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Fixing an Incomplete Moab Upload

Johnathan Martin edited this page May 21, 2020 · 13 revisions

Fixing an Incomplete Moab Upload


A large Moab (>10GB) has only uploaded a portion of its archive files. The sdr-transfer volume ran out of space during transfers/upload. The parts_count value of the uploaded segments is incorrect.


  1. Delete all remaining pieces of the Moab from /sdr-transfers. (can be done by dev or ops from any of pres cat prod worker boxes, i.e. any other than -01)
  2. Delete any pieces of the failed Moab-version upload that made it to an endpoint from that one endpoint. (ops task)
  3. Delete & re-create the ZMV of the failing Moab from PresCat. (dev task, see below)
[1] pry(main)> zmv = ZippedMoabVersion.by_druid(druid).where(zip_endpoint: ZipEndpoint.where(endpoint_name: endpoint_name)).find_by!(version: version)

[2] pry(main)> zmv.destroy

[3] pry(main)> CompleteMoab.by_druid('dc156hp0190').find_each(&:create_zipped_moab_versions!)

This forces PresCat to re-zip that version and correctly record metadata.

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