Travel Tribe is an online travel agency that offers travel packages around the world.
Visit our website at Here, we showcase our knowledge in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Tools Used:
VS Code Github Local storage (to store data) Our team of five members, during the Construct Week of Unit 4 at Masai School, completed this project in just five days. Here are the authors:
Nishant Bhargava:GitHub
Deepak Wayzode:GitHub
Surbhi Haldar:GitHub
Sachin Mohite:GitHub
Abhishak Kumar:GitHub
Libraries Used in the Project:
Fonts and Icons:
Google Fonts: [,wght@9..40,300&family=Open+Sans:wght@500&family=Pixelify+Sans:wght@400;500&family=Poppins:wght@300; 400&family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;1,300&family=Rubik&family=Rubik+Pixels&display=swap](,wght@9..40,300&family=Open+Sans:wght@500&family=Pixelify+Sans:wght@400;500&family=Poppins:wght@300; 400&family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;1,300&family=Rubik&family=Rubik+Pixels&display=swap) Google Fonts:,wght,FILL,GRAD@24,400,0,0 Images: All the images have URLs from their respective websites.
Data API Links: For cards url =
For login page url =
About Project:
Our project primarily consists of the UI for booking travel packages, providing an end-to-end flow.
The landing page features category names and essential options like login, register, blog, bookings, and account pages. It incorporates captivating data from the server deployed
To ensure a seamless booking experience, we've created a Explore page where users can explore and book packages. Users can easily find their desired packages by using the search bar based on location, enhancing the overall user experience.
Clicking the "Read More" button on any booking card reveals additional information about the location. Users can directly jump to the booking page by clicking "Book Now," verify the price with added package, and proceed to make the payment.
Finally, users can complete the checkout process, providing their address and payment details to book the package.
This summarizes our efforts to create the best possible project within the given time limit, incorporating the knowledge we've acquired.
Thank you.