Create a file in application/configs called secret-config.json
. You can follow application/configs/example-config.json.
Set up a secret-config.json file:
- ethNodeAddress: The IP address and port of the ethereum node you want to connect to
- testNodeAddress: The IP address and port of the ethereum node you want to connect to for testing
- walletAddress: Your ethereum wallet address.
- privateKey: Your ethereum private key.
- usdcTokenAddress: Address for the USDC token contract.
- routerContractAddress: Address for the uniswap router contract.
- chainID: Set to 1 for mainnet.
- chain: Name of the chain to use. "mainnet" for mainnet.
Update the file in application/configs called strategy-config.json
to set your custom strategy
I needed to link the docker container running my node to the bridge network:
docker network connect bridge <ethereum node container id>
To run via docker user the commands
docker build -t application .
docker run -it application
To run the program, run from the application directory npm run start
- Set up you secret-config.json file
npm run test