The Process Scheduling Simulator is a web-based tool designed to simulate and analyze various CPU scheduling algorithms. It provides a platform for understanding the behavior and performance of different scheduling algorithms in a simulated computing environment. This project focuses on implementing the Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) scheduling algorithm and providing insights into its efficiency in managing processes on a CPU.
You can access the live demo of the Process Scheduling Simulator here.
Input Customization: Users can customize input parameters such as the number of processes, arrival times, and burst times. This allows for flexibility in simulating different scenarios and analyzing the behavior of the scheduling algorithm under various conditions.
Simulation Results: The simulator provides detailed simulation results, including completion times, turnaround times, and waiting times for each process. It also calculates the average turnaround time and average waiting time across all processes, providing insights into the overall performance of the scheduling algorithm.
Gantt Chart Visualization: A Gantt chart visualization is generated to visually represent the execution of processes over time. This chart illustrates the timeline of process execution, highlighting the start and end times of each process along with their respective quantum usage.
- Open the live demo link provided above.
- Customize input parameters such as the number of processes, arrival times, and burst times.
- Click the "Simulate" button to run the simulation.
- Explore the simulation results, including completion times, turnaround times, waiting times, average turnaround time, and average waiting time.
- Analyze the Gantt chart visualization to understand the timeline of process execution and quantum usage.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Frontend development.
- Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) Scheduling Algorithm: Backend logic for process scheduling simulation.
- Chart.js: Library for generating Gantt chart visualizations.
Contributions to the Process Scheduling Simulator project are welcome! If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For any inquiries or support regarding the Process Scheduling Simulator, please contact me.
This project is for educational and demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for use in production environments.