JetCrypto is the system that instantly confirms your crypto payments.
It has been shared as open source for you to take additional security measures.
For example: saving the hash information in the database, this way each payment can be verified only once.
PHP => JetCrypto.php
Step 1 : Add Wallet Addresses in JetCrypto.php (first 6 lines) and Edit Amount in JetCrypto.php (Line : 71)
Step 2 : Edit Wallet Address in api.php (Line : 45)
Step 3 : Test it!
Send This Address 5 - 50 TRX = "TUz2LvQsWr3wCBdwDGhwAV6FNBADKQ4npH"
Visit this link :
Click any transaction
Copy "To Address" and "Hash" informaitons
It must have been sent a maximum of 5 minutes ago.