logger for Golang.
go get -u github.com/suganoo/gologger
ex. gologgerSample.go
package main
import (
var glog *gologger.Gologger
func hogeFunc() {
glog.Debug("this is debug hogeFunc")
glog.Info("call hogeFunc")
func main() {
glog = gologger.NewGologger(gologger.Configuration{Logfile : "./testlog.log"})
defer glog.CloseFile()
msg := "hogehoge"
glog.Debug("this is debug") // default debug is muted
glog.Info("this is info")
glog.Info("msg : " + msg)
glog.Warning("this is warning")
glog.Error("this is Error")
glog.Debug("this is debug xxx")
glog.Debug("this is debug yyy") // this debug message is muted
go run gologgerSample.go
default output items are ...
- timestamp
- log level
- host server name
- process ID
- goroutine ID
- user name
- version (product version)
- log message
- function name
- file name
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 this is info main [gologgerSample.go:18]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 msg : hogehoge main [gologgerSample.go:19]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 WARNING hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 this is warning main [gologgerSample.go:20]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 ERROR hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 this is Error main [gologgerSample.go:21]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 DEBUG hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 this is debug hogeFunc hogeFunc [gologgerSample.go:8]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 call hogeFunc hogeFunc [gologgerSample.go:9]
2018-02-21T10:07:44.277+09:00 DEBUG hoge.sever 3892 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 this is debug xxx main [gologgerSample.go:26]
As setting empty in "Logfile", it shows log in os.Stdout.
glog = gologger.NewGologger(gologger.Configuration{})
Any type of messages can be logged.
// Array
items := []string{"aaaa", "bbbb"}
// Int
// Struct
type Hoge struct {
Id int
Name string
hoge := Hoge{Id: 1222, Name:"aaaa"}
// Mixed
glog.Info("ddddddddddd", "ooooo", 123)
// Array
2019-01-07T12:17:01.248+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 18184 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 [aaaa bbbb] main [main.go:24]
// Int
2019-01-07T12:17:01.248+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 18184 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 1000 main [main.go:23]
// Struct
2019-01-07T12:17:01.248+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 18184 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 {1222 aaaa} main [main.go:30]
// Mixed
2019-01-07T12:17:01.248+09:00 INFO hoge.sever 18184 gid:1 fuga-user 1.0.0 ddddddddddd ooooo 123 main [main.go:31]
It is available to change time format.
2018/02/21 INFO hoge.sever...
It is also available to change separator. Default separator is tab.
It is also available to change the order of log items.
glog.SetItemsList([]gologger.KeyId{gologger.KeyMessage, gologger.KeyFunc, gologger.KeyFileName, gologger.KeyLogLevel, gologger.KeyProcessId})
hogehoge main [main.go:11] INFO 10780
change the format to JSON.
{"filename":"[sample.go:18]","func":"main","gid":"1","hostname":"hoge.server","loglevel":"INFO","msg":"this is info","pid":"4124","timestamp":"2019-02-10T23:54:07.854+09:00","username":"fuga-user","version":"1.0.0"}