A utility to embed line information to Refractor ASTs.
yarn add @suin/refractor-group-by-lines
# or
npm install @suin/refractor-group-by-lines
import refractor from "refractor";
import groupByLines from "@suin/refractor-group-by-lines";
const code = fs.readFileSync("./code.js", "utf-8");
const tree = refractor.highlight(code, "js");
const newTree = groupByLines(tree);
The structure of tree
├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","comment"]}
│ └─0 text "/* MULTIPLE\n LINE\n COMMENT */"
├─1 text "\n"
├─2 element<span>[3]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string"]}
│ ├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-punctuation","string"]}
│ │ └─0 text "`"
│ ├─1 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","string"]}
│ │ └─0 text "MULTIPLE\n LINE\n STRING"
│ └─2 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-punctuation","string"]}
│ └─0 text "`"
├─3 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text ";"
├─4 text "\n"
├─5 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Many"
├─6 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─7 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access"]}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Tokens"
├─8 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─9 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access"]}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "In"
├─10 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─11 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","constant"]}
│ └─0 text "A"
├─12 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─13 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access"]}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Single"
├─14 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─15 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access"]}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Line"
└─16 element<span>[1]
│ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
└─0 text ";"
The structure of the newTree
above becomes:
├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":1}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","comment"]}
│ └─0 text "/* MULTIPLE\n"
├─1 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":2}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","comment"]}
│ └─0 text " LINE\n"
├─2 element<span>[2]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":3}
│ ├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","comment"]}
│ │ └─0 text " COMMENT */"
│ └─1 text "\n"
├─3 element<span>[2]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":4}
│ ├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string","template-punctuation","string"]}
│ │ └─0 text "`"
│ └─1 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string","string"]}
│ └─0 text "MULTIPLE\n"
├─4 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":5}
│ └─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string","string"]}
│ └─0 text " LINE\n"
├─5 element<span>[4]
│ │ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":6}
│ ├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string","string"]}
│ │ └─0 text " STRING"
│ ├─1 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","template-string","template-punctuation","string"]}
│ │ └─0 text "`"
│ ├─2 element<span>[1]
│ │ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ │ └─0 text ";"
│ └─3 text "\n"
└─6 element<span>[12]
│ properties: {"className":["line"],"data-line-number":7}
├─0 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Many"
├─1 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─2 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Tokens"
├─3 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─4 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "In"
├─5 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─6 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","constant"]}
│ └─0 text "A"
├─7 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─8 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Single"
├─9 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
│ └─0 text "."
├─10 element<span>[1]
│ │ properties: {"className":["token","property-access","maybe-class-name"]}
│ └─0 text "Line"
└─11 element<span>[1]
│ properties: {"className":["token","punctuation"]}
└─0 text ";"
HTML would be like this:
<span class="line" data-line-number="1"
><span class="token comment">/* MULTIPLE\n</span></span
><span class="line" data-line-number="2"
><span class="token comment"> LINE\n</span></span
><span class="line" data-line-number="3"
><span class="token comment"> COMMENT */</span>\n</span
><span class="line" data-line-number="4"
><span class="token template-string template-punctuation string">`</span
><span class="token template-string string">MULTIPLE\n</span></span
><span class="line" data-line-number="5"
><span class="token template-string string"> LINE\n</span></span
><span class="line" data-line-number="6"
><span class="token template-string string"> STRING</span
><span class="token template-string template-punctuation string">`</span
><span class="token punctuation">;</span>\n</span
><span class="line" data-line-number="7"
><span class="token maybe-class-name">Many</span
><span class="token punctuation">.</span
><span class="token property-access maybe-class-name">Tokens</span
><span class="token punctuation">.</span
><span class="token property-access maybe-class-name">In</span
><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token constant">A</span
><span class="token punctuation">.</span
><span class="token property-access maybe-class-name">Single</span
><span class="token punctuation">.</span
><span class="token property-access maybe-class-name">Line</span
><span class="token punctuation">;</span></span