We apply for the three badges available, functional, and reusable. Here are the reasons why we believe that the artifact deserves the badges.
The artifact is publicly shared in the GitHub repository: https://github.com/sumonbis/DS-Pipeline/
Furthermore, the latest release is published in Zenodo and a DOI is obtained:
The artifact contains both the data and software component. All the detailed and additional data for the paper in shared in the artifact. We also provided detailed instructions for installation, environment setup, and running the tool. Furthermore we shared the following necessary components of the artifact:
- We shared all the references to the collected pipelines with detailed labels which used in the analysis in the paper.
- The raw pipelines are shared in the spreadsheets.
- All the Kaggle notebooks code are shared with its source.
- The Python source code of the static analysis tools is shared.
- The tool is tested for reusability in the Ubuntu virtual machine provided for ICSE'22 artifact track. However, the instructions are general to run on any Python environment on MAC OS or Windows.
- The instructions to setup the Python environment and install appropriate requirements are described in detail to make the tool and data resuable.
- The experimental results are shared in the CSV files, which are used in the paper.