Teensy 4.1 Flight Computer -> main.ino and main_simple.ino - Weather Balloon Flight Computer -
The current CODE example contains:
- Teensy 4.1 - MCU
- LoRa RFM95W - Telemetry
- uBlox M10Q - GPS
- BMP085 - Barometer
- MPU6050 - Accelerometer / Gyroscope
- HMC5883L - Magnetometer / Compass
15/11/2023 - We Are Updating the Test Codes for each component like GPS, Gyroscope, LoRa etc... Soon to update the Main CODE.
RevoTOR PilotR1 Flight Computer
- 3.3v power input
- USB C programmer
- BOSCH BMM 150 Magnetometer
- BOSCH BMP581 Pressure sensor
- uBlox MAX-m10s-00B GPS
- LoRa RFM95W
- microSD Card Slot
- RGB Status LED
- Mode Push Button
For more info visit our Discord Server at: https://discord.gg/HCXPvBpP
RevoTOR Power Module
- x5 - 3.3V power supply
- x5 - 5v power supply
- x2 18650 batteries
- I2C communication with MCU
For more info visit our Discord Server at: https://discord.gg/HCXPvBpP
RevoTOR Control Module
- x4 Servo'
- x2 DC Motor's
- x2 Stepper Motor's
For more info visit our Discord Server at: https://discord.gg/HCXPvBpP