SwiftUI example of programmatic navigable views for NavigationView hierarchies
This example takes 3 View structs, A,B and C that want to live in a stack navigation view hierarchy. Sometimes
we may want to pop the initial view open to the 3rd View C, while maintaining the nice navigation that the
stack navigation view provides, the back buttons and forward navigation. The following code has A,B and C
conform to a few protocols and adds them to a containing model called the class NavModel: ObservableObject
Additonally, the A,B and C are 'wrapped' by 3 separate View structs to maintain some additional state about what
has appeared or disappeared. While not strictly needed to get programmatic navigation working, these wrappers
can be helpful in more complex situations where one does not want to instantiate the underlying A,B and C multiple
times. One can remove the Wrapped(A|B|C)
and push the onAppear/onDisappear elsewhere. The Wrappers
have proven to be useful in other situations and so I've kept them here.
Two protocols NavView
and NavViewModel
along with the class NavModel: ObservableObject
offer a simple structure for building SwiftUI View hierarchies that utilize
the NavigationView
along with a .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle())
The NavModel
knows about the optional Views for the hierarchy. Generally, we want to lay
the Views out in a well known fashion, A before B before C or some such. These may also be optional. Perhaps
A, B and C represent some SwiftUI package with reusable views. There may be occassions for configuring them
into various hiearchies, like A, C or B, C or just B or just C.
protocol NavView {
var viewModel: NavViewModel { get }
protocol NavViewModel : AnyObject {
var name: String { get }
var uuid: UUID { get }
var selected: [String:Int?] { get set }
var isVisible: Bool { get set }
var navModel: NavModel { get }
func doOnAppear(currentView: NavView, dismiss: DismissAction, toSelect: KeyedId?)
func doOnDisappear(toNil: KeyedId?)
class NavModel : ObservableObject {
var a: A?
var b: B?
var c: C?
The NavModel
is asked to consume a NavTo
upon appearing in order to execute the
programmatic navigation async fashion.
.onAppear {
Task.detached {
await navModel.navigateOnAppear()
The NavViewModel
in this example supports a single named select key, var selected: [String:Int?]
per View. These can be used to select on the View's own items or to trigger NavigationLink
instances that will match on some tag
. The per View
could be used to select a list item or as in this example, a button 4 via a KeyedId
// to select button 4 on view A
let navTo = NavTo(downTo: [
DownTo(view: navModel.a!, ids: [KeyedId(key: "buttons", id: 4)])
To programmaticaly trigger the NavigationLink
to a sub view B:
NavigationLink(destination: WrappedB(navModel: vModel.navModel, toSelect: KeyedId(key: "onBAppear", id: 1)), tag: 1, selection: $vModel.selected["B"]) {
Text("to B")
An iOS App, NavTestApp
ties things together for this example by setting up 3 Views, A,B and C and
programmatically navigating to C upon open, while preserving all the back buttons and hierarchy for stack navigation.
The navigation is guided by the [NavTo]
// descend to B then C
let navTo2 = NavTo(downTo: [
DownTo(view: navModel.a!, ids: [KeyedId(key: "B", id: 1)]),
DownTo(view: navModel.b!, ids: [KeyedId(key: "C", id: 1)]),
DownTo(view: navModel.c!, ids: [KeyedId(key: "C", id: 7)])