Generates a RSA keypair using native OpenSSL library.
This is a fork of rsa-keygen with support for encrypting the generated private key with a given pass phrase. The dependencies have also been updated as per the pull request Update deps by omsmith and calvinmetcalf which was not merged in to the original rsa-keygen.
This code is loosely based on ursa RSA generation code.
Thanks to all the developers who have contributed to the above projects.
The module and code also serves as a simple example to create native addon module in C/C++ using N-API.
Version 2.x uses N-API. For older node versions that do not support N-API, use version 1.0.1:
npm install --save rsa-keypair@1.0.1
The node crypto
library has encrypt and decrypt functions, we don't need to rely on any external libraries for public-key cryptography.
Install the library using npm:
npm install --save rsa-keypair
Or install using yarn:
yarn add rsa-keypair
Use in your code:
var rsaKeyPair = require("rsa-keypair");
var keys = rsaKeyPair.generate();
import rsaKeyPair from "rsa-keypair";
const keys = rsaKeyPair.generate();
* Generate RSA key pair.
* @param {Number} modulusBits - The RSA key size. Minimum: 512, default: 2048.
* @param {Number} exponent - The public exponent. Should be relatively prime to p-1 for all primes p which divide the modulus. Default: 65537.
* @param {String} passPhrase - The pass phrase to encrypt the RSA private key. If not specified the private key shall be unencrypted. Even passing an empty string will cause the private key to be encrypted. Default: no pass phrase.
* @return {Object} The object containing the private key in property 'privateKey' and the public key in property 'publicKey'. Note: if 'passPhrase' was passed to encrypt the private key, it is not retuned in the result object.
function generate(modulusBits, exponent, passPhrase);
var crypto = require("crypto");
var rsaKeyPair = require("rsa-keypair");
var keys = rsaKeyPair.generate();
var result = crypto.publicEncrypt(
key: keys.publicKey
new Buffer("Hello world!")
// <Crypted Buffer>
var plaintext = crypto.privateDecrypt(
key: keys.privateKey
// Hello world!
var crypto = require("crypto");
var rsaKeyPair = require("rsa-keypair");
var keys = rsaKeyPair.generate(4096, 65537, "top secret");
// Generates a 4096-bit RSA key pair with "top secret" as the pass phrase to encrypt the private key
var result = crypto.privateEncrypt(
key: keys.privateKey,
passphrase: "top secret",
padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING
new Buffer("Hello world!")
// <Crypted Buffer>
var plaintext = crypto.publicDecrypt(
key: keys.publicKey,
padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING
// Hello world!
var rsaKeyPair = require("rsa-keypair");
var keys = rsaKeyPair.generate(4096, 65537, "top secret");
// Generates a 4096-bit RSA key pair with "top secret" as the pass phrase to encrypt the private key
var publicKeyStr = keys.publicKey.toString();
// The public key string in PEM format which may be written to a file
var privateKeyStr = keys.privateKey.toString();
// The encrypted private key in PEM format which may be written to a file
git clone
cd node-rsa-keypair
# Note: You may use yarn instead of npm in each of the following commands
# Install dependencies and build
npm install
# Build only
npm start
# Run tests
npm run test