Clustering Villages
Using Cluster-Scanline-D8-Algorithm for clustering rasterized data
- add names to villages
- add general map names
draw on pixel buffer
- text
- lines
- polygons ...
Save Aspect in rad value for smoother shading!
integrate pipeline in commander!
add DynamicLayerProperties (configuration for RecomMapEntity) (/)
known issues or optimizations:
- fix window stage tacview size setting onload -> issue is that window size + engine size is the same at this moment
- add scale bar
- add measurement tool
- add menu
- background Entity layer?
- basic property editor / UI
- Spring Boot Executors -> use virtual threads
Account Settings are also cached -> reset when creating new account!....
TODO/BUG MapMetaDataService.mapExists cache gets not deleted after gameMap was imported!
tidy up unfinished MapTransactions @Scheduled
tidy up entities from cache !? @Scheduled
x heatmaps generator
unit scanner: run regularly
render/pixelbuffer optimization -> use native buffer
render to image; use graficContext do draw images -> opengl acceleration
add sortable physics modifier components
Transactions have to time out via scheduler after one hour
normalize db/gameMap entities table
use @Embeddable types for coordinates ...
gameMap data immutable (do not offer setters); use @Access(AccessType.FIELD) for all unmodifiable entities!
db migration scripts
- add gameMap default account to db in init (same as used in postman collection)
DB-based Configuration System
- new db config values for type-colors, z-indexes, etc.
- Open for Comments; see TODOS in AsyncCacheableRequestProcessor -> app cache management move to this class; do not use @cacheable annotations anymore?
try forest clustering again; will not work with convex hulls; we need to implement concave hulls!
forest heatmap rendering
replace POST clustering call with GET call (affects client)
gameMap size is not necessarily square! -> fix scanner!
save gameMap size to gameMap data and add output to gameMap meta data
rework scanner; now works with sphere -> we need to implement a cube scanner!
- get gameMap height for setting the cube height
woods detection
military detection
industrial detection
terrain heightmap
forest heatmap
improve DBcached:
- add cache reset endpoint
- wrap around method via annotation
- use BeanPostProcessor to wrap around methods
- add column for key->keyHash:indexed, cacheName->hash:indexed, dataType
- move to separate project / dependency
add communication loop between client and server to check if the current gameMap is actually indexed or not; only execute gameMap-scan-process if gameMap is not indexed!
- first time: only once at startup time
- advanced: reindex also if index is suddenly deleted from server (work with http codes if you query for clusters)
move from POST-get http methods to real GET Methods. we only need to pass MapName (and eventual token name) so we can get rid of the POST-Request-DTOs
Use spring health actuator instead health controller ...
jwt com.recom.authentication implemented; add roles and permissions (also to db); after login account-token should make claims, from the database persisted roles/claims
- add tests for RSAKeyGenerator.java
Create INITIAL ADMIN-USER on FIRST STARTUP if not exists (random password)
- secure authenticate/new-account endpoints
- add account management endpoints (delete, update, change password)
Error Handling
- DB based error logging with route, payload, timestamp, request-ip in error logging table!
- controller/controller advice
- async error handler
- Should error responses give more information? also important for the error logging in db....
- ServerErrorDto & BadRequestDto are equal in structure ...
delete gameMap via POST
- -> remove corresponding configs
- -> cache reset
add tests for Runners
Implement concave hull generator (besides existing convex hull)
add dependency license generator
Add Docker Compose
Transactional Controller Template?
gameMap Entity query/filter controller
documentation / wiki
project page
- ConcaveHull.java implements Point on its own; change to Point2D Implementation so we dont need to gameMap this data
- but first we have to test if we want to keep the ConcaveHull implementation~~
separate libs / dependencies / common shared code
- dbcached