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Java Concurrency in

File metadata and controls

178 lines (148 loc) · 7.5 KB

Objective: Get to know how parallelism works in java and use it in a right way

CH01. Introduction

  • Most modern operating systems use threads (not a process) as a basic unit of scheduling

CH02. Thread Safety

  • Writing thread-safe codes ⇒ Managing access to state (shared and mutable)

    • in Java, by using synchronized keyword (primary mechanism for synchronization)
  • Heart of the definition of Thread-Safety is “Correctness”

    • Correctness means that a class conforms to its specification
    • and good specification defines
      • invariants constraining an object’s state
      • postconditions describing the effects of its operation

    ⇒ If a class behaves correctly regardless of scheduling, etc, then it is thread-safe

  • Stateless objects are always thread-safe

  • Atomicity

    • to avoid a race condition, it needs to make read-modify-write process atomic

      ⇒ Compound Actions (can use Atomic Variables in java.util.concurrent.atomic)

  • Locking

    • What if a behavior needs two or more shared states? → use Lock (w/ Critical Section)
    • use synchronized keyword to make a whole method (behavior) atomic
      • only one thread can access
      • (use a same lock in a same class)
    • or use synchronized(lock){} to make a certain critical section in a method
      • also, can use different locks in a same class

CH03. Sharing Objects

  • We always need to use a proper synchronization whenever a thread is shared across threads
    • w/o synchronization, a variable can be seen as stale
  • volatile ⇒ is not cached in registers
    • always returns the most recent write by any thread
    • only guarantees visibility (↔ Lock guarantees both visibility and atomicity)
  • Thread Confinement
    • use local variables (stack confinement)
    • use ThreadLocal (uses heap memory)
      • ThreadLocal.get(), ThreadLocal.set()
  • Immutable variables (final) are always thread-safe

CH04. Composing Objects

  • Recognizing a role of objects is important to design thread-safety (OOP)

  • Delegating thread-safety

    • use synchronized classes instead of making a method synchronized

      (e.g. AtomicLong, ConcurrentHashMap, …)

  • Need to consider synchronization of callers

  • Also consider synchronization of a reference that an object have as a dependency

CH05. Building Blocks

  • Even with delegation (e.g. using Vector), it is sometimes necessary to use client-side locking

    • example

      // not thread safe
      for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++)
  • Locking collection for a long time (e.g. for iteration) is not good for application

    • it may occurs ConcurrentModificationException
  • Concurrent Collections

    • Synchronized collections show low throughput (because of serialization of threads)
    • ConcurrentHashMap
      • uses lock striping mechanism (allow a greater degree of shared access)
    • CopyOnWriteArrayList
      • derives thread safety from the fact that as long as an effectively immutable object is properly published, no further synchronization is required
    • BlockingQueue
      • A thread calling put method blocks until space becomes available
      • A thread calling take method blocks until an element is available
  • Blocking method can generate InterruptedException

  • Synchronizers

    • Latches → Delays the progress of threads until it reaches terminal state
    • FutureTask → Synchronization during async job
    • Semaphores → Controls the number of threads it can be accessed
    • Barriers → Waits until all threads come together at a barrier point

CH06. Task Execution

  • Parallelism can be met only if tasks are independent
  • Disadvantages of unbounded thread creation
    • Thread lifecycle overhead (overhead by creating new thread)
    • Resource consumption (More threads, more heap memory usage)
    • Stability (Lack of memory makes application down)
  • Executor
    • works as producer-consumer
  • Thread Pool
    • tightly bound to work queue
    • reuse used thread

CH07. Cancellation and Shutdown

  • When InterruptedException occurs
    • throws it to caller
    • call interrupt method to stay interrupted
  • RuntimeException → kills its thread
    • we can use UncaughtExceptionHandler to handle RuntimeException
  • Threads
    • general thread → from main thread
    • daemon thread
      • JVM does not call finalize method in daemon thread when it shuts down

CH08. Applying Thread Pools

  • If a job is executed with dependency on another job in a thread pool → possibility of deadlock
  • Size of thread pool → needs to be dynamically controlled
  • ThreadPoolExecutor
    • arguments: corePoolSize / maximumPoolSize / keepAliveTime / workQueue (BlockingQueue) / threadFactory
    • Three strategies of worker queue
      • no size limit (NewFixedThreadPool, NewSingleThreadExecutor)
      • has size limit
      • not using queue (SynchronousQueue) ⇒ only when it has a lot of threads
  • Saturation Policy
    • policy used when queue is full
    • e.g. AbortPolicy, CallerRunsPolicy, …
    • RejectedExecutionHandler handles this situation with given policy
    • Default is AbortPolicy and it throws RejectedExecutionException
  • or we can use Semaphore to control size of queue

CH10. Avoiding Liveness Hazards

  • Deadlock
    • multiple threads wait forever due to a cyclic locking dependency
  • Not like dbms, JVM does not help programs to resolve a deadlock
  • Lock-Ordering Deadlocks
    • Using N locks, methods should check and get locks in a same order (1st Lock, 2nd Lock , …)
    • can occur by between objects
  • Avoiding and diagnosing deadlocks
    • Use timeout (tryLock)
    • Analyze with thread dump

CH11. Performance and Scalability

  • First make your program right, then make it fast
  • Scalability
  • : Ability to improve throughput or capacity when additional computing resources are added
    • Many of tricks that improve performance in single-threaded program are bad for scalability
  • Costs introduced by threads
    • Context switching
  • Memory synchronization
    • JVM optimizes useless locks
  • Blocking
    • JVM can implement blocking via
      • spin waiting (repeatedly trying to acquire the lock until it succeeds) → preferable for short waits
      • suspending (needs help of OS) → preferable for long waits
  • Reducing lock contention
    • principal threat to scalability in concurrent applications is the exclusive resource lock
    • two factors can affect lock contention
      • how often the lock is requested
      • how long it is held once acquired
    • Narrowing lock scope → holds lock as briefly as possible
      • e.g. use synchronized block instead of making a whole method synchronized
    • Reducing lock granularity → lock splitting or lock striping (using separate locks instead of using one)
      • e.g. use synchronized block with different locks

CH12. Testing Concurrent Programs

  • Potential failures may be rare probabilistic occurrences
  • Testing for correctness
    • check whether it throws InterruptedException
    • use Thread.isAlive() to check whether it is waiting (or Thread.isInterrupted())
    • use ExecutorService to make a case when multiple threads are present
    • useful classes for testing
      • CountDownLatch → wait on the main thread
      • CyclicBarrier → wait on each thread
    • use Thread.yeild() to make context switching