BaoBUI is an interfaced meant to render in a 3D environment the movements executed by the BaoBOS robotic arm.
BaoBUI uses GLFW, an open-source platform for OpenGL.
GLSL is used as a shading langage.
Due to the current lack of lighting, shaders are currently mainly used to store texture data.
Most textures are taken from the Portal Game Series, with exception for the Companion Cube.
BaoBUI uses responses and ambient audio from the Portal Game Series.
All sound is buffered and played via SFML.
UP: Increase Y-Coordinate
DOWN: Decrease Y-Coordinate
RIGHT: Increase X-Coordinate
LEFT: Decrease X-Coordinate
W: Decrease Z-Coordinate
D: Increase Z-Coordinate
T: Positive Yaw
R: Negative Yaw
T: Positive Pitch
R: Negative Picth
U: Unlock Camera
L: Lock Camera
Note: Lock camera forces all X,Y,Z movements to be within the following bounds:
X witin [-10, 10]
, Y within [-10, 10]
, Z within [5, 15]
: minimum version required 3.3
: minimum version required 3.2.x
: minimum version required 2.4.x