My solutions to practice problems for ACM & other contests. Nearly all problems have the .txt descriptions. Todo: add problems from
##Solved & accurate:
- buffalo (Balgorfest 2016)
- fibonacci (Balgorfest 2016)
- fractions (Balgorfest 2016)
- spoonerisms (Balgorfest 2016)
##Done but needs testing:
- changeview --
- piglatin
- pseudopi --
- simplefsm
- snowluck
- turtledraw --
##Partway done:
- anglepuzzle
- drunkard ?
- lexemes ?
- mirrors
- xmole
##Geometry problems
- anglepuzzle (Bospre 2012)
- beebumblia (Bospre 2001)
- buffalo (Bospre 2008)
- changeview (Bospre 2003)
- convexhull (Bospre 2008)
- delaunay (Bospre 2011)
- fractals (Bospre 2012)
- mirrors (Bospre 2015)
- notlost (Bospre 2016)
- penrosetiling (Bospre 2010)
- polyellipse (Bospre 2013)
- reflect (Bospre 2015)
- relativeneighbor (Bospre 2011)
- xmole (Bospre 2015)
##Probability problems
- betterbias (Bospre 2002)
- birthday (Bospre 2008)
- drunkard (Bospre 2004)
- markov (Bospre 2014)
- pagerank (Bospre 2012)
- pseudopi (Bospre 2005)
- puredie (Bospre 2003)
- transducer (Bospre 2004)
- trends (Bospre 2015)
##Ascii graphics
- asciiart (Bospre 2015)
- gamedraw (Bospre 2014)
- handonwall (Bospre 2006)
- jaybot (Bospre 2006)
- render (Bospre 2006)
- reversedraw (Bospre 2015)
- opttile (Bospre 2004)
- sniffer (Bospre 2011)
- tile (Bospre 2004)
- turtledraw (Bospre 2009)
- whatwave (Bospre 2016)
- onlinestring (Bospre 2013)
- passwords (Bospre 2004)
- spoonerisms (Bospre 2012)
- soundex (Bospre 2013)
- stringhash (Bospre 2005)
- substrings (Bospre 2016)
- tableformatter (Bospre 2008)
- convoy (Bospre 2003)
- fibonacci (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- fractions (Harvard Selection Contest Fall 2015)
- gcomputer (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1996)
- hypercube (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1996)
- motion (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- soldiers (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1996)
- virus (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1996)
##Trees and Graphs
- boolecipher (Bospre 2011)
- huffman (Bospre 2001)
- treap (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- tsearch (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- unify (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- abduction (Bospre 2011)
- boolebreak (Bospre 2011)
- gorillatoe (Bospre 2012)
- gsat (Bospre 2002)
- isa (Bospre 2005)
- palin (Bospre 2000)
- tng (Bospre 2001)
- binary (Northeastern Preliminary at Harvard 1997)
- chromatic (Bospre 2005)
- monotonic (Bospre 2003)
##Dynamic Programming
- opnum (Bospre 2000)
- tour (Bospre 2001)
- supercounter (Bospre 2008)
##Greedy Algorithms
- coloring (Bospre 2003)
- warriors (HARD!) (Bospre 2001)
##Logic and Language
- prooflabel (Bospre 2005)
- lambdadev (Bospre 2012)
- combinators (Bospre 2009)
##Distributed Computing
- paxos (Bospre 2008)
- equity (Bospre 2008)
antique (Bospre 2007)
authorship (Bospre 2002)
balanced (Bospre 2001)
bending (Bospre 2007)
bezier (Bospre 2010)
bincycle (Bospre 2000)
binshuffle (Bospre 2014)
blowfish (Bospre 2006)
broppers (Bospre 2012)
cliques (Bospre 2007)
congruent (Bospre 2010)
crates (Bospre 2013)
dicequiz (Bospre 2004)
encrypt (Bospre 2000)
endtoend (Bospre 2006)
escape (Bospre 2010)
escape2 (Bospre 2010)
eulerian (Bospre 2013)
evensteven (Bospre 2009)
exchanged (Bospre 2005)
faireye (Bospre 2005)
features (Bospre 2003)
gears (Bospre 2000)
grid (Bospre 2014)
latin (Bospre 2015)
lexemes (Bospre 2010)
localcolor (Bospre 2013)
logistic (Bospre 2009)
lovelog (Bospre 2002)
marmay (Bospre 2002)
modcalc (Bospre 2015)
myrsync (Bospre 2009)
nasheq (Bospre 2009)
nastygrammar (Bospre 2002)
nearring2d (Bospre 2004)
opttriangulation (Bospre 2011)
overlapgame (Bospre 2005)
piglatin (Bospre 2007)
plans (Bospre 2010)
pulleys (Bospre 2013)
rpncalc (Bospre 2000)
serializable (Bospre 2006)
shootemup (Bospre 2007)
shopsign (Bospre 2014)
simplefsm (Bospre 2014)
skishop (Bospre 2002)
snowluck (Bospre 2001)
square (Bospre 2000)
temporal (Bospre 2006)
thue (Bospre 2014)
transition (Bospre 2013)
twolegs (Bospre 2008)
tx0r (Bospre 2007)
unitcalc (Bospre 2014)
vigenere (Bospre 2015)
vlsicompact (Bospre 2011)
whichcoin (Bospre 2003)
xarel (Bospre 2000)
colorpuzzle (Bospre 2016)
economy (Bospre 2016)
exsort (Bospre 2016)
gaudy (Bospre 2016)
hulldiameter (Bospre 2016)
monte (Bospre 2016)
oneboggle (Bospre 2016)