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on Employee filterBy(isActiveEmployee) aggregate count(Employee.EmployeeID)
- on
- validUntil
- instant
- filterBy
- aggregate
- count
- Add Subject, Property, concept validations
- Query transformation
- Unit tests on lexer, parser, visitor and query transformation
- Custom Errors for lexer, parser, Subject, Property, concept validations
- Integrate remaining keywords
- default analytic dashboards & widgets
- formulas for each widget
- define objects and functions, keywords for 1st phase
simple arithmetic expression and query language expression
on identifier aggregate count(identifier)
on identifier validUntil Instant filterBy(identifier) aggregate count(identifier)
now i want to extend the grammar to support query language expression followed by arithmetic expression and another one is arithmetic expression followed by query language expression.
for example: query language expression followed by arithmetic expression:
on identifier aggregate count(identifier) + 10 + 10 * 1 * 15 / 44
on identifier validUntil Instant aggregate count(identifier) * 5
on identifier filterBy(identifier) aggregate count(identifier) / 5
on identifier validUntil Instant filterBy(identifier) aggregate count(identifier) - 4
arithmetic expression followed by query language expression:
5 + on identifier aggregate count(identifier)
5 * 5 + on identifier validUntil Instant aggregate count(identifier)
5 / 5 + on identifier filterBy(identifier) aggregate count(identifier)
5 - 4 + on identifier validUntil Instant filterBy(identifier) aggregate count(identifier)
please correct the parser accordingly, and query language should present only once