Simple gig finding app for freelancing coders. This app uses Node, Express, Sequalize and Handlebars.
This app uses a Postgres database findgig with default user credentials .
user: postgres
password: 123456
Create a table gigs in the public schema, if using Postgres or in the findgig database for other implementations. Structure the table with the following columns, adapt it yourself for databases other than Postgres.
CREATE TABLE public.gigs (
id integer NOT NULL,
title character varying(200),
technologies character varying(200),
budget character varying(20),
description text,
contact_email character varying,
"createdAt" date,
"updatedAt" date
Create the corresponding table in your database and change the database credentials by changing the datbase configuration template in the config folder (config/database.template.js) and then rename the file to database.js.
// Change DB_name, DB_user, DB_pass and DB_host.
// Rename this file to database.js
module.exports = new Sequelize("DB_name", "DB_user", "DB_pass", {
host: "DB_host",
If you want to use some other SQL database such as MySQL, SQLite or Microsoft SQL Server, refer to the Sequelize documentation for more information. You may have to install additional NodeJS packages.
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Serve on localhost:5000
npm start
# Run Live Development Server
npm run dev
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Adapted from CodeGig by Brad Traversy