Ce POC vous permettra d'intéragir entre différents services (Messenger, Kik, Chat Microsoft, skype) et un channel SLACK de votre choix.
- Log in to your Recast.AI account
- Go to https://recast.ai
- Create or fork a BOT
- Then on your profile, choose your fresh forked Bot
- On the bottom, in the curl request is your precious Token
- Create an account on Microsoft Bot Framework
- Create a new Bot and follow the procedure. The callback Url you have to put will be explain later.
- During the process, you'll have to create a Microsoft App: keep your Secret and AppId, they will be used later
- Follow the differents steps for every channel you want to add.
./ngrok http 80
this terminal is now used by ngrok and you can see your full Url that is required on microsoft bot Platform
- Clone this Repository
git clone https://github.com/suricats/chatbot-interaction-with-slack
- Fill the config.js with your data
const config = {
recastAccessToken : 'RECAST_TOKEN', (Not mandatory)
botTokenSlack : 'SLACK_BOT_API_TOKEN',
botNameSlack : 'SLACK_BOT_NAME',
slackChannel : 'CHANNEL',
port : 80
- install the dependencies
npm install
- run chatbot
npm run start