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Readably is a minimal static blog engine that emits clean, readable Web pages. You can view them locally on your own computer without needing a Web server. And when you publish them to any Web server, they will function just as they did locally on your computer. This is the benefit of a static blog engine!
See my blog at http://sunaku.github.io for an example of Readably output.
Its output is easy to read and beautiful to print in modern Web browsers.
Its output is self-explanatory and multi-lingual: no translation needed. (There is only 1 English phrase in the entire output, for attribution.)
It has simple navigation that works well in both text-mode Web browsers (such as Lynx, elinks, and w3m) and modern Web browsers (like Firefox).
It supports the two most popular JavaScript-based blog comment services: Disqus and IntenseDebate.
It supports automatic syntax highlighting of code blocks in Markdown.
It is implemented in less than 200 lines of pure Ruby code! :-)
- Ruby 3.1 or newer: http://www.ruby-lang.org
- Bundler 2.3 or newer: http://gembundler.com
- NodeJS 4.0 or newer: https://nodejs.org
git clone https://github.com/sunaku/readably.git
cd readably
bundle install # with markdown OR
bundle install --without markdown
bundle exec rake
firefox content/index.html
Edit the
files to your liking. -
Edit the
to configure the blog processing logic. (This isn't really necessary, but you are free to do so.)
NOTE: If you are using Ruby 1.8.7, add -rubygems
to the following commands.
Run bundle exec rake --tasks
to see available commands:
bundle exec rake preview # Live blog preview at http://localhost:35729/.
bundle exec rake build # Build entire blog.
bundle exec rake entry # Build entry pages.
bundle exec rake index # Build index pages.
bundle exec rake style # Build stylesheet.
bundle exec rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
bundle exec rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
bundle exec rake upgrade # Upgrade blog software.
To create a new blog entry (*.readably
file) from the template:
cp content/entry.readably content/your-entry-file-name.readably
edit content/your-entry-file-name.readably
To create a new blog entry (*.readably
file) in a nested directory:
cp content/entry.readably content/your/path/your-entry-file-name.readably
edit content/your/path/your-entry-file-name.readably
Run bundle exec rake preview
to launch a local live preview of your blog at
http://localhost:35729/ which auto-updates when you modify your blog entries.
Alternatively, you can manually preview your blog entries as follows. First,
open the content/index.html
file in your Web browser. Then, whenever you
modify your blog sources, run bundle exec rake
and refresh your Web browser.
Use your favorite file uploading software to upload the content/ directory
(while omitting *.readably
files from it) to your web hosting platform.
Here is an example that uses rsync to upload to a
. (NOTE: the trailing slash after DESTINATION
is necessary!)
rsync -auv content/ --exclude '*.readably' DESTINATION/
You can take this further and make it a Rake task by adding it to Rakefile
desc 'Publish your blog.'
task :publish => :build do
sh "rsync -auv content/ --exclude '*.readably' DESTINATION/"
From then onwards, you can publish your blog at any time, simply by running:
bundle exec rake publish
To upgrade your copy of Readably, run the following command:
bundle exec rake upgrade
Fork this project on GitHub and send pull requests.
File a report on the issue tracker.
Like my work? π Please spare a life today as thanks! :cow::pig::chicken::fish::speak_no_evil::v::revolving_hearts:
Copyright 2010 Suraj N. Kurapati https://github.com/sunaku
Distributed under the terms of the ISC license (see the LICENSE file).