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How to make python-telegram-bot

1. Registering a Telegram Bot

  • Choose a bot name and then choose a username for your bot. It must end in bot
  • Like : newsbuddy_bot
  • Then the bot will be created

2. Setup a Python Virtual Environment

A virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated python virtual environments for them.

  • Create a Project Folder and run following command to create a new virtual environment inside your project folder:
python -m venv myvenv
  • After running above command, a folder named myvenv will get created in your project folder. Activate the virtual environment by running following command:
    • For ubuntu and mac users:

      source myvenv/bin/activate
    • For windows users:


3. Install required Python Packages:

pip install python-telegram-bot

4. Start Coding

  • Enable Logging
import logging

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  • Create Updater
updater = Updater(TOKEN)
  • Create Dispatcher
dp = updater.dispatcher
  • Add handlers
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", _help))
dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, echo_text))
dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.sticker, echo_sticker))

5. Setting up a server

  • Install Flask
pip install flask
  • Setup Webhook
# create telegram bot object
bot = Bot(TOKEN)
# set webhook for telegram bot
bot.set_webhook("" + TOKEN)
  • Create view to handle webhooks
@app.route(f'/{TOKEN}', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def webhook():
    """webhook view which receives updates from telegram"""
    # create update object from json-format request data
    update = Update.de_json(request.get_json(), bot)
    # process update
    return "ok"
  • Generate Public URL for Webhook using

ngrok is a free tool that allows us to tunnel from a public URL to our application running locally.

  • Download ngrok
  • Unzip it.
  • Run ngrok from command line (from the location where executable is stored)
  • Ports currently supported for Webhooks: 443, 80, 88, 8443
  ./ngrok http 8443
  • Copy the HTTPS Forwarding URL

5. Introduction to Dialogflow

  • Login into dialogflow console

  • Create a new agent or import a pre-built agent

  • From settings page of agent, open the service account of your project in Google Cloud Console

  • Create a new service account for your project. Download private key for the service account in a JSON file

  • Install Python Client for Dialogflow

  • dialogflow-python-client

pip install dialogflow
# in
import os
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = 'client.json'
# Original address can be given or client.json should be present in same directory
# client.json is the key file downloaded from google cloud console

import dialogflow_v2 as dialogflow
dialogflow_session_client = dialogflow.SessionsClient()
PROJECT_ID = "newsbot-xsfd"
# This Project id can be found in settings page of agent
def detect_intent_from_text(text, session_id, language_code='en'):
  session = dialogflow_session_client.session_path(PROJECT_ID, session_id)
  text_input = dialogflow.types.TextInput(text=text, language_code=language_code)
  query_input = dialogflow.types.QueryInput(text=text_input)
  response = dialogflow_session_client.detect_intent(session=session, query_input=query_input)
  return response.query_result
response = detect_intent_from_text("show me sports news from india in hindi", 12345)

▶️ get_news


▶️ {'geo-country': 'India', 'language': 'Hindi', 'topic': 'Sports'}

6. Integrating dialogflow to telegram bot

from gnewsclient import gnewsclient

client = gnewsclient.NewsClient()

def get_reply(query, chat_id):
	response = detect_intent_from_text(query, chat_id)

	if response.intent.display_name == 'get_news':
		return "get_news", dict(response.parameters)
		return "small_talk", response.fulfillment_text
  • News Source
pip install gnewsclient
client.location = 'India'
client.language = 'Hindi'
client.topic = 'Sports'

▶️ {'language': 'Hindi', 'location': 'India', 'topic': 'Sports'}


▶️ `[{'link': '',

'media': None,

'title': "विराट कोहली के समर्थन में उतरे सलमान बट्ट, माइकल वॉन की ऐसे की 'बेइज्जती' - Aaj Tak"},

{'link': '',

'media': None,

'title': 'दिल्ली: मर्डर केस में पहलवान सुशील कुमार के खिलाफ गैर जमानती वारंट जारी - Hindustan'},

{'link': '',

'media': None,

'title': 'भुवनेश्वर कुमार ने टेस्ट नहीं खेलने की खबर को नकारा, कहा- तीनों फॉर्मेट में चयन के लिए उपलब्ध हूं - दैनिक जागरण'}]`

  • Integrating gnewsclient in telegram bot
def fetch_news(parameters):
	client.language = parameters.get('language')
	client.location = parameters.get('geo-country')
	client.topic = parameters.get('topic')
	return client.get_news()[:5]

7. Custom Keyboard Reply Markup

def news(bot, update):
	bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Choose a category", 
		reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=topics_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
  • A keyboard is provided as a list of lists (consider it like a table)
topics_keyboard = [
	['Top Stories', 'World', 'Nation'], 
    ['Business', 'Technology', 'Entertainment'], 
	['Sports', 'Science', 'Health']

8. Create some new files for Heroku deployment

  • Procfile : A Procfile is a mechanism for declaring what commands are run by your application's dynos on the Heroku platform.
web gunicorn app:app

Also, install gunicorn in your virtual environment:

pip install gunicorn
  • runtime.txt

To specify a particular version of Python via your app's runtime.txt

  • requirements.txt

Contains all 3rd party libraries required by your app.

Simply do:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

to generate a requirements.txt file.

  • .gitignore

.gitignore file specifies patterns which are used to exclude certain files in your working directory from your Git history.


9. Now, its time to create a Heroku app!

  • Setup Git repository Download

    • Initialize a new git repository in your project folder.
    git init
    • Add all untracked files to git repository by:
    git add .
    • Commit the changes to git repository by:
    git commit -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE_HERE"
  • Create a new heroku account

  • Download Heroku CLI.

  • Create a new Heroku app.

heroku create <your-app-name>
  • Edit and set webhook URL as your Heroku app's URL
bot.set_webhook("" + TOKEN)
  • Finally, you are ready to deploy your app by pushing your local git repository to the remote heroku app's git repository by:
git push heroku master
  • To check the logs of your heroku app:
heroku logs