Simple chat based application using MEAN Stack
This will be a MEAN stack(Angular+Node.js+MongDB) based project. The following must be used when building this project:
- MongoDB 4.0+
- Angular 6+
- Nodejs v8.11.3+
- Other dependencies are mentioned in [package.json]
- Npm
- MongoDB
- Nodejs
- angular-cli
- A bash shell on Linux or Windows
- Git
- Internet connection to fetch the software directly from Git
- Nodemon or pm2 tool for run nodejs server
cd root/server folder
cp .env.template .env
Edit .env
with the configuration parameters we gathered from above.
Run the following command inside root/server folder and leave the terminal open.
- To run in developer
npm run local
- To run in production
npm run production
Run the following command inside root/server folder.
npm run db:seedUser
Details of Super Admin:
First name: "Super"
Last name: "Admin"
Email: ""
Mobile no: "123456789"
Username: "superadmin"
Password: "Superadmin123#$"