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Patterns view

Patterns view is an area, which allows you to manage the saved regex patterns.

How does it look like?

Screenshot of patterns view

Pattern naming convention

Each tree level is formed via the "_" delimiter in the pattern name.

For example the following regex name:


will form the following representation:

Screenshot of pattern example

All saved patterns are represented as a tree-view.

Saving the new regex patterns

To save a new element you can do the following.

Enter any useful regex expression into the "regex input" edit field:

Screenshot of regex input field

Then, do a right-click to visualize the context menu, and select the "Save ..." option:

Screenshot of regex input field's context menu with the selected "Save ..." option

Fill in the alias name. Depending on which element was the already selected one in the "Patterns view" the plugin might auto-fill part of the alias name, to locate a new pattern in the same sub-tree. After that press OK:

Screenshot of the "Specify alias" dialog

Check the result in the "Patterns view":

Screenshot of the newly saved pattern


The easiest way to use the newly saved regex pattern is to double-click on it. That will cause a search with the usage of a stand-alone regex pattern.

Relocation of the sub-tree levels

The plugin allows you to move a particular sub-tree into another location.

Just select any non-leaf element:

Screenshot of "Edit" sub-tree context-menu

Adjust its location, via e.g.:

  • Addition of new sub-tree levels
  • Removal of existing sub-tree levels
  • Specifying the totally new location

Screenshot of the sub-tree "Edit" dialog

Screenshot of the adjusted sub-tree "Edit" dialog

Press OK:

Screenshot of the adjusted sub-tree "Edit" dialog with the cursor on OK button

Check the modified tree:

Screenshot of the sub-tree "Edit" operation result


It is possible to move one sub-tree level into another one. In such a case plugin's implementation will merge both sub-trees. In case if 2 sub-trees will have collisions of leaf elements, the plugin will ask you regarding whether you want to overwrite the existing pattern with the candidate one. The prompt will be provided for each collision.

Editing the existing elements

You can edit already existing patterns.

Just select any target leaf element:

Screenshot of "Edit" pattern context-menu

Adjust its location, via e.g.:

  • Addition of new sub-tree levels
  • Removal of existing sub-tree levels
  • Specifying the totally new location
  • Changing the regex name

Adjust the target regex.

Screenshot of the pattern "Edit" dialog

Screenshot of the adjusted pattern "Edit" dialog - alias adjusted

Screenshot of the adjusted pattern "Edit" dialog - regex adjusted

Press OK:

Screenshot of the adjusted pattern "Edit" dialog with the cursor on OK button

Check the modified tree:

Screenshot of the pattern "Edit" operation result

Def. & Comb. options

Each saved regex pattern within the plugin as of now has 4 parameters, 3 of which are persisted:

  • Regex alias - persisted
  • Regex expression - persisted
  • Default - persisted
  • Combination - on start-up equal to the default parameter. In-RAM parameter only. Not persisted

The purpose of "default" and "combination" settings is to allow you to form more complex regex expressions from a set of the saved ones.

Some examples from the real project: you want to see "FPS of your app" & "CPU consumption of cgroups" & "Top 10 threads within the system" & "List of crashed systemd services". Combination of 4 regex patterns would easily allow forming such a request to analyze performance issues.

As I can't provide here examples from the real project, here is another "simplification with screenshots".

I've created 2 patterns:

  • One gets system journal messages of dlt-daemon
  • Another one gets the "logger_test" message from the system journal and marks it as an error.

I've checked the "comb." setting of both patterns:

Screenshot of the combination example

Now I've pressed "Enter" to apply the combination. Result regex will consist of regexes of both parts of combination, concatenated with "pipe" OR operator:

Screenshot of the combination example

The search result will consider both parts of the request and will contain the following messages:

Screenshot of the combined search result

As you might assume, the "Def." option means the same as "Comb.", besides the fact that it gets persisted into the JSON configuration. So on next each LC of the dlt-viewer, the plugin will return to the set of "Def." patterns. You can think of it as of some sort of favorites option.

Another bonuses, which come with this functionality, are the ability to:

  • Instantly switch from any Comb. selection back to a set of "Def." favorites
  • Clear the "Comb." selection to create some specific combination

Screenshot of the combined search result


Above example is a simplification. But in case, if you have 100+ saved patterns, then those options will allow you to feel the power of deep analysis at your fingertips.

Patterns search

"Pattern view" functionality allows you to search specific regex expressions by their aliases. Simply use the "Search" input field to narrow down the number of the shown regex patterns. The regex expressions are used to implement the search, so you can combine multiple names with "|" operator:

Screenshot of the pattern search

Also, there is a possibility to filter only comb or def patterns and hide all the others.

Type in "%def" to see ONLY "Def." patterns:

Screenshot of the combined search result

Type in "%comb" to see ONLY "Comb." patterns:

Screenshot of the combined search result

Usage of multiple regex configuration files

Let's imagine, that 2 developers are working in the different teams and different domains of the same project. And, for some specific case, one needs to get the "analysis domain knowledge" of the other to analyze a specific rare top issue. Usually, such attempts end up with endless time-consuming ping-pong communications and meetings between the domains.

The plugin allows shortening the time of knowledge transfer, as it allows you to work with multiple regex configuration files. That means, that, if each domain is forming their "analysis knowledge" in form of the regex patterns within the plugin, the sharing becomes as trivial as sending the regex configuration file to the colleague.

The following option in the context menu of the "Patterns view" will allow you to open the location of the regex storage of the plugin within your filesystem explorer:

Screenshot of "Open regex patterns storage" context-menu

The opened file-system path would look something like this:

Screenshot of "regex patterns storage" location within the file-system

You can use that to add someone's configuration file or to get yours. The plugin's implementation continuously monitors the context of the folder. As soon as it gets a notification about the file-system update, it will update its own "available regex configurations" combo-box:

Screenshot of the regex config file selection combo-box

As soon as you will select the alternative regex configuration, the view will be updated with the new patterns:

Screenshot of the patterns, loaded from selected alternative file


Plugin supports copy-paste of patterns between the files via the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts ( or via the corresponding context-menu items ). It might become quite useful, in case if you'll decide to use some of the colleague's regexes in combination with your ones.

Currently, it works ONLY within an instance of the dlt-viewer. Sharing between the multiple instances is not supported.

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