Ruby on rails Installation on windows...
- Download Ruby (1.8.7 p370) and install it.
- Download ruby-devKit, then follow the link :"" step by step
- Install bundler with "gem install bundler" command.
- Install rails with "gem install rails 3.0.19"
- "bundle install" Thats all for ruby setup on windows. Following are some changes in Gemfile before bundle install in awetest setup.
Follow the link for Mysql connectivity with our App: -mysql-on-windows-7-x64-and-using-ruby-with-it/
Comment the line#10 in "config => initializers => redis-check.rb" (fail "ERROR: Redis database should be running. Run: redis-start" end)
Comment "capistrano" in gemfile
Replace :
gem 'mysql2' => gem 'mysql2', '< 0.3'
gem 'eventmachine', '1.0.0.beta.4.1' => gem 'eventmachine'
gem "win32-process" => gem "win32-process",'0.5.5'
"" => ""
For Awetest Following worker should be started:
1.bundle exec rake environment resque:work PID_FILE=/awetest/tmp/pids/ QUEUE=regression_test_logs,notifications,documentation RAILS_ENV=development VVERBOSE=1 --trace
2. bundle exec resque-web -p 8282 -F
3. In shamisen=> shamisen.bat
4. redis-server