This is my own Javascript implementation of a backpropogation neural network which uses a binary sigmoid (range 0,1) as the squash function. The data used to test the system is the well-known Iris data set.
Development environment = Visual Studio Code, Google Web Server for Chrome, and Chrome web browser. Not necessary for running the application.
Iris test dataset
The app has a single html page, no web service, and a single javascript file (main.js). It utilizes jquery which is easy to remove. All the math and code is plain vanilla js except for a few jquery calls.
The app starts up, immediately reads in the values from inputdata.js, targetdata.js, and testdata.js. The full Iris data file in the datastore_input.js with corresponding targets are in datastore_target.js.
You can play around with the settings like the number of epochs, learning rate, etc. All the settings are at the top of main.js.
Contact me if you have questions.