","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:04:01"},
{"id":"3","gas":"61","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:04:16"},
{"id":"4","gas":"58","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:04:31"},
{"id":"5","gas":"60","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:04:46"},
{"id":"6","gas":"55","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:05:01"},
{"id":"7","gas":"49","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:05:16"},
{"id":"8","gas":"55","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:05:31"},
{"id":"9","gas":"51","timestamp":"2024-03-28 15:05:46"}]
[{"id":1,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"27","t_max":"30","h_min":"75","h_max":"80","g_min":"40","g_max":"42","o_min":"85","o_max":"92","last_updated":"2024-03-28 08:00:00"},
{"id":5,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"27","t_max":"35","h_min":"77","h_max":"85","g_min":"47","g_max":"79","o_min":"86","o_max":"96","last_updated":"2024-03-28 09:00:00"},
{"id":17,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"38","t_max":"30","h_min":"88","h_max":"97","g_min":"78","g_max":"42","o_min":"91","o_max":"99","last_updated":"2024-03-28 10:00:00"},
{"id":21,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"33","t_max":"35","h_min":"78","h_max":"86","g_min":"76","g_max":"47","o_min":"87","o_max":"87","last_updated":"2024-03-28 11:00:00"},
{"id":25,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"27","t_max":"37","h_min":"78","h_max":"82","g_min":"41","g_max":"49","o_min":"87","o_max":"85","last_updated":"2024-03-28 12:00:00"},
{"id":29,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"38","t_max":"30","h_min":"88","h_max":"75","g_min":"57","g_max":"46","o_min":"92","o_max":"85","last_updated":"2024-03-28 13:00:00"},
{"id":41,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"25","t_max":"26","h_min":"79","h_max":"96","g_min":"65","g_max":"67","o_min":"93","o_max":"95","last_updated":"2024-03-28 14:00:00"},
{"id":45,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"27","t_max":"48","h_min":"84","h_max":"78","g_min":"60","g_max":"45","o_min":"87","o_max":"93","last_updated":"2024-03-28 15:00:00"},
{"id":49,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"25","t_max":"31","h_min":"79","h_max":"80","g_min":"60","g_max":"74","o_min":"97","o_max":"92","last_updated":"2024-03-28 16:00:00"},
{"id":53,"room_no":"room1","t_min":"26","t_max":"26","h_min":"75","h_max":"97","g_min":"56","g_max":"55","o_min":"96","o_max":"93","last_updated":"2024-03-28 17:00:00"}]
"id": 12,
"room_no": "room1",
"avg_t_min": "30",
"avg_t_max": "26",
"avg_h_min": "92",
"avg_h_max": "80",
"avg_g_min": "41",
"avg_g_max": "59",
"avg_o_min": "90",
"avg_o_max": "91",
"last_updated": "2024-03-28 12:30:00"
If you want to run the API from your server, you could just run the api.js via Node. It is recommended to use HTTPS for APIs. The code has been set up flexibly so that you may use SSL. To use HTTPS, you need to set the useHTTPS variable to true.
const useHTTPS = true;
Also you need to upload SSL server certificate to the server.crt file and server key to the server.hey file. You can generate the HTTPS certificate from you cPanel or this cite. server.crt
The frontend interface is crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering users an intuitive platform to visualize and interact with the monitored data. Through dynamic rendering and real-time updates, users can conveniently monitor room conditions and trends. The frontend dynamically updates to display the latest sensor readings through AJAX requests to the PHP APIs. The real-time data is updated every 90 milliseconds, while the graph data is updated every 500 miliseconds. You could change these parameters from dataFetch.js file.
The IoT Based Real Time Monitoring System successfully integrates various technologies to provide users with a comprehensive solution for monitoring room conditions. By leveraging ESP32, MQTT, Node.js, PHP, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript, the system ensures efficient data collection, processing, and visualization, enhancing the user experience and enabling informed decision-making.
- Ensure that all required packages and libraries are installed.
- To use the Express API, ensure that the port being used is not blocked by the server's firewall. Open the specified port for API communication. In this case, it's 4115.
- You may enter your database credentials directly to the db.js file or you can use environment variable that I have used in this scenarios.
- You can run the API and listener at the same time by running start.js file.
- Will be updated...!