This project depicts various best react recipes that if you follow in enterprise level React projects it will be easy to maintain coding standards, testing, CSS scaling, pretty code etc
- Setting up babel
- Setting up webpack
- Setting up dev env with webpack dev server and prod webpack config
- Setting up babel-loader for react and writing functional component
- Imporing assets by file loader
- Using fetch to make async calls
- Complex communication between components
- Passing function inside child components
- Exploiting State API
- Using babel-preset-stage-0 for replacing ugly bind
- Setup postcss and basscss
- Apply and adapt tp basscss style gide to our site
- Setting up linter with ESlint using airbnb standards
- Setting up Prettier for rewriting code better
- Setting up githook for linter and prettier
- Setting up basic routes with browser router
- Adding route switch and not found route
- Marking Recipes as favorite
- Sharing state between 2 components
- Getting parameters from URL
- Jest Configured
- Snapshot testing with jest
- Adding static assets mocks
- Using Enzyme to test complex scenarios like when DOM clicked
- Uning mount renderer for enzyme for full rendering
- Simulating clicks and verifying clicks
- Finding DOM elements using find & first api of enzyme