super useful API health check plug-in for su-apiserver
var HC = require('su-healthcheck');
var co = require('co');
co(function* () {
// Setup and run your checks
var res = {
available_diskspace : HC.df(),
free_memory : HC.memory(),
node : HC.version(),
redis : yield HC.redis(),
mongo : yield HC.mongo({db: 'crunchgoat'}),
postgres : yield HC.postgres({user: 'ubuntu', db: 'ubuntu', schema: 'me'}),
sshTunnel : HC.sshTunnel({host: '', hostPort: 5432, bindHost: '', bindPort: 5432, user: 'ubuntu'})
// Verify throws an error if any of the checks fail
$ node --nolazy --harmony example.js
$ npm test