gedit /etc/network/interfaces
To edit the network configuration for the machine so it looks like this:
Then run
sudo reboot
When the machine starts up, you can ping or open a browser to see if it worked.
You may have to manually change the date and time of the computer in order to connect to the internet, though it should prompt you to do so if this is the case.
Clone this repository in the home directory of the Nvidia TX2 machine
Then run
git submodule update --init --recursive
To build the project, run
Simply run:
Once putting in the sudo user password, it will launch 3 proccess in seperate terminals.
The first proccess is roscore, the second is roslaunching the launch file, and the third is finally running the controller.
To manually send requests, you can run:
rosservice call /controller_node/control_a1 "mode: 1 forwardSpeed: 0.0 sideSpeed: 0.0 rotateSpeed: 0.0"
but replace the numbers with your desired values.
Mode 1 is stationary sports mode, and mode 2 is walking sports mode.
If the run_controller script is not working, here is the manual process to start the controller service node:
Build Then open a new terminal and run
Then open a new terminal and run:
cd ~/catkin_ws sudo su
Then as the super user, run:
source devel/setup.bash roslaunch unitree_legged_real real.launch
Finally, open another terminal and run
rosrun unitree_legged_real controller
Build by running ./
then run:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
If you want to visualize the data, you can also run
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view