This guide assumes you have Sumcoind running and synced with the Sumcoin blockchain with RPC credentials set and transaction indexing enabled.
Clone the script:
git clone
Navigate into the directory were you cloned the script:
cd electrumx-installer
Now run the script to install ElectrumX with Sumcoin:
sudo bash ./ --electrumx-git-url
- Let the script install all required dependencies and install ElectrumX (this takes about 2-5 minutes).
Installing installer dependencies
Adding new user for electrumx
Creating database directory in /db
INFO: Python 3.6 is already installed.
Installing git
Installing RocksDB
Installing pyrocksdb
Checking pyrocksdb installation
Installing electrumx
Installing init scripts
INFO: Use service electrumx start to start electrumx once it's configured
Generating TLS certificates
INFO: electrumx has been installed successfully. Edit /etc/electrumx.conf to configure it....
- You are now done with the Installer. 'cd' to root
*[Note: SSL certificates signed by a CA are supported by 2.0 clients.]
To run SSL / HTTPS you need to generate a self-signed certificate using openssl. You could just comment out the SSL / HTTPS ports in the config and run without, but this is not recommended.
mkdir ~/.electrumx
Synchronizing with a Sumcoin node takes anywhere between 3-9 hours depending on your hardware.
If you want to speed up the process a bit, download one of these data files and put it in the ~/.electrumx folder.
To allow Electrum wallets to connect to your server over SSL you need to create a self-signed certificate.
Go to the data folder:
cd ~/.electrumx
and generate your key:
Use the sample code below to create a self-signed cert with a recommended validity of 5 years. You may supply any information for your sign request to identify your server. They are not currently checked by the client except for the validity date. When asked for a challenge password just leave it empty and press enter.
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
Follow the on-screen information. It will ask for certificate details such as your country and password. You can leave those fields empty.
When done, create a certificate:
openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
These commands will create 2 files: server.key and server.crt.
When configuring the ElectrumX instance, make sure to add server.key to SSL_KEYFILE and server.crt to SSL_CERTFILE. More on this in the next step.
The server.crt file is your certificate suitable for the ssl_certfile= parameter and server.key corresponds to ssl_keyfile= in your Electrum server config.
Starting with Electrum 1.9, the client will learn and locally cache the SSL certificate for your server upon the first request to prevent man-in-the middle attacks for all further connections.
If your certificate is lost or expires on the server side, you will need to run your server with a different server name and a new certificate. Therefore it's a good idea to make an offline backup copy of your certificate and key in case you need to restore them.
Electrum reads a config file (/etc/electrum.conf) when starting up. This file includes the database setup, sumcoind RPC setup, and a few other options.
The "configure" script listed above will create a config file at /etc/electrum.conf which you can edit to modify the settings.
Go through the config options and set them to your liking. If you intend to run the server publicly have a look at
Edit the ElectrumX configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/electrumx.conf
- Here's how the configuration file should look:
# default /etc/electrumx.conf for systemd
COIN = Sumcoin
NET = mainnet
# Sumcoin Node RPC Credentials
DAEMON_URL = http://<RPCUSER>:<RPCPASSWORD>@localhost:3332/
# See for
# information about other configuration settings you probably want to consider.
# Listen on all interfaces:
Note: replace <RPCUSER>
with your Sumcoind RPC username and <RPCPASS>
with your RPC password.
Start ElectrumX by running:
service electrumx start
Check the logs and indexing progress of ElectrumX with:
journalctl -u electrumx -f
If everything installed correctly, you should see ElectrumX properly syncs with your Sumcoin node and listens for incoming connections.