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This guide details the steps needed to install or update the SWAN SDK for Python. The SDK is a comprehensive toolkit designed to facilitate seamless interactions with the SwanChain API.


To use Swan SDK, you first need to install it and its dependencies. Before installing Swan SDK, install Python 3.8 or later and

Install the latest Swan SDK release via pip:

pip install swan-sdk

Or install via GitHub:

git clone
cd python-swan-sdk
pip install .

Get Orchestrator API Key

To use swan-sdk, an Orchestrator API key is required.

Steps to get an API Key:

  • Go to Orchestrator Dashboard, switch network to Mainnet.
  • Login through MetaMask.
  • Click the user icon on the top right.
  • Click 'Show API-Key' -> 'New API Key'
  • Store your API Key safely, do not share with others.

Using Swan

To use Swan SDK, you must first import it and indicate which service you're going to use:

import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

Now that you have an Orchestrator service, you can create and deploy instance applications as an Orchestrator task with the service.

result = swan_orchestrator.create_task(
task_uuid = result['task_uuid']

Then you can follow up task deployment information and the URL for running applications.

# Get task deployment info
task_deployment_info = swan_orchestrator.get_deployment_info(task_uuid=task_uuid)
print(json.dumps(task_deployment_info, indent=2))

# Get application instances URL
app_urls = swan_orchestrator.get_real_url(task_uuid)

A Sample Tutorial

For more detailed samples, consult SDK Samples.


Orchestrator allows you to create task to run application instances to the powerful distributed computing providers network.

Fetch available instance resources

Before using Orchestrator to deploy task, it is necessary to know which instance resources are available. Through get_instance_resources you can get a list of available instance resources including their region information.

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

available_resources = swan_orchestrator.get_instance_resources()
print(json.dumps(available_resources, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

Sample output:

    "hardware_id": 0,
    "instance_type": "C1ae.small",
    "description": "CPU only · 2 vCPU · 2 GiB",
    "type": "CPU",
    "region": [
      "North Carolina-US",
    "price": "0.0",
    "status": "available"
    "hardware_id": 12,
    "instance_type": "G1ae.small",
    "description": "Nvidia 3080 · 4 vCPU · 8 GiB",
    "type": "GPU",
    "region": [
      "North Carolina-US",
    "price": "10.0",
    "status": "available"

Create and deploy a task

Deploy a simple application with Swan SDK:

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

result = swan_orchestrator.create_task(
task_uuid = result['task_uuid']
# Get task deployment info
task_deployment_info = swan_orchestrator.get_deployment_info(task_uuid=task_uuid)
print(json.dumps(task_deployment_info, indent=2))

It may take up to 5 minutes to get the deployment result:

# Get application instances URL
app_urls = swan_orchestrator.get_real_url(task_uuid)

A sample output:

['', '', '']

It shows that this task has three applications. Open the URL in the web browser you will view the application's information if it is running correctly.

Check information of an existing task

With Orchestrator, you can check information for an existing task to follow up or view task deployment.

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

# Get an existing task deployment info
task_deployment_info = swan_orchestrator.get_deployment_info(<task_uuid>)
print(json.dumps(task_deployment_info, indent=2))

Access application instances of an existing task

With Orchestrator, you can easily get the deployed application instances for an existing task.

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

# Get application instances URL
app_urls = swan_orchestrator.get_real_url(<task_uuid>)

Renew an existing task

If you have already submitted payment for the renewal of a task, you can use the tx_hash with renew_task to extend the task.

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

renew_result = swan_orchestrator.renew_task(
    duration=3600, # Optional: default 3600 seconds (1 hour)

if renew_result and renew_result['status'] == 'success':
    print(f"successfully renewed {<task_uuid>}")
    print(f"Unable to renew {<task_uuid>}")

Terminate an existing task

You can also early terminate an existing task and its application instances. By terminating task, you will stop all the related running application instances and thus you will get refund of the remaining task duration.

import json
import swan

swan_orchestrator = swan.resource(api_key='<SWAN_API_KEY>', service_name='Orchestrator')

# Terminate an existing task (and its application instances)


The PYTHON SWAN SDK is released under the MIT license, details of which can be found in the LICENSE file.