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Discovery Report and Accessioning

Andrew Berger edited this page Oct 23, 2023 · 12 revisions

Step 1: The discovery report

Once you've submitted your discovery report job through the Preassembly web form it will run in the background. The system will email when the job is complete. Depending on the number of objects and files in your job, the report can take minutes or many hours to generate. Please wait for the job to complete before running Preassembly.

The email will contain the following information:

  • The name of the job and a link to its page on Preassembly
  • The status of the job:
    • Completed means that the job has completed successfully without errors
    • Completed with errors means that the discovery report identified errors in your job
    • Failed means that an error occurred that prevented the discovery report job from completing

Click on the link to your job in the email (or navigate to the job within the Preassembly application) to view more details.

If your job has a status of Completed with errors or Failed, do not run a Preassembly job. Instead, please review the errors and address them and then run another Discovery report. When errors are found at this stage, they are often related to the organization of the files or the structure of the manifest file(s).

To run a new discovery report after addressing errors in the manifest(s) or file arrangement, click on the "New discovery report" button at the bottom of the page for the discovery report you just ran. This allows you to avoid filling out the form again.

Note that there may be cases where you conclude that an error in the discovery report can only be fixed by filling out the Preassembly web form again. Such errors could be the result of choosing an incompatible option on the web form, such as indicating that you "have a file manifest" when you only have a manifest.csv. In that case, you should start a new "Project" and fill out the form again with the desired settings in order to create a new discovery report. The old Project with the incorrect settings should not be used again.

Step 2: The Preassembly job

If your discovery report shows no errors, click the Run Preassembly button at the bottom of the page and the Preassembly job will run immediately, using the same settings you entered on the form when you created the discovery report. As with the discovery report, you will get an email when the job is complete and you do not need to leave your browser open.

The email will contain:

  • The name of the project and a link to the page showing the status of the Preassembly job
  • A list of all items that were successfully accessioned into the SDR
  • A list of any items that failed to accession, with links to view their status(es) in Argo