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1040 lines (672 loc) · 36.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1040 lines (672 loc) · 36.8 KB


v0.11.0 (2023-02-22)

Full Changelog

Read the latest Release Notes.

🚀 New Features

  • sveltin.json file: to simplify settings across parts of the project;
  • deploy command takes into account if adapter-static has been configured to output pages and assets in different folders. In this case, make sure to reflect them to sveltin.json;
  • migrate command: added to easily upgrade/migrate existing sveltin project to the latest sveltin release;
  • completion command: added to generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell (bash, zsh, fish, powershell);
  • active helps: by using TAB after the command name shows a message about params or flags;
  • mdsvex.config.js: set a layout component for pages created by running sveltin new page command;
  • SEO keywords per page.

Bug Fixes

  • mdsvex.config.js: missed comma after rehypeSlug usage;
  • pages created as "markdown" were buggies;
  • the execution of the commands after the project creation takes into account the theme choice. So, if you choose a "blank" theme when creating the project, by running commands to create pages, resources etc. consider that choice and scaffold the right artifacts without the need to cleanup code coming from the "sveltin" theme;
  • logo on Footer.svelte when sveltin theme not properly loaded;
  • import string for ScrollToTopButton component on +layout.svelte when sveltin theme;


  • add content command: consistent usage compared to others by introducing the --to flag. The new way it works is:

    sveltin add content <title> --to <resource>

  • new page command: set the language for the page content: --svelte or --markdown. The new way it works is:

    sveltin new page about --markdown

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • removing dependency from and make use of viper capabilities;
  • removing dependency from;
  • deploy: make use of sveltin.json and tui redesigned (the progressbar component is now the one provided by prompti);
  • renaming SveltinConfig struct as SveltinSettings;
  • renaming ProjectData struct as EnvProductionData;
  • fileNotFound error now display the file path;
  • cmds: prompt handlers moved to tui/prompts;
  • sveltin theme: simplified components structure and styles. Lint style files with stylelint;

Dependencies Updated

  • update charmbracelet/bubbles to v0.15.0
  • update charmbracelet/bubbletea to v0.23.2
  • update spf13/viper to v1.15.0
  • update to v0.7.0


  • adding empty line at the end of commands chain log
  • app.html: remove prism.js loading. mdsvex includes it
  • consistent message formats across commands
  • prepend svelte-kit sync run to the build script
  • removing unused imports from page and slug svelte files
  • detecting package manager message when no npmClient flag used only
  • tuning text colors and migrate message updated
  • slug.svelte.gotxt: format date metadata with time datetime tag
  • slug.ts.gotxt: formatting - avoid blank lines
  • svelte.config.js: postcss prop for preprocessor removed when vanillacss
  • component ScrollToTopButton added to the layout when blank theme
  • validation added to the project settings file
  • @sveltejs/kit updated to v1.8.3;
  • @sveltejs/adapter-static updated to v2.0.1;
  • vite updated to v4.1.4;
  • overall npm deps updated (typescript, tslib, eslint,vite-plugin-svelte etc.);
  • removing unused imports from page and slug svelte files;
  • go deps:
  • markup:
    • tuning styles for OL;
    • utility functions added to render colored text-
  • package.json:
    • remark-previewremoved;
    • remark-slugremoved;
    • mdast-util-to-string removed;
    • unist-util-visit removed;
    • remark-external-links replaced by rehype-external-links;
  • vite.config.ts: prevent @indaco/svelte-iconoir from being externalized for SSR.

📖 Documentation

  • commands:
    • consistent short help messages;
    • migrate added;
    • add content flags.

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #126 from js-deps-update
  • Merge pull request #127 from go-deps-update
  • Merge pull request #128 from mdsvex
  • Merge pull request #129 from project-settings
  • Merge pull request #130 from upgrade-cmd
  • Merge pull request #131 from sveltekit-next-538
  • Merge pull request #132 from theme-config-migration
  • Merge pull request #133 from time-datetime
  • Merge pull request #134 from sveltekit-update
  • Merge pull request #135 from remove-unused-deps
  • Merge pull request #136 from refactor-upgrade-cmd
  • Merge pull request #137 from refactor-gen-sitemap
  • Merge pull request #138 from refactor-deploy-cmd
  • Merge pull request #139 from refactor-cmd-prompts
  • Merge pull request #140 from migration-factory
  • Merge pull request #141 from fix-add-content-cmd
  • Merge pull request #142 from content-sample-cover
  • Merge pull request #143 from active-helps

v0.10.1 (2022-10-04)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • set prerender to false for api index and slug files


  • sveltekit updated to next.508
  • remove unused file (config/templates.go)
  • go deps updated
  • npm deps updated

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #122 from deps-update
  • Merge pull request #123 from fix-api-prerender
  • Merge pull request #124 from kit-508

v0.10.0 (2022-09-16)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • api endpoints were still on old sveltekit routing mechanism. Updated and fixed an issue when building the project due to prerender=true on those files. fallback: '200.html' on static adapter configuration made the magic.

🚀 New Features

  • new resource cmd allows to specify the group layout name according to the sveltekit Advanced layouts by passing the --group flag

     sveltin new resource testimonials --group marketing
  • new resource cmd allow to specify if a different layout for the slug pages must be created in addition to the one for the index page.

     sveltin new resource posts --slug

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • config.TemplateData struct makes use of individual struct for each artifact template data
  • file templates updated accordingly
  • generate commands (menu, rss, sitemap) simplified and updated to work for grouped layout too
  • GetAllRoutes refactored to use afero.Walk


  • sveltekit updated to next.483
  • go deps updated
  • uniform function names

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #120 from kit-advanced-layout

v0.9.1 (2022-09-06)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • make generated page variable reactive


  • sveltekit updated to next.472
  • upgrade minor npm deps
  • indirect go deps added to generate command docs

📖 Documentation

  • cmds: uniforming cobra help strings for commands

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #110 from cobra-doc-deps
  • Merge pull request #111 from page-flags
  • Merge pull request #112 from content-flags
  • Merge pull request #113 from update-minor-npm-deps
  • Merge pull request #114 from uniforming-help-messages
  • Merge pull request #115 from fix-page-variable
  • Merge pull request #116 from sk-next.472

v0.9.0 (2022-09-05)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • variable name when creating new resource with name like customers/projects
  • connection.go: golangci SA1019
  • layout: filename fixed to the new +layout.svelte when unstyled project
  • lib.gotxt: unused param removed from list function

🚀 New Features

  • sveltekit: updated to next.470 with adapter-static.42


  • init command added (alias create) to scaffold a new project instead of new
  • new command is now used only to create pages and resources (routes)
  • add command added to create new content and metadata

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • All prompts are now based on @charmbracelet bubbletea and lipgloss through sveltinio/prompti package
  • logger: externalised through sveltinio/yinlog based on @charmbracelet lipgloss
  • drop dependency from manifoldco/promptui
  • errors: styled
  • themes: make embed themes folder structure more logical
  • user messages styles
  • drop dependency from jww
  • moving pkgs to the right place -> internal
  • lib files renamed as load<Resource> instead of api<Resource>

⚙️ CI

  • github actions updated
  • test.yml: updated to run tests against multiple OS and go versions
  • Earthfile: updated include pkg folder


  • upgrade to v8
  • upgrade to the latest version
  • error page (+error.svelte) added over project creation
  • remove warnings about file is not gofmtd
  • cleanup console log
  • move CliVersion string to new version cmd
  • renaming internal/styles package as internal/markup
  • move builder, composer, css and pathmaker from pkg to internal
  • go deps updated
  • go.mod: tidy
  • npmc: handle Desc as addition struct field
  • package.json: svelte-kit sync added to avoid warnings on dev and check
  • wrapper.go: golint ok

📖 Documentation

  • README: updated to reflect cmd changes
  • cmds: commands help messages updated, typos fixed for add and new cmds help messages
  • newResource: typo fixed in code comment

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #88 from sveltinio/typos-readme
  • Merge pull request #89 from sveltinio/rename-lib-files
  • Merge pull request #90 from sveltinio/fix-earthfile
  • Merge pull request #91 from sveltinio/refactor-user-prompts
  • Merge pull request #92 from sveltinio/refactor-styling-errors
  • Merge pull request #93 from sveltinio/refactor-unified-logging
  • Merge pull request #94 from sveltinio/rename-styles-markup
  • Merge pull request #95 from sveltinio/externalise-tui-prompts
  • Merge pull request #96 from sveltinio/externalise-logger
  • Merge pull request #97 from sveltinio/refactor-pkg-internal
  • Merge pull request #98 from sveltinio/no-jww
  • Merge pull request #99 from sveltinio/typos-comments-npmc
  • Merge pull request #100 from sveltinio/new-kit-routing
  • Merge pull request #101 from sveltinio/fix-layout-filename
  • Merge pull request #102 from sveltinio/add-error-page
  • Merge pull request #103 from sveltinio/reshape-embed-themes
  • Merge pull request #104 from sveltinio/ci-workflows
  • Merge pull request #105 from sveltinio/nested-resources
  • Merge pull request #106 from sveltinio/sveltekit-latest
  • Merge pull request #107 from sveltinio/go-deps
  • Merge pull request #109 from bump-vite-sveltekit

v0.8.12 (2022-08-04)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes


  • upgrade to sveltekit next.403

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #85 from sveltinio/fix-mdsvex
  • Merge pull request #86 from sveltinio/sveltekit-next.403
  • Merge pull request #87 from sveltinio/typos-readme

v0.8.11 (2022-08-02)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • import bootstrap variables for v5.2.0
  • ci: test workflow syntax
  • manifest.webmanifest: reference path to manifest.webmanifest file


  • css libs updated
  • readline as direct dependency
  • go deps updated
  • bump afero to 1.9.2
  • bump sveltekit to next.386
  • app.css: custom prism styles as sample
  • app.html: Remove initial-scale=1 from
  • ci: splitting the lint and test github action workflows
  • package.json: bump sveltekit to next.401 -> removing the prepare command/script
  • vite.config.js: remove the alias to $lib
  • vite.config.js: import defineConfig

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #76 from sveltinio/vite-config
  • Merge pull request #77 from sveltinio/no-initial-scale
  • Merge pull request #78 from sveltinio/sk-401-no-prepare
  • Merge pull request #79 from sveltinio/split-lint-test-workflows
  • Merge pull request #80 from sveltinio/update-godeps
  • Merge pull request #81 from sveltinio/update-deps
  • Merge pull request #82 from sveltinio/fix-bootstrap-vars

v0.8.10 (2022-07-16)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • avoid typescript linting errors
  • #68 param matchers name when '-' in resource and metadata name
  • update to sveltekit next.377 with uppercase endpoint methods
  • apiIndex: wrong import string


  • update to afero 1.9.0
  • unused files for xml generation as endpoints removed
  • uppercase endpoint methods as per sveltekit next.377

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #65 from sveltinio/sveltekit-next-377
  • Merge pull request #66 from sveltinio/remove-unused-files
  • Merge pull request #67 from sveltinio/afero-update
  • Merge pull request #69 from sveltinio/fix-matcher-names

v0.8.9 (2022-07-15)

Full Changelog

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • actual work function structure for commands
  • resources and metadata API endpoints now are fully REST. This is really useful during the development. Instead to open a browser, just use curl on the terminal. E.g. curl http://localshot:5173/api/v1/posts/category/webdev


  • shortening and clearing help messages on commands
  • sveltekit updated to next.375 with Vite3 support
  • git-ghlog config and template updated
  • adapter-static: updated to next.36
  • app.html: make uses of %sveltekit.assets% to reference static files
  • vite.config.js: clearScreen:false to prevent Vite from clearing the terminal

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #57 from sveltinio/rest-endpoints
  • Merge pull request #58 from sveltinio/cmds-refactoring
  • Merge pull request #59 from sveltinio/deps-update
  • Merge pull request #60 from sveltinio/sveltekit-assets
  • Merge pull request #61 from sveltinio/vite3
  • Merge pull request #62 from sveltinio/git-chglog-revert
  • Merge pull request #63 from sveltinio/help-messages

v0.8.8 (2022-07-13)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • svelte-check results with new tsconfig


  • update svelte-kit to next.371
  • bump cli version to 0.8.8
  • format and lint scripts updated to use their own ignore file
  • defaults.js.ts: semicolon missed

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #55 from sveltinio/release-0.8.8
  • Merge pull request #54 from sveltinio/sk-next-371
  • Merge pull request #53 from sveltinio/typescript

v0.8.7 (2022-07-13)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • remove optimizeDeps config from vite.config.js


  • bump cli version to 0.8.7

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #52 from sveltinio/release-0.8.7
  • Merge pull request #51 from sveltinio/fix-vite-optimizeDeps

v0.8.6 (2022-07-12)

Full Changelog


  • bump cli version to 0.8.6
  • sveltekit updated to next.370 and other deps updated
  • golang dependency updated

📖 Documentation

  • README: updated

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #50 from sveltinio/release-0.8.6
  • Merge pull request #49 from sveltinio/readme-typos

v0.8.5 (2022-07-08)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • svelte.config.js: trailingSlash


  • bump cli version to 0.8.5

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #48 from sveltinio/release-0.8.5

v0.8.4 (2022-07-08)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • vite.config.js: aliases


  • release v0.8.4
  • upgrade to sveltekit next.366 and static-adapter next.35

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #47 from sveltinio/release-0.8.4
  • Merge pull request #46 from sveltinio/vite-aliases
  • Merge pull request #45 from sveltinio/sk-next.366

v0.8.3 (2022-07-08)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • resource and metadata names to kebab case string
  • new: temporarily hide the possibility to reuse an existing theme


  • release v0.8.3
  • setup vite.config.js file for all CSS libs
  • upgrade to cobra v.1.5.0
  • chglog: config file updated to include merges, refs and issues
  • server: run and dev aliases added to server cmd
  • tailwindcss: postcss-load-config updated to ^4.0.1

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #44 from sveltinio/release-0.8.3
  • Merge pull request #43 from sveltinio/chglog-include-merges
  • Merge pull request #42 from sveltinio/postcss-load-config-update
  • Merge pull request #41 from sveltinio/resource-kebab-case
  • Merge pull request #40 from sveltinio/hide-reuse
  • Merge pull request #39 from sveltinio/server-alias
  • Merge pull request #38 from sveltinio/sk-next.361

v0.8.2 (2022-06-02)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • remove dayjs as dep


  • codeql action updated to v2

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #37 from sveltinio/0.8.2

v0.8.1 (2022-06-02)

Full Changelog

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • sveltinlib folder renamed as pkg
  • root vars to struct


  • sveltekit updated to next.347 with latest adapter static
  • upgrade to go yaml.v3
  • viper updated
  • golangci-lint updated
  • deps updated to the latest versions

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #36 from sveltinio/release-0.8.1
  • Merge pull request #35 from sveltinio/sveltekit-247
  • Merge pull request #34 from sveltinio/sveltinlib-to-pkg
  • Merge pull request #33 from sveltinio/application-struct
  • Merge pull request #32 from sveltinio/deps-update

v0.8.0 (2022-04-30)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • metadata index page layout styles

🚀 New Features

  • new flag --git to init a git repo on project creation
  • make new theme and allow using existing themes
  • resource and metadata endpoints created
  • sveltin TS namespace created

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • css lib setup

⚙️ CI

  • bug report template updated to include the sveltin version number
  • lint-test workflows on PR not only against main branch


  • git-ghlog config and template updated
  • deps updated
  • repo name for theme starter updated
  • sveltekit updated to next.321
  • as direct dep
  • ghurl_parser: utility added to parse GitHub repository url
  • website.js.ts: current year updated

📖 Documentation

  • license owner updated to sveltin contributors
  • README: updated

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #31 from sveltinio/csslib-builder
  • Merge pull request #30 from sveltinio/readme-cmds
  • Merge pull request #29 from sveltinio/license-owner
  • Merge pull request #28 from sveltinio/sk-next-321
  • Merge pull request #27 from sveltinio/26-init-git-repo
  • Merge pull request #25 from sveltinio/theme-maker
  • Merge pull request #24 from sveltinio/api-endpoints
  • Merge pull request #23 from sveltinio/22-metadata-index-wrong-styles-tailwindcss
  • Merge pull request #21 from sveltinio/ci-bug-report-template
  • Merge pull request #20 from sveltinio/sveltin-namespace
  • Merge pull request #19 from sveltinio/deps-update

v0.7.3 (2022-04-04)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • interfaces names to match the new ones from the packages

⚙️ CI

  • Trigger Build


  • bump CLI version to 0.7.3
  • sveltinio/services updated to v0.2.0
  • sveltekit updated to 1.0.0-next.302
  • sveltekit updated to next-301. fallthrough removed

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #18 from sveltinio/codeql
  • Merge pull request #17 from sveltinio/sveltekit-next-301

v0.7.2 (2022-03-21)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • speed up bulma & bootstrap loadings
  • colours and icons on windows

⚙️ CI

  • lint-test workflow added


  • bump CLI version to 0.7.2
  • linting
  • use golangci-lint
  • reference to variable.scss file replaced as _variable.scss for svelte.config.js
  • logger and prompt select icons updated
  • .chglog: git-chglog CHANGELOG generator config added
  • commit-msg: colour and icon added to the error messages

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #16 from sveltinio/14-speed-up-bulma-bootstrap-loadings
  • Merge pull request #13 from sveltinio/windows-colors

v0.7.1 (2022-03-17)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • postcss for tailwind based projects

⚙️ CI

  • githooks added and simplified release workflow


  • set scroll behaviour to smooth
  • bump CLI version to 0.7.1
  • update pre-push hook
  • index.svelte: use flexbox instead of grid

📖 Documentation

  • made with svelte shield added
  • README: project status section updated

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #11 from sveltinio/10-postcss-and-tailwind-css

v0.7.0 (2022-03-14)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • cards grid styles
  • mispelled fixed

🚀 New Features

  • support for not styled project creation added

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • make PromptGetSelect working with slice of strings and PromptObject


  • bump CLI version to 0.7.0
  • sync added as alias to the prepare command
  • human readable messages for prompts
  • .gitignore updated
  • error messages updated. NewOptionNotValidError now takes the used value and the corrects ones as args
  • overall liting

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #7 from sveltinio/skeleton-project

v0.6.1 (2022-03-12)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • set html scroll-behavior to smooth
  • exit if running sveltin commands from a not valid directory


  • bump CLI version to 0.6.1

v0.6.0 (2022-03-12)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • remove type annotation, trivially inferred from a string literal

🚀 New Features

  • page endpoints support added
  • logger: log.Plain added


  • bump CLI version to 0.6.0
  • replacing listLogger with direct log calls
  • utility function to get underline text added
  • use the last sveltekit and static-adapter tested versions
  • root.go: unused function removed

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #5 from sveltinio/deps-update
  • Merge pull request #4 from sveltinio/shadows

v0.5.5 (2022-03-10)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • libList.gotxt: resource name variable


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.5

v0.5.4 (2022-03-09)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • artifacts names in human readable way support added


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.4

Pull Requests

  • Merge pull request #3 from sveltinio/fix/human-readable-names

v0.5.3 (2022-03-08)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • favicons


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.3

v0.5.2 (2022-03-07)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • deploy.go: --excludeFile flag renamed as --withExcludeFile

🚀 New Features

  • deploy.go: --excludeFile flag added


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.2
  • collections.go: unique and union methods added
  • fs.go: method ReadFileLineByLine added

v0.5.1 (2022-03-07)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • svelte.config.js: set config.kit.prerender.default to true


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.1

v0.5.0 (2022-03-07)

Full Changelog

🚀 New Features

  • sveltin prepare command

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • nest_steps.go renamed as help_messages.go
  • new underlying logging lib developed
  • CheckIfError renamed as ExitIfError to reflect what it does


  • bump CLI version to 0.5.0
  • deploy command places the backup file within backups folder
  • retrieve project name from package.json file
  • golang deps updated
  • dependencies updated
  • fatalf string updated
  • using the new logging library
  • add PromptConfirm util function for asking a yes or no question
  • new IsError method added.
  • commented code block deleted
  • prompt.go: Select instead of SelectAdd

📖 Documentation

  • sveltin root command documentation updated

v0.4.0 (2022-02-26)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • errors handling
  • newContent.go: template strings
  • next_steps.go: typo

🚀 New Features

  • deploy over FTP command added

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • next_steps.go: interpolate multiline strings


  • cli version bumped to 0.4.0
  • code cleansing
  • delete newPage_test file
  • struct SiteConfig renamed as ProjectConfig and moved to a specific file
  • pages.go: lint
  • text.go: method ToBasePath added

📖 Documentation

  • code comments
  • overall code comments
  • typos fixed
  • cmd descriptions updated
  • README: updated
  • generateSitemap: typo

v0.3.1 (2022-02-17)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • env file templates with server port number
  • trailingSlash to always


  • bump cli version to 0.3.1

📖 Documentation

  • typo
  • scss added to the list of css libs

v0.3.0 (2022-02-15)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • typos
  • pages styles fixed to have center text

🚀 New Features

  • SCSS support added

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • template execution
  • logger and printer
  • package.json file and npmclient handling
  • package manager handling


  • cli version bumped to 0.3.0

📖 Documentation

  • updated

v0.2.14 (2022-02-04)

Full Changelog

🚀 New Features

  • bulma support implemented

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • tailwind css and vanilla css themes


  • cli version bumped to 0.2.14
  • editorconfig updated
  • dependencies update

v0.2.13 (2022-02-02)

Full Changelog


  • cli version bumped to 0.2.13
  • Remove target option

v0.2.12 (2022-02-01)

Full Changelog

v0.2.11 (2022-01-27)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • app.html: path to favicon, prism theme and script file


  • cli version bumped to 0.2.11

v0.2.10 (2022-01-27)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • generate menu command used js instead of ts as file extension causing errors on loading

v0.2.9 (2022-01-27)

Full Changelog

🔧 Code Refactoring

  • clone()` on fetch response workaround to avoid 'body used already' error building the project removed

📖 Documentation

  • readme updated

v0.2.8 (2022-01-26)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • pages templates and variables names
  • image path on seo components


  • changelog file added
  • cli version bumped to 0.2.7

📖 Documentation

  • readme updated

v0.2.7 (2022-01-25)

Full Changelog

v0.2.6 (2022-01-25)

Full Changelog

Bug Fixes

  • seo for pages
  • interfaces names to match the new ones from the packages


  • cli version bumped to 0.2.6
  • dependencies update

📖 Documentation

  • README: aliases added